- Kobold Dens now spawn base on biome tags, thus they can now spawn in modded biomes instead of vanilla-only.
- Fixed Localization Errors.
- Fixed Skelebold Loot Table.
~Added Config File:
- Three Configs are available:
- Zombies Attack Kobolds (False by Default)
- Illagers Attack Kobolds (False by Default)
- Villagers Avoids Kobolds (True by Default)
~Added Prospector Enchantment:
- Sold by Kobold Enchanters
- Applicable only to Axes and cannot be combined with Efficiency or Looting.
- Gives a small chance for any slain MONSTER entity to drop Emeralds.
~Added Artifact Enchantment:
Obtainable in Kobold Tombs in the Desert
If on a Crossbow, can be used for fishing.
If on a Kobold Sword, will apply a cobweb-like effect.
If on a Kobold Axe, will apply a fire effect on ANIMALS.
If on a Kobold Pickaxe, will instantly kill Silverfishes.
Added Kobold Infinity Potion of Healing
Updated Kobold Dungeon Desert Structure
- Kobolds will no longer drink a potion if their off-hand is busy.
- Kobolds breeds with Diamonds now (it makes sense and was voted on).
- ANY Kobold can be used for breeding as long as a Warrior is nearby.
- Named Kobold Children will no longer age.
- Kobold Warriors will now prefer Axe items over Sword items.
- Kobold Engineers will now pick-up items but will only trade crossbows for better crossbows.
- Fixed Lang File
- Fixed Kobold Desert Dungeon
~The entire mod was remade from scratch for 1.17.1, and thus I did the same thing for 1.16.5 to keep 1.16.5 more in line with what 1.17.1 will be like when released~
Cleaned out a lot of old code.
Removed unnecessary advancements.
Removed Wither Skelebold.
Removed Fallen Sword.
Removed Ocean Dungeons.
-Note: Didn't felt right to have a Drowned spawner essentially.
Remade all procedures and custom code.
Kobolds can now pick-up items.
Kobolds will no longer despawn in Peaceful mode.
Kobolds will no longer trigger "can't sleep when monsters are nearby".
Bread will now just heal kobolds when given to them (this will become amethyst in 1.17.1).
Cookies can be used to speed up a Kobold Child's growth (this will become amethyst in 1.17.1).
Apples is now used to breed kobolds again but they won't do the thing in front of the player anymore.
The Captain's acceptable items has been updated.
The Captain's trade system is now way better.
The Captain now uses item tags to determined what items can be sold to him.
-Note: This means you can now use a datapack to change his list of desired items.
ALL kobolds now have the required animations and AI to use tridents (off-hand only), shields, and crossbows.
Kobolds are now immune to all Kobold-Damage.
IDs for items and blocks has changed, so old worlds will see removal of those. Kept the IDs for the kobolds but a few of them will change in the 1.17.1 port.
- Kobolds can now pick up items.
- Kobolds will no longer despawn in Peaceful Mode.
- Kobolds will no longer count as monsters when attempting to sleep in a bed.
Note: This update wasn't originally planned as I am working on the 1.17.1 but due to how big these three small changes are, I wanted to do a final update for 1.16.5 to get these in. Please be warned though that giving non-warrior kobolds a shield can have unexpected results as I didn't went through fully and redo all of the model/animation code when giving them the ability to pick up items.
~Updated Pirate Den Structure:
- Remade the Ship area entirely.
- Moved/Added some loot chests around.
~Improved trades for Kobolds and Kobold Engineers:
- The trades from kobolds has been mostly lackluster, so I improved them all overall.
~Removed scripts that added new goals to vanilla entities:
- There was an extremely rare server crash related to these goals & monsters would prioritize the kobolds over the player due to these goals.
- This means villagers will not run away from kobolds and some monsters, like zombies, will not attack kobolds first.
- Note: Iron Golems will still attack kobolds.
~Changed target goals for kobolds:
- Most kobolds will no longer target certain entities and now only target villagers, zombies, and silverfish (as that makes sense due to their lore).
- Kobold Warriors will still target most entities though as it is their duty but they will not target silverfish.
- Note: Kobolds will still defend their own if they are hit.
- Updated ALL kobold dens to be more like stone-blobs to help increase quality of world generation (no more floating cobblestone pieces in larger caves).
- Removed a random block in the Desert Dungeon
- Removed a random block in the Pirate Den
- Removed an Illager loot table chest in the Mountain Den
- Removed a set of golden armor in the Mountain Den
- Increased chunk requirement for Mountain Dens & Desert Dungeons to make them less common.
