MidnightLib v1.5.5 for 1.20.6
- Port to 1.20.5
- Fix multiline centered comments
- Fixed crash at startup on dedicated servers
Fix modmenu integration
- Cleanup of some code -> Overview button is now added via callbacks instead of a mixin
- Unify client & server classes
- Minor breaking change only affecting mods using the hiding functionality
- Native support for NeoForge (& dropped support for regular Forge)
- Cleanup of some code -> Overview button is now added via callbacks instead of a mixin
- Unify client & server classes
- Minor breaking change only affecting mods using the hiding functionality
- Port to 1.20.4
- Add back fancy list background
- File size optimizations (now just 50KB!!)
- Update tooling
- Port to 1.20.2
- "Reset" button now uses a custom icon (closes #25)
- Config instances can now specify custom config change behavior (implement "writeChanges" method in your class; closes #33)
- Remove TexturedOverlayButtonWidget (replaced by vanilla's TextIconButtonWidget)
- Removed radialRainbow (used very rarely)
- Updated AutoCommand to support editing list and float config values via commands on serverside installs
- Reworded description
- Fixed server crash on forge
- Properly register mod configs automatically on Forge
- Port to 1.20.2
- "Reset" button now uses a custom icon (closes #25)
- Config instances can now specify custom config change behavior (implement "writeChanges" method in your class; closes #33)
- Remove TexturedOverlayButtonWidget (replaced by vanilla's TextIconButtonWidget)
- Removed radialRainbow (used very rarely)
- Updated AutoCommand to support editing list and float config values via commands on serverside installs
- Reworded description
- Forge & Quilt temporarily disabled until they release, as always
Fix tabs not being visible Re-enable Forge and Quilt support
- Fix tabs not being visible
- Re-enable Forge and Quilt support
- Fix #28
- Updated to 1.20
- Fixed many small issues
- Long text not wrapping to new lines
- Unsaved changes and scrollbar position resetting when game window size changes
- Wrong value tooltips no longer showing since 1.19
- Re-enable Quilt and Forge support
- Completely remove unnecessary bloat (i.e. hat cosmetics)
- File size is now just around 55KB for the Quilt version
- Re-enable Quilt and Forge support
- Completely remove unnecessary bloat (i.e. hat cosmetics)
- File size is now just around 55KB for the Fabric version
- Re-enable Quilt and Forge support
- Completely remove unnecessary bloat (i.e. hat cosmetics)
- File size is now just around 60KB for the Forge version
- Fix <Ctrl>+<Number> keybinds not working for tabs