Added some of the content added by Cobblemon 1.5 Update.
- Category: Archaeology;
- Entries: Ancient Poke Balls, Archaeological Structures, Fossils, Fossil Structure, Ruin Structure, Restoration Machine, Data Monitor, Fossil Compartment, Restoration Tank and Tumblestones;
Added the Trading with Players entry, finished adding text to some textless entries and added some guiding.
- New Pokémon category;
- New entries: Pokémon Unique Forms, Choice Items; Changes
- Moved entries to Pokémon category: Pokémon Drops, Pokémon Spawning, Shiny Pokémon, Shoulder Mount;
- Moved entries to Getting Started category: Machines, Apricorn Wood Set, Evolution Stone Ores;
- Added references to entries: each apricorn, each apricorn sprout, Evolution Stone Mining;
- Added Dripstone Moon Stone Ore to Evolution Stone Ores entry listings;
- Added descriptions to evolution stone items and evolution stone ore blocks; Fixes
- Bad references for entries: Apricorn, Apricorn Seed, Basic Balls;
- Page references changed on entries: Caching, Evolution Stone Mining;
- Entry lang typos for: Apricorn Gence Gate, Azure Ball.
- Medicine Brew entry typo that causes an error on Patchouli v82+
- Added Categories: Agriculture, Items. Blocks
- Added Entries:
- Items: Heal Powder, Revival Herb, Revive, Max Revive, Remedy, Fine Remedy, Suerb Remedy, Berries, Berry Juice, Mulches, Herbs, X Items, PP Up, PP Max, Medicinal Leek, Roasted Leek, Leek and Potato Stew, Vivichoke, Braised Vivichoke, Vivichoke Dip, Power Items, Auspicious Armor, Malicious Armor, Mints, Mint Leaves, Energy Root, Medicinal Brew, Brews
- Blocks: Pasture Block, Apricorn Set, Pep-up Flower, Vivichoke Seeds, Mint Seeds
- Consumables: Candy, Vitamin, Medicine, X Item, Food, Mint, Brew
- Agriculture: Apricorn Sprout, Crop, Berry, Berry Tree, Berry Mutating
- Evolution Items: Trading Evolution Items, Using Evolution Items, Sweet
- Held Items: Type Boost Items, Herb, Power Item
- Added Blocks and Items categories and converted some categories into entries that lists other entries
- Removed categories and moved its content to other categories: Apricorn, Machines
- Replaced apricorn farming with apricorn sprout entry
- Moved Big Root to Blocks category
- Updated entries: Vitamins. Big Root
- Fixed Big Root entry name
- Renamed apricorn_trees entry to apricorn_tree
- Added templates: Spotlight, Natural Berry, Mutated Berry, Brewing
- Cobblepedia changed it's source code base and now is part of the new Knowlogy Books project.
- Ported to minecraft 1.20.1
- Removed architectury dependency
Updated Entries & Added Images
- Entries updated with info from the official cobblemon wiki (again);
- Images added to some entries;
- Percentage text replaced by the symbol (fix);
- Entries updated with info from the official cobblemon wiki;
- Evolution stone ores entries improved;
- Template for items dropped by pokémon added;
- Dropped items info added to entries updated entries;
- Templates improved;
- Smol fixes.
- Evolving Pokémon template created;
- Evolving Pokémon pages changed to use new template;
- Fixed missing stonecutting string on lang file;
- Textures changed in a few details;
- Changed Poképedia item texture.
- Commands category created;
- Entries for all commands created;
- Renamed Shiny Hunting entry to Shiny Pokémon;
- Shiny Pokemon entry text added;
- More crafting references between entries added;
- Small formatting mistakes fixed;
- Minecraft item icons replaced with cobblemon's items;
- Some utility patchouli macros added.