- added missing translations for template base and addition slots in the smithing table
- fixed Iron Sword smithing recipe
fixed Nether Rose Ore loot table
the Reforge enchantment now works as intended on Ancient Debris
End Reborn integration
updated license
weaponsmith chests now contain copper gear
updated embedded FrozenLib
added enchantment description support for Enchancement
tagged tools and armor so they can now be enchanted correctly
fixed client rendering so the mod now works on servers
increased resolution of icon.png
Welcome to the v1.4.0 rewrite/remake of Progression Reborn!
Do note that there may be undocumented minor changes due to the size of this mod update/remake
What's New
most things, really
retextured most of the mod
new Rose blocks
overhauled armor values
Enchanted Golden Carrots
Copper, Rose and Netherite horse armor
Collection and Reforge enchants
Copper rework to match the introduction of 1.21 Trial Chambers
rewrite for 1.21.4
added Polished Rose
added Polished Cut Rose
added Rose Lamp
added Rose Doors and Trapdoors
added Enchanted Golden Carrots
added Copper, Rose and Netherite horse armor
added a new Copper Block, and renamed vanilla Copper blocks to Polished Copper
redid vanilla armor values
improved durability of Gold, Iron and Rose tools
reduced mining speed of Gold tools to 10, matching Rose
tweaked the generation of Copper, Iron, Nether Rose and Diamond Ore
retextured Copper Equipment and nugget
retextured Rose Equipment, nuggets and raw ore item (Zhen)
retextured upgrade templates (Zhen)
retextured Nether Rose Ore, Block of Raw Rose and Block of Rose (Zhen)
Rose Ingots can now be used as a trim material
loot table changes
added integration with other mods
added config options
added integration with Legacies and Legends and Wilder Wild
Iron Alloy, Rose Alloy and Netherite Scrap can now be used to repair their respective tools
Stone tools are once again craftable using cobblestone
removed Deepslate, Blackstone and Amethyst tools
removed Waxed Copper Equipment
improved furnace recipes (cooking time and xp)
added custom villager trades (when using Villager Config)
now uses FrozenLib (embedded)
- removed old assets license file
fixed handheld texture models for oxidizing copper tools
removed old assets license file
- fixed raw rose nugget to raw rose ore recipe
- fixed rose nugget to ingot recipe
- changed Rotten Leather to use a cross-shaped recipe, now requiring 5 total rotten flesh
fixed an issue with beacon items
beacons no longer accept amethyst shards
- fixed an issue with broken copper armour textures introduced in the last update
- cleaned up unintended texture pallette present on copper leggings' model
- reduced the defense score of copper helmets and boots by 1 each (2 --> 1)
iron, rose and netherite templates are now once again craftable without finding them prior, albeit more expensive than duplication
removed non-smithing crafting of iron, rose and netherite gear into an addon mod
with these changes, progression now functions like it did prior to v1.3, with the new changes being moved to an addon mod instead
shields now require an iron alloy to craft
added, fixed and improved recipe advancements
corrected copper knife damage (Progression Reborn Knives)
reduced the time taken to smelt gold nuggets to match the other nuggets
rebalanced and fixed smelting/blasting xp rates
- raw nuggets are now smelted twice as fast
- slightly lowered Iron Golem iron drops to better match reduced ore drops