- Removed obsolete fixes for embeddium
- Fixed messing up alpha colors of other mods when using embeddium
- Updated Embeddium & Oculus support
- Added support for translucentSorting from Embeddium
- Fixed random freeze which could occur if embeddium is installed (during chunk update)
- Fixed crash when curve has points longer or exactly as long as the duration is
- Fixed not loading animations correctly on server side
- Fixed curseforge gradle task causing crash when not token is provided
- Fixed not being able to sneak on slopes
- Fixed no collision checks not working on client side
- Fixed not clearing item cache when reloading resourcepack
- Adapted CreativeCore gui changes 2.11.27
- Fixed crash when looking at a block before it has been loaded
- Fixed bed spawn positions not working
- Fixed bed gui (readded direction preview)
- Fixed several gui issues (specially missing shape setting description and missing translations)
- Fixed storage gui
- Fixed mark mode up and down keybind not working
- Fixed axis door preview when using lines (axis box is now as large as the structure itself)
- Fixed crashing if only oculus is installed
- Fixed crash with Create (caused by creating level off-thread)
- Fixed crash with sub level due to missing poimanager
- Added toVanillaGridF for float precision
- Fixed pillar & wall inside shape not working correctly
- Fixed pillar shape side being weird at time
- Reworked pillar & wall shape to work in all circumstances
- Reimplemented entity collision (performance improvement for big animations in comparison to 1.12)
- Fixed not updating shape when position stays the same but face changes
- Fixed rendering issue caused by convert block to new grid
- Fixed replace mode of glove not working as intended (replaced all tiles not just the ones out of the same type)
- Fixed not queuing new rendering update when it got blocked at first
- Fixed Embeddium not handling triangle shading correctly
- Fixed animation computing new bounding box even when it is empty which caused a crash
- Fixed issue when downloading buffers while still uploading (happens if animation/ block is destroyed shortly after placing)
- Fixed rendering block while receiving block update (either should trigger a requeue or skip the block for the moment)
- Fixed inaccuracy when destroying tiles (causing tile nod found error)
- Fixed issue when placing transformable box over a block edge
- Fixed ladders not working
- Fixed bed not working
- Fixed inaccuracy when interacting with tiles of they are a part of an animation (causing tile nod found error)
- Fixed animations sometimes being unhittable
- Fixed not rendering animation preview in blueprint gui
- Fixed crash if Embeddium is installed but not Oculus
- Fixed issue of tiles randomly changing grid size when picked or being displayed by the one probe or jade
- Fixed intersection between normal and transformable box not working in all cases
- Fixed fill mode sometimes causing weird grid size issues
- Fixed placement check if there is enough space having troubles with different grids
- Fixed crash when oculus & embeddium is installed, but no shaders are used
- Updated to newest c&b version
- Fixed converting tile to vanilla block ignoring color
- Fixed replace, overwrite and overwrite_all mode undo not working properly
- Added interaction hand to use method in tile and structure (closes #938)
- Fixed premade structures ingredient issue (required tiles instead of the actual structure item)
- Potential fix for broken transformable box inventory rendering
- Reworked door rendering to make use of sodium renderer to allow for smooth transitions (also fixes weird artifacts caused by opening/ closing a door)
- Fixed a few memory leaks
- Updated to Embeddium 3.1.0
- Updated to Oculus 1.6.15
- Added connectedShapeBlocksLimit config (default is 128)
- Fixed invisible storage tiles not working properly
- Fixed not dropping item in gui of importer, exporter, blancomatic, workbench
- Fixed weird lighting issues with embeddium in regards to items
- Optimized performance of connected shape
- Reworked filters for screwdriver, hammer and paintbrush
- Fixed crash when using replace with screwdriver