Fixes: -the melee range of the howitzer being too short
Fixes: -the list for helmet like items not working when dealing with gas type attacks. -organoids still regenerating while being cold. -fixed stone type bricks getting turned into decayed bricks. Changes: -the symbiotic reagent now regenerates 4 durability every 10 seconds. -cdu now removes scents and tendrils -zoaholic has a 20% chance to fail and signal its own location to the anomaly it located. -now calamities can "root" when idle and under 30% hp to regenerate. -any animated block entity will unrender its model when the player its too far away for better performances. -changed the parameters for a calamity for water types to be made. -added a config option for calamities that deal with underground threats. -changed the textures capabilities of the bile projectile the gazenbreacher shoots out. -changed the looks of the mega biomass tower as well as its functionality. -now biomass can be crafted out of biomass blocks. -Infected will no longer spawn in vanilla structures. -Buffed the range of the vigil eye from 32-128. -Infected Husks now spawn from scents and have their own evolution list. -Mounds will put Biomass Bulbs around for starving infected to feed off. Added: Translations: -Ukraine Blocks: -Incubator -Bile. -Outpost Watcher. -Biomass Bulb Items: -Corrosive Reagent -Cryogenic Reagent -Gastric Reagent Enchants: -Cryogenic Aspect -Corrosive Potency -Gastric Spewage -Mutagenic Reactant(curse) Structures: -Hospital -Cathedral -more variants for the existing Church Variants: Spitter(Bile Variant). Umarmer(Corrosive Variant). Umarmer(Bile Variant). Mobs: Howitzer(Calamity). Lacerator(Experiment). Vervathorn(Evolved)
Fixes: -fixed a bug that was making the organoid block crash the game when broken (make sure you delete ur old config). -the zoaholic not breaking with a pickaxe Added: -a list for adding helmet like items in the config to behave like a gas mask
Changes: -Calamities and Organoids are immune to debuffs if the debuff its weaker than lv 2. -Organoids regeneration has been changed to happen without the need for an effect to be applied. -Fixed a bug causing zombies to be converted in both infected humans and infected villagers(delete the old config).
Changes: -Hypers evolved will now despawn naturally if the proto world modifier is active. -Organoids have their own mobcap now so they don't interfere with the numbers of the infected. -Changed the "logic" for evolved , and hyper evolved evolved when signals are received by the proto hiveming. -Calamities will now spawn with adaptations if the proto world modifier is active. -Hypers will no longer drop the blocks they break. -Reworked the daytime spawn option(again). -The CDU will now require ice canisters to function. News: items: -Circuit board. -Ice canister. blocks: -Zoaholic. Variants/Adaptations: -Wartorn Sieger. -Overclocked Hindenburg. Mobs: -Gastgaber(error(could not identify creature type)).
Changes: -updated the Chinese translation -evolved mobs that have a hyper evolved form now have a 30% chance to evolve when the proto world modifier is active -tool using mobs will now have their items enchanted when the proto world modifier is active -infected capable of evolution that have evolution points will no longer despawn
-a few extra bug fixes
Fixes: -fixed the bugged name of the Brotkatze -fixed the hypers not converting all the biomass blocks it "breaks" into membrane blocks -fixed the proto world modifier making the infected not spawn on servers Changes: -switched the functionality of the gas ability of the Brotkatze to work goal independent -set the default melee damage of the sieger from 25 -> 30 -set the default melee damage of the gazen from 20 -> 25 -set the default hp of the delusionare from 20 -> 35 -the calamities now gain regeneration 2 when below half hp
News: Mobs: -Verwahrung(Organoid) -Delusionare(Organoid) -Inquisitor(Hyper evolved) -Brotkatze(Hyper evolved) Blocks: -freeze burned biomass Mechanics: -Proto world modifier AI: -Base parkour goals Changes: -updated the model of the proto hivemind -changed the base texture for the umarmer -the construction of the biomass chasing now is sphere like -the infection pattern of mounds is now sphere like -mounds linked to a proto will wear a different texture -all infected linked to a proto hivemind will atempt to parkour if they are stuck -while the proto world modifier is active all infected that spawn will be automatically linked to a proto -while the proto world modifier is active all infected that have a possible evolution will have a 30% to insta evolve -reworked the config code for keeping infected from spawning if the option is active -all biomass type blocks got a new textures -now the cdu affects biomass blocks which will convert them into freeze burned biomass which will slowly decay -now evolved mobs can convert biomass blocks into walk through membrane blocks
Fixes: -animated armor parts causing server crashes.
ONE MILLION SPECIAL Fixes: -the tendrils sometimes crashing the game. -chunks becoming unloadable because of the brain remnants. Changes: -the block breaking parameters have been stored within their own config subtitle.(pls delete ur old configs). -the chunkloading of the proto has been changed so now forcefully moving it won't create permanent force loaded chunks. -improved the flying movement control for Phayres. -infected players named "Technoblade" will now have an unique skin News: -new animations for the elytron and the "core" of the infected and living set. -a certain easter egg for the Braiomil. -new mobs: -Braurei(Organoid). -Halucination(Utility). -new Stinger variant for the Phayres. -mechanics: -now custom ambient sounds will be played if enough infected blocks are around the player. -new effects:
-madness(will be applied if the player stays around the hivemind for too long , the effect will rise in duration and severity when the player is harmed by infected,and if its level is more than one it will reapply itself when expires at a lower level). -lv 1 ,the player starts hearing disembodied voices and whispers. -lv 2 ,the player starts feeling watched. -lv 3 and forward the player will be attacked by hallucinations at random times.