- Allow configuring String-Lists in-game.
- Code cleanup
- Remove clutter
Make /midnightconfig command only able to be executed by operators
Added a command-based way to configure server mods without having to edit the config file (only for dedicated servers)
Drastically decrease file size once again
MidnightHats: ~ Remove Event Hats (irritating and unneeded) ~ Better Hats for Supporters (Cleanup, code-based colors & more fancy effects) ~ Hats of invisible players are now hidden
MidnightConfig: ~ Better support for external value changing ~ Only tooltip-based screen titles now
MidnightColorUtil: ~ Add radialRainbow utility for fancy chroma effects
Better German translations
- Fix #1 - Sorry for the inconvenience!
- The MidnightConfig overview screen button background is now based on the default button texture (Powered by new util class 'TexturedOverlayButtonWidget')
- MidnightHats is now more performant and has new types of special hats
- Compress assets
- Reduce file size heavily
- Custom lang key support
- Transparent list background when in game
- Configurable background texture in MidnightConfig screens (defaults to Deepslate)
MidnightConfig v1.0.4:
- Number field length is now configurable
- Fixed number fields being empty
Added automatic mod menu integration for mods using MidnightLib
MidnightConfig 1.0.3:
Text field length is now configurable Better separation of client and server