LostCities - 1.12-2.0.9
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.12-2.0.9
- Fixed a crash bug in combination with the Aroma Mining Dimension
LostCities - 1.12-2.0.8
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.12-2.0.8
- Added support for multiple Lost City dimensions through the new ADDITIONAL_DIMENSIONS config. These dimensions are not accessible with the usual method. They are mostly intended for pack devs who need multiple city dimensions with various properties (profiles)
on Jan 26, 20232.0.7:
- Added a new config option ('blocksRequiringLightingUpdates' in general.cfg) that lists all blocks that require a lighting update. By default it contains glowstone, lit_pumpkin and magma but you can add modded blocks to it. Meta is not required
on Jan 26, 20232.0.6:
- Fixed a small bug where predefined cities would not generate if the sphereChance is too low
- Fixed getShere() in the api so that it returns null if there is no sphere instead of a dummy sphere that is not enabled. That fixes an issue with the 'insphere' command in In Control
on Jan 26, 20232.0.5:
- The spawnSphere <out> setting wasn't working properly. Additionally it was impossible to spawn in the outside world on a biosphere world because it restricted spawn height to above 60 (and default ground level is 40)
- Better crash log entry in case the client is not having a profile that the server is using
on Jan 26, 20232.0.4:
- More fixes for sponge compatibility
on Jan 26, 20232.0.3:
- Cleaned up ground level handling for dual profile worlds (like biosphere). The 'outsideGroundLevel' setting is now obsolete. Instead you should use the 'groundLevel' setting from the child profile (previously that was ignored). In addition the waterLevelOffset from the main profile is now actually used for that profile (so the inside of spheres) and not for the outside world anymore. This means that it is now actually possible to get water generation inside the spheres and even flood them. Lost Cities will automatically detect the old 'outsideGroundLevel' setting and migrate it to the new format. Basically that means that when it discovers a profile that has an 'outsideGroundLevel' that is different from -1 it will do the following:
- Set the 'groundLevel' in the child profile to the current value of 'outsideGroundLevel'
- Set the 'waterLevelOffset' in the child profile to the 'waterLevelOffset' of the main profile
- Set 'outsideGroundLevel' in the main profile to -1 (not used)
- Set 'waterLevelOffset' in the main profile to the default 8
- Worked around an issue with sponge compatibility. Additionally this means there is now a new ILostCities api that other mods should use instead of the 'instanceof ILostChunkGenerato<wbr />r' trick
- 'Border' generation is now much nicer for cities in city spheres. Borders are generated when a city chunk generates adjacent to a lower other chunk
- Disabled villages in 'cavern' as the villages spawn on top of the world (above bedrock)
on Jan 26, 20232.0.2:
- New spawnNotInBuilding config to avoid spawning in buildings
- Fixed registration of loot tables so that it actually works now
on Jan 26, 20232.0.1:
- allowedBiomeFactors and generatorOptions were in the wrong config category! Be careful when updating and make sure to move the options if you did custom changes!
