- Protector item entry enhanced and changed to reflect cobblemon's wiki;
- Link cable's 'Evolving Pokémon' pages added;
- Missing medicine items entries added;
- Patchouli macros for Pokémon added;
- Changed mod template, fixing fabric mod version been oversized.
- Adds description to items, based on the description on the mos recent game the item is on and and information of effects
- Renamed some lang strings
- Changed '%' to 'percent' to avoid format errors
- Small fixes
- Cobbemon Addons category created for other mods to add entries
- Fixed pokémon drops entry having two wiki pages
- Reworked entries and categories folder positioning to make it easier to tweak around
- Tweaked mod icon to work on forge
- Changed held items category description
- Apricorn Bowl recipe added
- Apricorns smelting to dye recipes
- Apricorn leaves composting page added
- Evolution Stones ingredient pages added
- Evolution Stones link to wiki page added
First Forge Version
- Added a Shoulder Mount entry
- Added links between pages
First mod release