- Fixed combining issue of transformable boxes which produced broken boxes which cause troubles as soon as they are combined even further
- Fixed recipe self overlap fix not working properly
- Fixed block updates disconnecting player if it is not a sub world
- Fixed not loading animation handler when switching dimensions
- Improved performance when adding tiles (especially apparent in recipe overlap fix)
- Fixed bug in memory leak causing it to adding back n^n boxes
- Fixed memory buffer leak
- Fixed player placement settings not being available on server causing lots of issues
- Fixed performance issue calculating faces of block entity
- Fixed getPositionGrid only being available on client side
- Fixed not being able to place blocks when right clicking tile
- Fixed animation handler not being loaded in certain case causing a crash
- Fixed crash when using stencil mode on dedicated server
- Fixed face culling over multiple blocks not working if they have different grid sizes
- Fixed mark mode selecting position not working
- Fixed outline box being different during animation
- Fixed sync issue when interacting with entity causing blocks in world to disappear
- Fixed crash when importing old sliding door structure with 16 grid offset
- Fixed combine transformable boxes even though it should not (not checking if lines are the same but only if they are parallel)
- Fixed structure not being able to connect on server side when calling it from off thread
- Moved shape intersection calculations to CreativeCore
- Fixed not being able to convert all tile data from 1.12
- Fixed not rendering preview when fabulous graphics are enabled
- Reworked left and right click (should finally fix all issues regarding interactions)
- Fixed crash when door closes and does not have space to be placed
- Fixed removal of additional might not be synchronized causing a crash
- Fixed crash when rendering entity level
- Fixed crash in overlay renderer due to missing style
- Fixed c&b integration causing a crash in certain cases
- Fixed crash when placing transformable box which tries to figure out minimal required grid
- Fixed placement issue on server side (caused by tiles and offset having different grids)
- Fixed potential issue when sending int arrays
- Fixed crash when importing doors from 1.12 without events
- Reworked structure directional to allow for special types
- Added list type to structure directional
- Fixed signal display
- Fixed missing translations for signal configuration
- Fixed item holder rendering offset when placed on certain positions
- Fixed attempting to render invisible tiles
- Fixed rendering issue with cable, inputs and outputs (have to be placed again in order to make them work)
- Fixed signal tickers not being able to handle situation where there are no tickets yet
- Fixed rendered blockentity not working properly (causing all content to vanish)
- Fixed signal component search having incorrect indexes
- Fixed missing translation in light structure configuration
- Fixed external inputs and outputs not getting recognized in recipe test
- Fixed placement and grid configuration gui
- Fixed grid config not having expected behavior when it comes to changes listener
- Removed debug information from wrench signal tooltip
- Removed unused lang file from 1.12
- Added ability for a structure to schedule an update which notifies neighbours
- Fixed item holder
- Fixed crash when rendering box item
- Fixed missing translation of premade structure inside recipe gui
- Fixed interaction with light structure being inverted
- Fixed rotating group causing child structures to be rotated multiple times
- Small performance improvement when rendering quads (remove creation of unnecessary iteration objects)
- Adapted CreativeCore iterator changes
- Fixed signal converter
- Fixed structure builder
- Fixed crash when structure schedules a signal update during processing signal changes
- Fixed issue when comparing signals using a specified bandwidth
- Fixed equals for SignalState not working
- Fixed issue which can occur while scanning for block handlers
- Fixed blanc-o-matic
- Fixed issue with oculus
- Fixed potential crash when starting up the game
- Removed PreviewRender duplicate
- Added translation for workbench and particle emitter
- Added finishedPlacement to LittleStructure
- Fixed particle emitter
- Fixed workbench
- Fixed crash by missing particle texture
- Fixed blockentity only ticking on server side
- Fixed converting tiles block causing it to lose waterlogged status
- Fixed not checking if blockentity is ticking properly (causing unnecessary block changes)
- Fixed converting block to different blockstate even though it is empty
- Fixed setting bounds of transformable box too small which causes it to not be compatible with its original grid
- Fixed crash when importing 1.12 structures with unknown blocks
- Fixed transformable box missing after rotation
- Fixed being able to set zero renderingThreadCount
- Fixed structure signal update not being done for all placed structures
- Added ability to stack block ingredients in inventory
- Fixed little blocks getting saved to registry without name causing lots of troubles
- Fixed picking up block ingredient with value higher than one causing duplicates
- Fixed crash on server side when mining tiles
- Added configuration for color storage size, inventory with and height
- Fixed several issues related to bag
- Fixed creating littleblock endlessly causing lots of troubles related to block ingredients
- Fixed afterPlaced() not being called to all structures if none structures are involved
- Fixed random crash which could occur once in a while when loading new blocks
- Fixed being able to edit non solid blocks
- Fixed weird hover name of block ingredients
- Fixed rendering block ingredients incorrectly
- Added missing translation for creative tab
- Fixed exception on server side when using configuring glove, paint brush and screwdriver
- Fixed intersection method being too accurate, causing pillar shapes to be removed due to the floating point precision