edited Oxidized Copper Axe durability (250 --> 251) to match the other tools
added Copper, Waxed Copper, Exposed Copper, Weathered Copper and Oxidized Copper knives (Progression Reborn Knives)
fixed missing Amethyst Knife texture (Progression Reborn Knives)
- fixed internal Rose advancements
added custom blackstone retexture of Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template
changed Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template duplication recipe
deepslate emerald and coal ores can now drop additional (1-3) emeralds/coal
fixed rose knife texture (Progression Reborn Knives)
removed automatic copper tool oxidization as its rendering was broken in 3rd person
- added missing Rose Upgrade Template texture
edited Redstone and Lapis drops
edited Bastion, Weaponsmith and Mineshaft loot tables
added iron recipes to advancement rewards
renamed Rose Gold to Rose
refactored some asset names for consistency purposes
removed unused assets
New major update! This update focuses on vastly improving and reworking existing features in the mod, and I'm happy to say that it's turned out well and a massive improvement on an already-great system.
WARNING: Due to some item namespace changes, any copper armor, rose gold gear, or amethyst gear you had will be wiped. Please be aware of this when updating.
reworked ore economy for consistency, clarity and balance
metal ores will drop 3-6 nuggets in their stone variants and 3-9 in their deepslate variants
lapis/redstone in stone variants will drop slightly less than their deepslate variants for game consistency
renamed and refactored many items
reworked amethyst gear - removed the two sets and armor and replaced them with a simplified toolset
you can now craft gear as in vanilla, without smithing template upgrades. These new recipes exist alongside the old ones, with regular crafting options once again available for Iron, in addition to Rose and Netherite gear. The intent is to provide consistency across the game while avoiding removing any features and systems present in vanilla
as such, upgrade templates can no longer be crafted without already having one. Their recipes have also been reworked - smithing upgrades are cheap, rewarding the player for upgrading their existing gear rather than the longer grind for an all-new set, but duplicating the templates are less so
leather can no longer be updated to chainmail, it felt very weird
probably more I forgot :)
-fixed/swapped the defence values of Fragile Amethyst Leggings and Chestplate
-raw rose can now be obtained by bartering with piglins
-fixed the names of the oxidized ingots to not include "waxed" in the name
-changed Rotten Leather recipe
-fixed Iron Alloy recipe
-made Rose Gold Alloy recipe shapeless
-made Rose Gold Alloy recipe shapeless
-fixed Rose Gold Pickaxe efficiency
-reverted the reduction of raw copper nugget drops back to 3-9, from 3-6
-increased copper nugget drops from copper ore
-made chains cheaper to craft (3 iron nuggets instead of 6)
-attempt to fix broken technical advancements that should automatically grant recipes to the recipe book
-fixed silk touch dropping multiple ores, allowing for unintended infinite duplication