VOA 3.0.2 ------- 1.21.4
Hotfix; -Compatibility updates for my other data pack, Baked Neccessities coming to 1.21.4
VOA 3.0 --- 1.21.4
Disclaimer: Due to significant tech changes from 1.21.3 to 1.21.4, worlds that were previously in 1.21.3 will break when loaded in 1.21.4.
It's recommended that you start a new world if you are planning on running version 3.0.
Changelog: Now compatible with 1.21.4 (Took forever, lots of changes >> Just going to leave it as that).
Flower Boss Fight: (Now restored to its former glory!)
- -Fixed Legionaire type mobs not spawning.
- -Flower can now swap Melee targets in phase two.
- -Fixed “First Break” not triggering on the start of phase
- -Removed Teleport Mechanic in Phase 1 when flowers shield goes down.
- -Restored Flowers “Potion” attacks, scales with the current wave again. *Phase-2: Tomes
- -Initial TP (Fix Range on it).
- -Chaos TP (Fix Range on it).
- *Now Grabs Entities Within 40 Blocks of the boss (Was 22).
- -Reduced Time in between Tomes Casts. (Was 400 Ticks >> Now 340).
*Marina Dungeon Formations -All types expanded (Added more ships - so the dungeon is larger).
Warped Titan: -Now paths to the player instead of not moving. -Made slightly faster
Abomination -Slightly Increased chance of Hunting Party.
- -Lore Tags added to all swords with special abilities.
- -psionic saber: No longer gives strength, instead gives slow_falling
- -Effects now last 6 seconds instead of 5.
- -Fixed Issue where they weren’t dropped Ender Pearls.
- -Champion Sword: -Buffed Strength Buff
- -Sword Drop Rates Increased: (All were 6%, now 8%)
- -Psiconic sabre: 10%
- -Coaltrain: 8%
- -Emerald Embezzler: 8%
Elder Witch:
- -Buffed Elder Witch
- -Fixed an issue where if you have holidays and happening datapack enabled, the elder witches stats get overwritten.
Loot Tables:
- -Fixed Grave Leggings - No longer have curse of binding.
- -In a better effort to promote Nether Exploration, I’ve removed all potions besides Healing Potions from Manor/Monastery Loot Tables.
- -Fixed Blood-Armor Values being wonky.
Marina/Monolith Loot Chests
- -Changes to End Tier Loot Chests, you should now see a better bang for your buck per chest (More Diamond specifically). (Slightly Reduced Netherite Scrap).
-Totemic Armor has been changed.
Now Armor of the Ancients >> Significant buffs.
Godspell Staffs:
- -Can Now be recharged if fully depleted (0 Charges Remaining)
Bonelock Weapons:
- -Interact with the Creaking as they should (Don’t damage the mob, unless the heart is destroyed).
Alters: -Fix Wealth Alter Texture
Ender Demon: -Greedox can now swap Melee targets after completing its warp attack.
Resource Packs: -Now compatible with 1.21.4
VOA 2.3.3
- -Boneshot found in Monastery/Manor Loot chests now stack with Crafted Boneshot.
- -Emerald Embezzler - Increased Emerald/exp drop rate from 5% >> 5.25%
Marina Dungeon:
- -Added in another formation.
- -Added in a Station variant.
- -This is the hardest variant of the Marina dungeon.
- -In the future, this is where you will fight Petals (Upcoming Boss).
- -For now the boss room is just a placeholder.
VOA 2.3.2 - Recipes
-Boneshot Recipe can now be found in the crafting recipes without needing to make it first.
VOA 2.3.1 - Heart Rework
//-- I've reworked all of the items that add additional "Hearts", so now they now are based Per Item, not one piece giving a flat bonus. --//
Changes: The Heart Rework Applies to:
- -Harmony Locket (+1 Heart while Equipped in Offhand)
- -Life Blood Gear (+1 Heart Per individual Piece)
- -Unholy Gear (+1 Heart Per individual Piece)
- -Totemic Gear (+2 Heart Per individual Piece)
- -Brooches (+2 Heart while Equipped in Offhand)
Monolith Dungeon:
- -Fear Alter functionality has been updated - Placing a Fear plate now begins the "End Trial Chamber - Event".
