- Fixed sophisticated backpacks dependency version
- Stack upgrade and downgrade additions
- Added 3 tiers of stack downgrades - divide the max stack size that can fit in slot by 8, 16, 32
- Added Omega Tier stack upgrade that changes the slot max stack size to maximum value supported
- Added survival infinity upgrade potentially craftable and fully usable by survival players without admin privileges. Survival players can:
- remove upgrade from upgrade slot
- set new items to become infinite in empty slots
- break storage with survival infinity upgrade
- Added infinity upgrade
- makes all items in storage infinite
- only admins can put additional items in (and make them infinite that way) once the upgrade is put in upgrade slot
- only admins can break storage blocks with infinity upgrade
- Added support to compress / uncompress items with nbt (components) to Compression upgrade
- Fixed upgrades to work in upgrade slots even if chipped isn't included in the pack
- Fixed Chipped upgrades to be included as optional entries in sophisticatedstorage:upgrade tag list (and thus not break loading this list when Chipped isn't present)
- Changed the way items are checked for whether they can go into upgrade slots to only use storage:upgrade tag even for the base mod upgrades so that it's consistent with how these are checked for any addon mods
- Fixed iron tier and/or copper tier upgrade recipe to properly show for storages in JEI
- Fixed shulker box item and chest item rendering so that they don't have new instances continuously created
- Fixed shulker boxes and packed storages to show their UUID in item's advanced tooltips
- Changed upgrade in world interaction to allow using this from in motion mod
- Allow storage upgrades to be rendered on top of chests