VOA 2.0.1 Hotfix ---------------------------------------------- 1.21 Compatible
Changelog: All Custom Mobs -Fixed a large issue where custom attributes were not carrying over to custom Mobs. -This issue was effecting almost all Custom Mobs & Bosses.
VOA 2.0 Re-Launch ---------------------------------------------- 1.21 CompatibleVOA 2.0 Re-Launch ---------------------------------------------- 1.21 Compatible
//--- Wouldn't be a shame if you had to decide between 1.21 Trail Chambers, and the VOA datapack? Lucky for you, you get to have BOTH. After many, many, many, MANY backend changes that were brought forward in 1.20.5, 1.20.6, AND 1.21 I am proud to present the VOA 2.0 Relaunch! --//
!!!A word of warning - If you plan to add this pack to a current world that has VOA 1.8.6, I would recommend backing up the work before installing 2.0. There were quite a few changes to VOA on the backend, and I am sure that many things will break. If you are starting a new world; this should be a problem.
New Changes: Manor Dungeon -Manors have been given a signifant facelift! -All varients have been refinished and spiced up (You'll just need to see for yourself).
Monastery Dungeon" -The Monastery Dungeon has also been given a significant facelift. -(You'll just need to see for yourself).
Changes: I'm gonna give you the TLDR- because honestly I didn't note everything down. Just know it sucked transforming everything from 1.20.4 to 1.21.
-All custom items should now work in 1.21 -All custom mobs and bosses should work in 1.21 -All dungeons now spawn in 1.21 -Magic Bench should now work and craft items in 1.21 -All loot tables should now work in 1.21 -The Vault Trader has been refreshed with some very unique trades and armor sets. -Boneshot recipe is now Shapeless -Boneshot recipe now appear in knowledge book after crafting (NBT crafting for the crafting bench ftw). -Legionaire varients have been added to the Vault of Abandon. -Data Pack version has been updated. -Quite a few tweaks to items obtained from loot tables. -Plates of Wealth, and Plates of Wrath can no longer be obtained from Loot Tables.
Resource Pack: -Updated to version 2.0 -All textures should work with version 1.21
News on my other datapacks; -I'm am going to be eventually updating them to be 1.21 compatible, however it's going to take some time as they need to essentially be "Re-Mastered" as well.
VOA 1.8.6 ----------------------------------------------
//--- This is a big one! New Mobs, and Dungeon Rooms (Monastery & Market) Alot of balancing to how the Market Dungeon plays out (Including the weapons you obtain in the dungeon). -Consider this the first major overhaul of this dungeon. Added Archelogy mechanics to Monastery's and Market Dungeons. Bring a brush! --//
Additions: -New Mob: Dream Eater -New Mob can be found in the Deep Dark of the Market Dungeon. -Ranged mob which smites players. -Can Hatch Gila Eggs. -Extremely formidable foe. -Weakness and slowness buff upon smite. -100HP -Considered a “Monsterous” Enemy (Lucky Spells do not instantly transform Monstrous entities)
Changelog- Market Dungeon: -Design Change! Markets are now designed for more “Breaching-Style” tactics versus mining. -The Deep Dark/ Now focuses around swarm tactics and traps in order to clear each floor. -Buffed Ethereal Citizen Spawners (Citizens are MUCH faster) -Buffed Ethereal Watcher (Flame 1 >> Flame 2) -Buffed Ethereal Watcher (Punch 2 >> Punch 3) -Decreased Gila Volume (Not as obnoxious) -New Deep Dark Rooms added to the Market Dungeon. -Added New Market Rooms -Changes to existing Market Rooms -Changes to all Deep Dark rooms. -Buffed Reaper (15 atk dmg >> 16 atk dmg). -Mining Fatigue lvl increased from Level 2 >> Level 3. Making it harder to mine. -The Marauders Market now has a chance to spawn up to two “Golden Chests” - which feature the same tier loot as found in the Boss Room. -Gila Nerf >> Lowered Health from 50HP >> 36HP - Bonesket should now “One-shot” this Mob. -Gila Nerf >> Lowered Movement Speed from 0.40 >> 0.35 -Musket should now “One-shot” this Mob. -Ender Demon Melee Atk damage nerfed >> Was 40 >> Now is 28. -Reaper Mob no longer drops Plates. -Archaeology Focus! Added in Suspicious sand that can now be found around the Market Dungeon. Ethereal Buff: -Ethereal Pirates no longer apply the weakness debuff. -Citizens are the only Ethereal mob to grant this buff now.
