- Updated old code for potions.
- Fixed issue with Kobold Skull Block working underground when it is suppose to have LOS to the sky.
- Fixed issue with NoAI kobolds still performing basic kobold tasks, such as using healing potions (can still trade with them though).
- The Kobold Captain is no longer looking for treasure (his trading action was becoming way too buggy recently, am looking into a new option for him).
- Clean up unnecessary tags and code.
- Updated base code.
- Fixed Banners in the Mountain Den, Pirate Den, and Zombold Dungeons.
- Updated the Mountain Den with a partial new look.
- Kobolds will no longer attack the player if the difficulty is set to Peaceful.
- Initial Port to 1.19.2.
- New: Kobold Rascals
- Spawns naturally near Kobold Dens and can despawn naturally.
- If found, can lead the player towards the nearest kobold entity that isn't a Kobold Rascal.
- Fixed Kobold Iron Axe Enchantability.
- Fixed Missing tag for "Kobblestone" music disc.
- Kobold Dens are slightly deeper underground now.
- Kobold Iron Axe is now more combat focus.
- Fixed animation bug with Kobold Legs that happens after one has recently sat down in a boat, cart, or other similar block/entity.
- Change default value for breed item from DIAMOND to AMETHYST.
- Fixed repair item lists for all Kobold Iron tools.
- Added Kobold Iron Hoe which can be used as a normal hoe or to harvest Amethyst Shards.
- Updated Kobold Trade list and removed a few items from their list.
- Fixed an issue with Skelebolds that causes crashes due to duplicate IDs & made them unable to spawn properly.
- Updated Texture Placements
Note: Please update any resource packs accordingly as all entity textures in this mod is now within an entities folder.
- Kobold Skull is no longer a waterlog block.
- Kobold Skull is now a gravity block.
- Gave a lunge ability to the Kobold Iron Sword to give it more use for post Ender Dragon gameplay.
- Updated Kobold Interaction Code
- You can cure Drowned Kobolds
Updated the pet & breed check to be "forge:kobolds" tag instead of AbstractKoboldEntity.
Improved ALL converts in the mod to remember armor, main-hand, and off-hand items for the progress.
-Note: This means when zombifying, curing zombolds, and zombold to drowned converts. All held and worn items will remain. If no main hand or off hand item is available, then normal spawning mechanics will take place.
~Changed requirements for Kobold types when curing:
- Base Kobold has no requirements.
- Kobold Warrior requires the Zombold to be holding a shield in it's off-hand.
- Kobold Engineer requires a Mountain Biome, Crossbow in main-hand, and nothing in off-hand
- Kobold Pirate requires a jungle biome.
- Kobold Captain requires a jungle biome and enchanted kobold iron sword in main-hand.
Note: Kobold Enchanter can no longer come from curing a Zombold. However, Kobold Children still have their respective random chances to become any Kobold type when growing up (except for Warriors).
- Improved Prospector Code
- Increase chance for Prospector proc from 5% to 10%.
- Increase chance for Prospector proc with Luck from 15% to 25%.
- Prospector no longer procs on Villagers at all.
- Prospector now spawns the right amount of Emeralds no matter how high of a level it goes (ex. Level 64 will spawn 64 emeralds).
- Quickfix petting issue.
- 1.18.2 Port
- Kobold Iron Axe now has an attack speed of 1.2 and damage of 7.
- 1.17.1 port of Kobolds 1.6.3
- Added "Shiraz" Community Kobold
- Added "Fetz" Community Kobold
- Added "Koans" Community Kobold Enchanter
Fixed sound issue related to petting.
Removed Artifact Enchantment.
Kobold Desert Tombs now have Prospector Kobold Axes.
Removed RNG enchanted equipment from Kobold Enchanter's trade list (He still sells Prospector Kobold Axes, Prospector Books, and Mending Books).
Buffed mining speed for all Kobold tools from 4 to 5 (Normal Iron is at 6 for reference). Buffed Kobold Axe speed from 1 to 5 as well.
Added "Lorian Ross - Kobblestone" Music disc. Obtainable from normal kobold trading.
Kobolds can now enjoy music from a jukebox.
Kobolds can now have hats (base on their texture).
Changed "James Bond" to just "James" nametag texture.
Added more nametag textures.
-Note: As a thank you for the community, I am willing to take anyone's nametag kobold texture to add to the mod if they want their own kobold in this mod. Just come to my discord and let me know.
- Updated all Kobold Client side stuff
- -This should hopefully fix a lot of issues where other mods would force this mod's client stuff to load on a server, crashing it.
Added a new config which allows you to change the breed item for kobolds to DIAMOND or APPLE.
Fixed an issue where Kobold Warriors would do 1 damage despite having an axe.
Decrease Villager speed when avoiding a Kobold.