- New strategy option to generate translated biomes in case you want to limit the biomes in a world. The default strategy is 'original' but if you select 'randomized' it will try a more random distribution so that more biomes get a chance to be selected. If you chose 'varied' then it will be more sloppy about detecting what biomes are the same or not
- Add sanity check in case a biome is not properly registered to the biome registry
- Registered the Lost City loot tables to the loot table registry
- New 'singleBiome' config option to specify that city spheres should only have a single random biome
- The monorail crossing will now correctly be empty too (no water/rubble in it). Just like the other monorail parts
- ILostSphere.getCenterPos() will now return the correct center position (with y level set correctly as well)
- If you set the 'spawnSphere' config to '<in>' then the player will always spawn in a sphere. If you set the config option to '<out>' the player will spawn outside a sphere
- If the 'debug' config option is set to true palette statistics as well as biome translation statistics are dumped to standard output (log file) at startup
- New 'manualBiomeMappings' configuration option to manually override how some biomes map to others. This can be used in combination with allowedBiomeFactors to get more control over the final distribution
on Jan 26, 20232.0.0:
New landscape types:
- Floating: this landscape type generates floating islands on which cities (buildings and streets) can generate. This landscape type is likely not suitable for general overworld play because villages and strongholds are not generated by default. This profile can be useful to set as a type for the Lost City dimension or for specialized packs
- Cavern: a nether-like world going up to 128 with bedrock on top. Cities generate in big caverns. This type of map is very dark and dangerous but otherwise useful as a replacement for the overworld. Good luck surviving the first days though
- Space: in this landscape type there are big spheres that generate through the world. These spheres can contain cities (but not always) and can optionally be connected with a monorail system. The landscape outside the spheres can be configured as well. There are three example profiles using this landscape type:
- biosphere: spheres containing jungles and cities and the outside world a wasteland with very badly damaged and ruined cities
- space: spheres floating in the void connected with monorails
- waterbubbles: spheres floating in a huge ocean connected with monorails
New configuration possibilities:
- It is now possible to completely disable highways and railways
- There are a few new client side configs for fog density, color and the height of the horizon. These configs only work if the client has Lost Cities installed as well
- Worlds using 'space' landscape type have an optional secondary profile that is used for the outside. That way the landscape in the spheres can be totally different (including different biomes) from the landscape outside
- New configuration options to avoid foliage of all types. You can now avoid mushrooms, flowers, trees, and so on
- New configuration option to avoid the vanilla fossil generation. Useful for void type worlds
- Supports for bridges and highways are optional and disabled in void style worlds
New asset system options:
- The 'dontconnect' meta flag for parts will now also avoid generating doorways for floors that are adjacent to a street outside section or the top of an adjacent building
- It is possible to define predefined spheres and disable the automatic generation of spheres. Useful for modpack makers. Every predefined sphere can have a different set of biomes
- New 'isbuilding', 'issphere', and 'inbiome' conditions. These conditions can be used (for example) to control loot. Using this you can make sure that loot in the wasteland is different from loot in the spheres
- It is now possible to use loot tables on dispeners, hoppers, shulker boxes as well as chests
- It is now possible to use torches or light sources from other mods and have Lost City orient them correctly based on where they are placed
- Added the ability to specify local named palettes in parts now
- Cleanup the palette a bit. All rails are now in a separate palette. Keep this in mind if you were using those in custom assets
- New 'nowater' boolean metadata for parts to make sure the ~ (air/water) never generates water even if under waterlevel. Used to avoid water in monorail system
Spawns and teleportation:
- It is now possible to make sure that players spawn in a certain biome, in a certain predefined bity or in a certain predefined sphere
- When spawning in a void type world Lost Cities will make sure the player spawns on solid ground
- When teleporting to a void type Lost City world (using the bed+skulls system) Lost Cities will find a valid spot to teleport too. In addition Lost Cities will teleport the player back to a spawn bed if it can find one
- Nicer profile selection gui. You can now see a small preview of the world you are about to create as well as a more verbose description
- Better error handling in case chunk generation causes a crash (can be caused by invalid configuration). You get a log entry telling what chunk caused the problem and some information about that chunk
- The API has been expanded with new support for the spheres
- Added more optional torches to park parts to ensure that the new dark level types (like cavern) are a bit more playable
on Jan 26, 20232.0.0beta2:
- Better spawn control: you can now specify a predefined city or sphere to spawn in
- Teleporting to the LC dimension (and back) works better. No more spawning in the void and if it can find a spawn bed in the destination (diamond blocks, bed, 6 skulls) it will put you there
- Generalized the loottables so you can also use them for dispenser, shulker boxes, droppers, ...