Market - All Loot Tables -Netherite Scrap increased. -Tnt Spawn increased. -Dyna-Bomb increased. -Increased Rare loot (Weapons). -Increased Flint and Steel Spawn. -Decreased Magic Tome drop from Ethereal Mobs.
**Changelog- Monastery Dungeon: ** -Archaeology Focus! Added in Suspicious gravel that can now be found around the Monastery Dungeon. -New Fort Room - Jailhouse -Negative Blessing Event has a chance to spawn a Grotesque Titan.
General Changes: -Fixed Wraith Burn -Fixed Wraith/Abomination Sounds not rendering properly. -Abomination: Reduced HP from 38 >> 36 - Bonesket should now “One-shot” this Mob.
Swords Changes: -After playtesting, much needed buffs have been added to many of the newer swords to make them competetive.
-Buffed Ice Sword: Did 8 Freeze Damage >> now does 12 Freeze Damage. -Ice Sword now applies slowness for 3 seconds when its blizzard ability is activated.
-Spectral Scimitar -No longer comes with Unbreaking 3 >> Now is Unbreaking 1. -Nerfed, Now comes with Smite 4 >> Was Smite 5.
-Psionic Sabre -Buffed; Now applies a strength buff for 5 seconds upon triggering its fleet ability. -Buffed; all abilities now last for 5 seconds (Was 3) -Buffed; Now comes with Sharpness 6 (Was 5)
-Cookie Monster -Buffed; Now has Smite 1 included.
Resource Pack: -Updated to version 1-6-2 -Dream Eater Mob Textures added. -Probably some other tweaks that I forgot about.
VOA 1.8.4 ----------------------------------------------
//--- Long overdue, this update focuses on weaponry found in the Market Dungeon. I wanted to add in some weapons that would really help out with the Market Dungeon. --//
Additions: //All of the Swords Below can be found in the Market Dungeon.
- Psionic Sabre - Texture Created.
- -Upon damaging enemies, has a chance to grant movement/jump boosts.
- -Upon damaging enemies, mobs have a chance to drop an Ender Pearl.
Cookie Monster - Texture Created.
- -Upgraded Cake Blade
- -Better Damage
- -Better Healing buff in comparison to Cake Blade.
Ice Sword - Texture Created.
- -Upon damaging enemies, has a chance to summon a "Snowblast".
- Snowblasts do the following:
- -Slows Nearby Enemies for Three Seconds.
- -Damages nearby enemies caught in the Snowblast for 8 HP.
//Can be found in all dungeons.
- *Dynabomb - Upgraded Bone Dust Bomb
- -Throwable TNT grenade.
- -Rare find, can be found in all dungeon chests (Manor, Monastery, & Market).
General Changes:
- -Emerald Embezzler - Buffed Looting enchantment (Was lvl 3 -> Now Lvl 4), removed hideflags(Hiding enchantments) from players.
- -Xfinity Blades - Removed hideflags(Hiding enchantments) from players.
Resource Pack:
- Updated to version 1.6.1
- Added Sword Textures.
- Updated All Sword Textures.
- Updated Bone Dust Bomb Texture.
- Added new Dyna Bomb Texture.
VOA 1.8.3 ----------------------------------------------
Luck is in the air!
-The following loot tables now behave accordingly when players have the Luck enchantment.
-All Manor Dungeon Chests -All Monastery Dungeon Chests *Including Boss Reward Chests & Plate of Wealth Chests. -All Market Dungeon Chests *Including Treasure Vault Chests
-When a player with the Luck enchantment opens an Unopened chest, they will now receive Bonus Rolls.
VOA 1.8.2
-Flower Phase 2 Tome Attack should no longer attack the whole server. -Add in some cool server noises when fighting the boss.
-Chaos X-finity Blade, -Stop firework effect from triggering on players, including the user.
-Vault Plunder Gear -Name restored on loot table.
Raycasting: Can now raycast through more blocks.
Lucky Tome - Bat Attack - Flower; Increase Explosive Timer - Increased time it takes for Bats to “explode” - Was 11 ticks - Now 16 ticks. Decrease Explosive Damage - Decreased Explosive Damage