-update to 1.20.1
-fix https://github.com/MoriyaShiine/enchancement/issues/100
-fix https://github.com/MoriyaShiine/enchancement/issues/102
-fix https://github.com/MoriyaShiine/enchancement/issues/105
-enforce config matching
-standalone enchantment descriptions
--removes dependency for Enchantment Descriptions and Bookshelf
-slide no longer increases hitbox
--removes dependency for Pehkui
-bookshelves and material enchantability now influence enchanting costs
-leech no longer deals knockback
-add life drain item translation
-delay now works with spectral arrows
-delay now ignores invulnerability frames
-delay arrows can now be redirected by sneaking while punching
-remove impaled compat
-update to 1.19.4
-fix https://github.com/MoriyaShiine/enchancement/issues/83
-fix extracting not giving experience
-fix player inputs triggering other player abilities on client
-fix impaled elder trident dupe bug
-add extracting cinderscapes compat
-clone of latest 1.19.3 version from curseforge
-clone of latest 1.19.2 version from curseforge
-clone of latest 1.18.2 version from curseforge