- -These trials are very difficult - make sure to bring lots of supplies!
- -You will need to survive 10-12 waves of enemies.
- -If all players around the alter die, the challenge will end as a failure.
- -Beating the End Trial Chamber will yield some very potent rewards - Including guaranteed Armor, Chests, and Weapon drops!
- -Fixed a recasting glitch where projectiles were being stopped by incorrect entities.
Resource Pack:
- -Fixed Cookie Blade Texture
Boneshot recipe now works again!
VOA 2.2.3 - 1.21.3 Update
Fixed an issue where the flower boss chest loot table was not working! (That would be a bummer).
Same with the Plate of Wealth - Nobody wants an empty chest!
VOA 2.2.3 - 1.21.3 Update | Godspell Staff Addition
- -Added Unenchanted Godspell Staff to the Marina/Monolith Dungeon chests
- -Can be created on Magic Bench, similar to Normal Staffs.
- -All Godspell Staffs have a "threshold" mechanic, meaning they don't instantly trigger.
Godspell Abilities when Enchanted with Magic Orbs:
Chaos Staff | Quantum Teleport (12 Charges)
- Teleports wherever the player is looking, has a range of 250-300 blocks.
Harmony Staff | Divine Heal (12 Charges)
- Heals Friendly Entities/Players in the area. Grants large absorption. Damages Undead mobs nearby with a "smite" ability.
Lucky Staff | Mob-Soul Alchemy Blast (12 Charges)
- On Hit, turns mobs into valuable materials! Damages "Monstrous" Entities.
Dangerous Staff | Incineration (12 Charges)
- Unleashes an extremely powerful fiery beam which melts enemies during its threshold state. When players stop the threshold phase, it will summon a thunderbolt and large blast in front of the player.
- -Updated Pack version to 57
- -Updated Dungeon Chest Loot Tables to work with 1.21.3
- -Updated Brooch & Locket to work with 1.21.3
- -Updated Mob STATS to work with 1.21.3
- -Fixed Witch Event in Monastery
Resource Pack:
- -Updated Pack version to 42.
- -Updated Placeable blocks to work with 1.21.3
What's in the Update?
Many of the Xblades in the game were flat-out broken. Or if they did work, they did not live up to the hype.
I'm happy to say that is no longer the case! All Blades now do a hybrid damage (Smite/Sharpness) alongside their current abilities! You can now consider these another type of endgame sword that you can access early in a playthrough (If you are lucky).
- *Harmony: Increased healing range
- *Harmony: Increased healing effect to all friendly mobs.
- *Harmony: Increased damage effect to all undead mobs.
- *Increased Enchanted base stats.
- *Added Wither effect & increased burn damage.
- *Slightly increased burn range.
- *Fixed an issue where the firework effect would not trigger.
- *Increased Enchanted base stats.
- *Firework does more damage (Was 20 >> Now 30)
- *Higher chance for firework effect.
- *Fixed an issue where the luck tag could be applied to you, breaking the world and making the game unplayable (You would just repeatedly teleport down to the void).
- *Fixed an issue where the luck effect wouldn’t trigger.
- *Fixed an issue where the luck effect wouldn’t trigger on large Monstrous entity.
Download Resource Manadatory Resource pack below!
-Added “Attacker” logic when using the bonelock weapons.
-Hopefully no more are killed by Magic “%3$!”
-Monastery Poison Trap now gives infestation debuff.
-Included more Wrath Plate spawns (Manor & Monastery Dungeons).
-Fixed Monastery room “Alter-Curse” trap spawning incorrectly.
-Small Updates to Monastery Rooms
VOA 2.2.0 -- Perils of Plunder ~ Marina Dungeon Update
## Download Resource Pack at the bottom of the page! ##
Hello folks! It's time for a Surprise dungeon release! Ethereal Pirate Ships have been spotted in large numbers across the end dimension! Players now have a chance to soar through floating naval formations in a truly epic aerial experience. Put that elytra to work as you fly from deck to deck in a open air battlefield. There is plunder to be had, the question is... Are you brave enough to conquer the ethereal fleets?
I've been hacking away slowly at my list of things I want to accomplish before I finally conclude my "End Dimension" focus (Formally known as Phases). I wanted to make the Dungeon flow between the Monastery Dungeon and the Monolith more cohesive, I felt just jumping into the Monolith robbed players of a chance to explore the new tiers of loot which are available in the End Dungeons. Thus the Marina dungeon was born!
