fixed an issue with map decoration outline. added more particle utilities. fixed some stuff in dev
fixed a fabric bug on servers
for the love of god can this neoforge version just work?
fixed a crash on server due to map data
fixed villager trades directory being pluralized
improved some hacky capability code
fixed an issue with creative tabs
neoforge can now read (some) fabric load conditions. renamed map_markers folder to map_marker. same for soft_fluids
fixed an issue with first person animations on fabric
fixed another issue on neoforge
fixed an issue on neoforge
updated yacl and configured integration
- improved Palette recoloring code
- fixed an issue with fluid tank and its color caching capacity not refreshing sometimes
- added more utility methods to palette class
- Added undetected stripped_cloudcap_stem from Aether: Redux, it will be detected by Every Compat