blacklisted smoldering wood from IW from wood detection improved mod projectile entity class
fixed imroved projectile entity class using wrong collision method improved block set api getBlockSet of call to also consider blockItem items
added some math utils improved mapRegistry class added more equivalent link liquids fixed some things with additive translucency render type
fixed an issue with forge fluid types not being registered fixed another issue with ModBucketItem
fixed an issue with texture generation and animated textures fixed some unneeded log spam
fixed fluid attributes from ModFlowing fluid not working on fabric improved ModFluidBucket to have a constructor with supplier, working better on forge
fixed recent screw up with inverted fabric and forge fluid attributes. upsies
improved fluid api to have different units on fabric. 1 bucket = 3 bottles there. This also means that bowls were also set to 1 bottle instead of 2
Other misc improvements to fluid api
improved some things related to spectator mode with block interactions
fixed an issue where image respirter would not properly recolor an animated image added some stuff for fabric fluid api changed some utils class method to work better with spectator gamemode
- fixed a server crash from recent update