- Skelebolds now have basic spawn requirements.
- -Note: Skelebolds and Zombolds can still spawn in light for some odd reason so am looking into that.
- Updated model code a tiny bit in hopes to fix some mod conflict issues.
- Fixed an issue where curing zombolds still consumes golden apples in Creative mode.
- Updated the code for curing zombolds to now have a 10% chance of the zombold becoming an Enchanter, Engineer, or Pirate Captain base on biome.
- Cured Zombolds will also become normal Pirate Kobolds instead of normal Kobolds in Jungle biomes.
- Fixed an issue with Kobold Warriors from structures can still spawn with crossbows.
- Updated all spawn related code to greatly improve spawn chances for weapon variety. Note: Old spawn code was ignoring structure related kobolds whom had a crossbow or trident already. Now, no matter what the original structure variation had, they will always spawn with a random new weapon.
- Combined Campfire and Large dens into one, using a mixture of biomes that both originally used.
- Added a 5th Large Den variation.
- Updated Kobold Swamp Dungeons a tiny bit.
- Removed abandoned variation from the small den pool. Note: It was awful and I want to do better abandoned dens in the future for Halloween.
- Updated Spanish, French, and German localization.
~Mountain & Pirate dens got updated a little bit:
Kobold Enchanters will no longer spawn in Mountain & Pirate dens.
Normal Kobolds will no longer spawn in Pirate Dens
Fixed an issue where a few kobolds would always spawn in stone and die due to suffocation in Pirate Dens.
Mountain & Pirate Dens have new banners and actual proper loot table chests.
Kobold Warriors will now always spawn with an axe and shield.
Kobold Warriors will now use their shield against the player if aggro on the player.
Kobold Warriors will now use their shield properly against all Living Entities instead of being limited to Monster Entities and IRangeAttack entities.
Added two new variations of Kobold Campfire Dens.
Updated Advancements.
- Adjusted the Y-offsets for the Mountain and Small dens to improve world generation.
- Added a Kobold Ocean Dungeon that is found in the depths of deep oceans rarely.
- Added Kobold Swamp Dungeons that are found underground in swamps (three variations).
- -Each Variation comes with dungeon loot, their own unique banner design, and a zombold spawner.
- Added support for Bedspreads.
Note: In the foreseeable future, I will no longer add new structures to this mod. Instead, I will add variations to already existing structures.
- Kobold Small Dens are now proper structures (this fixes a potential bug where my mod would cause structures from other mods to spawn in unwanted areas, like The End).
- Fixed an eye level issue with Kobold Children (they will no longer "look down" at others while others will "look up" at them).
- Added four more variations of Kobold Small Dens (five in total now).
- Kobold Small Dens spawn much closer to the surface than other dens.
- You will no longer consume items when trading with Kobolds while in Creative Mode.
Well, this was a quick update for a small feature...
- Added Advancements (but didn't update localization files yet for other languages).
- Campfire Dens are no longer in Mountains related biomes but can be found in Tall Taiga and Tall Trees related biomes.
- Large Dens can now also be found below Savannahs and Tall Birch related biomes.
- Kobold Pirate Captain has improved trade system and can now accept a few new items. He no longer will accept Golden Nuggets for a 1% chance of an emerald.
- The Kobold Iron Sword now has an attack speed of 1.8 instead of 2.1.
- Kobolds are now immune to Campfire damage (to keep them from being suicidal on their own campfires).
- Creative Mode menu has been re-organized and more spawn eggs are now available finally.
- If a Kobold is detected to have no weapons at all, they will be given a crossbow (this excludes Enchanters and Children).
- If a Kobold Warrior is detected to have a Kobold Iron Axe with no shield, they will be given a shield.
- Zombie Kobolds are now called Zombolds.
- Drowned Kobolds are now called Drowned Zombolds.
- Kobold Breeding now requires Bread instead of Apple. (Makes more sense).
~New Items:
- Kobold Skull (dropped by Skelebold): If a kobold skull is laying on the ground in the desert with line of sight to the sky at night... It can be broken by lightning, spawning a Skelebold at it's location (normal or hard difficulty only). This can be done directly by the player with similar requirements by applying a redstone signal to the skull.
- Banner Pattern (Kobold): A new banner pattern with inspiration from Ice & Fire specifically made for the Kobolds.
- Fallen Sword: A new end-game sword weapon that is dropped by a Fallen Hero, and is always enchanted with Smite V.