- Better check to make sure we only do things if we are actually in a Lost City worldgen (dimension or overworld). Avoids some Lost City things leaking over into other dimensions when they shouldn't
- Small cleanups
on Jan 26, 20232.0.0beta:
- Reduce height of buildings near sphere border
- Avoid cities and bridges at monorail stations
- Multi buildings (2x2 chunk buildings) will no longer generate if part of them is on a city sphere border
- The rails in monorail structures are now one lower
- The monorail crossing actually allows travel in both directions now
- The monorail station is rotatable in 4 directions and looks better now
- The entire monorail system is lowered 6 blocks to align better with the lower level of the cities
- New option to disable vanilla fossil generation. These looked really weird in void style world types
- Added the ability to specify local named palettes in parts now
- Cleanup the palette a bit. All rails are now in a separate palette. Keep this in mind if you were using those in custom assets
- Highways look better in cavern landscapes because they no longer clear the space above them
- Supports for bridges and highways are optional and disabled in void style worlds
- Improved street/park generation for floating, cavern, and space
- New 'nowater' boolean metadata for parts to make sure the ~ (air/water) never generates water even if under waterlevel. Used to avoid water in monorail system
on Jan 26, 20232.0.0alpha5:
- Fixed a bug that exiting a world would remember the last used profile without being able to override it
- Fixed predefined spheres so that they actually work
- New more general system to specify 'torches' and how they should be faced when placed
- Structure generation in chunks now uses the correct profile for that chunk
- Fixed dirt being generated in city sphere buildings in some profiles
on Jan 26, 20232.0.0alpha4:
- Fixed a bug where normal worlds and other dimensions would crash the game
on Jan 26, 20232.0.0alpha3:
- Note: it is recommended to remove all Lost City configuration files first!
- Limit cellars in biosphere/wasteland so that we don't accidentally generate cellars into the void (causing crashes)
- Better error handling in case chunk generation causes a crash. A proper error will be put in the log indicating what chunk went wrong and some data about that chunk
- New 'isbuilding', 'issphere', and 'inbiome' conditions. These conditions can be used (for example) to control loot. Using this you can make sure that loot in the wasteland is different from loot in the spheres
- The API has been expanded with new support for the spheres
- New configuration option to specify a spawn biome for the player. When this is present Lost Cities will find a spawn spot for new players that matches the given biome. The 'biosphere' profile uses this to make sure that the player always spawns inside a sphere
- Experimental new 'cavern' landscape type. This is similar to how the nether generates but then with regular stone and biomes. The height of this landscape is limited to 128 and there is a bedrock layer on top (like the nether). The 'cavern' profile that uses this new landscape type is by default configured so that buildings have torches in them and parks are lit up. This helps for safety and making sure there is some light around you. Note that this remains a dangerous profile and also slightly heavy on performance
- Added more optional torches to park parts to make the cavern type profile slightly less dark
- Lost Cities is still a mod that doesn't have to be present on clients. So you can use servers with this mod and let vanilla clients connect to that server. However, if Lost Cities is present on the client then there are now additional configuration options that you can set per profile. Options like the height of the horizon and the color of the distance fog
- New configuration options to avoid foliage of all types. You can now avoid mushrooms, flowers, trees, and so on
- The 'dontconnect' meta flag for parts will now also avoid generating doorways for floors that are adjacent to a street outside section or the top of an adjacent building
on Jan 26, 20232.0.0alpha2:
- Bug fix on some clients
on Jan 26, 2023First alpha of Lost Cities 2.0.0:
- New floating island cities
- New sphere type worlds. There are three variants provided: biosphere (jungle spheres in a wasteland), waterbubbles (floating city spheres partially submerged in water), and space (floating city spheres in space)
- It is now possible to disable highways and railways completely
- The 'space' landscape type (used for sphere worlds) have the ability to use a child profile for the outside of the spheres. This is used by waterbubbles and biosphere)
- It is possible to completely disable the automatic generation of spheres and only use predefined spheres (configurable in the asset system)
- City spheres can have totally different biomes compared to the outside landscape
- In the new landscape types the player will always spawn on a valid spot. Either inside a sphere or on a floating island
- New monorail system to connect city spheres
- Nicer profile selection gui. You can now see a small preview of the world you are about to create as well as a more verbose description
on Jan 26, 2023lostcities-1.1x-1.0.2.jar
on Jan 26, 20231.0.2:
- New option to completely avoid water. This is now set by default on wasteland profile (avoidWater config)