~New Mobs:
- Skelebold: A Skeleton Kobold which always spawns with crossbows, with a 50% chance of their crossbow being enchanted randomly. They can be brought back to life from their skull or spawned from a spawner block in a Kobold Tomb.
- Fallen Hero: A Wither variation of the Skeleton Kobold which wields a Fallen Sword. They have a 1/2,500 chance to replace a skeleton in the Soul Sand Valley. (Kobold Lore?)...
- Kobold Engineer: A new friendly kobold type found in the Mountain Den. Wields a crossbow to defend themselves and emeralds can be given to them for redstone related items.
~New Structures:
- Mountain Den: A MASSIVE den found below any mountain related biome. Home to the Kobold Engineer and have many secrets for loot.
- Kobold Tomb: A small tomb-like structure found in the desert where kobolds takes the honored dead to bury. Has loot similar to the Desert Temples, Kobold Skulls, and a Skelebold monster spawner block.
Note: Originally, more structures were planned but I really wanted to release this update a bit early. So expect 1.4.1 version of the mod with a few more structures in the future.
By popular demand... You can now pet all kobolds instead of just a few. (Wanted to get this out quickly instead of having people wait on the next big update).
- Updated Localization files.
- The Pirate Captain will now offer more emeralds for enchanted golden items.
- Removed Kobold Potion of Resistance
- Note: After playing with the idea, I think having certain effects as potions is a bit too strong, even if they were suppose to be a rarer potion drop. So I removed the Resistance potion. However, I think the Levitation potion is a nice idea since it is a situational potion.
- Cleaned up some code.
- Improved trades with Kobold Enchanters.
- Added a loot table for enchanted tools (Kobold Enchanters now has a 10% chance of giving an enchanted kobold tool from this table).
- Removed crafting recipes for kobold potions.
- Removed Crimson Mixture.
- Added Kobold Potion of Levitation (Levitation for 12 seconds).
- Added Kobold Potion of Resistance (Resistance for 36 seconds).
Note: This update was originally focus on just some clean-up but ended up adjusting potion related things. Due to the improved trading with Kobold Enchanters, potions are very common from them and thus I decided to remove them from being craftable, making them a trade only item from Kobold Enchanters. Enchanted tools has decreased dramatically and the chance for the mending book has went up a little due to these improvements overall. I also decided to try out the idea of adding new potions base on the effects previously unobtainable as potions. This is mostly a test with the idea to see how it feels and how well it is accepted.
- Fixed Pirate Kobolds sometime having no weapons.
- Fixed a potential conflict with trident kobolds and potions.
- Decreased rarity of trident pirate kobolds.
- Kobold Large & Campfire Dens are now STRUCTURES!!!!!!
- Kobold Large Dens has been limited to common plains and forest related biomes.
- Kobold Campfire Dens has been limited to snowy, mountains, and cold forest related biomes.
Note: Small Kobold Dens are left untouch so that they can spawn anywhere. The biome limitation happened due to being unable to use a dimension checker, so had to use a biome check instead to keep the kobolds where they should be. The larger dens are now made rarer by design, and no longer will have their rarity base on the modpack you are using. Also, you can /locate them now.
- Kobold Iron Axe now does 9 damage.
- Removed Kobold Armor.
- Kobold Warriors now does 1 base damage (instead of 0).
- Kobold Warriors now have a base armor value of 16 (due to the removal of Kobold Armor).
- Petting a Kobold will no longer be put on a cooldown.
- Improved Consistency with Zombie Kobold to Drowned Kobold conversion.
- Kobolds using a trident will now have a proper cooldown for the trident and will switch to a Kobold Iron Sword after throwing their trident.
- New Kobold Pirate Den can now be founded under the jungle related biomes.
- Kobold Pirates and Kobold Pirate Captain spawns in the new den.
- You can now rename a normal Kobold to "Pirate" to transform the kobold into a pirate variation. (This is now the 3rd rename kobold type).
- Kobold Pirates act similar to normal kobolds and can be traded with, but they can also spawn with a trident.
- Kobold Pirate Captains will take any golden related items for you and MIGHT give you emeralds back for your treasure...
- Common Kobolds can now use tridents if they have one in their offhand (they will not spawn with tridents though and have be /summon manually for this).
- You can now pet common Kobolds.
- Zombies, Illagers, and Spiders will now properly attack kobolds.
- Villagers and Piglins will now avoid kobolds.
- Kobolds will now avoid Piglins.
- Fixed Cooldowns for kobolds.
- Added French, Spanish, & German localization.