With this dungeon also comes a significant rework of the two loot pools currently found in the end dungeons. I found the average chest had a lot of junk in it. Especially considering the challenge required to LOOT the chests. Players should now see a significant buff across all loot chests.
The new Marina Dungeon should be comparable to the completion time found in the overworld Manor dungeon.
Marina Dungeon (End Dimension) -The Marina dungeon now spawns in the outer end islands.
-The Marina dungeon cannot spawn within a 1200 blocks of another Marina.
-The Marina spawns in a variety of formations, each with a randomized make up of ships and ship sizes.
-Their are three different tiers of ship sizes that can spawn in:
- *Sloops
- *Brigs
- *Galleons (Rarest/Largest) -Most of the ships are trapped, players will encounter a new plate trap :D -Consider bringing potions of Slow Falling to mitigate fall damage.
-Reworked the End-Light Loot table (Should now contain waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better loot).
-Buffed the End-Medium Loot table
-Gladiator Mob >> was renamed "Ethereal Admiral".
-Double Bone-87 damage increased, was 22 per shot. Now 25 dmg per shot.
Monolith Dungeon
-Made significantly rarer.
-Now only spawns after the player travels 5050 blocks away from spawn (x=0, z=0).
-Cannot spawn within 2400 blocks of another Monolith.
-This will be the End game dungeon - Still heavily a WIP.
-Significantly Buffed Loot.
-Admirals (Formally Gladiator) now spawn on every floor.
//~~~ I didn't forget about the End Trail Chambers, I just thought I would tie up some loose ends first in order to better balance them. -They are coming eventually! ~~~//
Ethereal Enemies: #Privateer Health Nerf (All Tiers) - Was 45 >> Now 35 HP
#Buccaneer Health Nerf (All Tiers were 60HP) Now >> -Basic (40 HP) -Gold (45 HP) -Diamond (50 HP)
Potionhold Nerfs: -Basic (Was Instant Damage IV >> Now Instant Damage III) -Gold (Was Instant Damage IV >> Now Instant Damage III) -Diamond (Was Instant Damage V >> Now Instant Damage III)
Resource Pack:
-Updated to 2.2.0
VOA 2.1.03 --
Abomination: -Fixed abomination sound loop only playing once (No more silent abomination - YIKES!)
VOA 2.1.02 --
//--- I'm going to focus on making some efficiency gains over the next couple months. This is the first push, as well as some bug fixes. --///
Spooks Loop file: *Wraith
optimized Wraith commands Re-did the burn command (Much more efficient then it was). *Specter optimized Specter commands *Reaper optimized Reaper commands
Swords -Fixed an issue where sometimes special abilities on swords would not trigger.
VOA 2.1.0-pre -- //--- Alright Folks, it's time for some more Monolithic changes! In this update, the Market Dungeon is no more. Instead meet the Monolith! A 20+ Floor battle tower spanning almost 200 blocks tall! Don't worry, the Market Dungeon isn't gone, it's merely expanded to it's new full size!
This update was so large I decided to release it early as it's going to be released in multiple parts.
The Trail Chambers still need to be implemented. Right now the Fear Alter/Plates are merely placeholders. -Thus the Pre version.
Anyway, that's enough rambling, below are all the changes, as well as a ton of badly needed bug fixes. --///
Thornfall Armor. -A new set of Diamond Armor which can be found in Manor/Monastery Loot Chests.
Pike - Attack Speed Sword. -Additional Dual Wield Speed -Can rip through enemies. -Can be obtained in Manor/Monastery/Market Dungeons.
Gladiator Mob - “Mini” Boss -The toughest non boss mob in the game. -200HP -A true threat to players. -Goated Loot Drops.
Champion Challenger - Effect Sword. -Grants the user a variety of buffs when they receive damage. -The more damage the user takes, the more buffs they receive! -Can scale some crazy combos. -Obtained as a rare drop from the new Gladiator Mob. -Possibly the strongest sword in the game.
Market Dungeon >> Turns to Monolith Dungeon! -The Market Dungeon is no more. -The old Market Dungeon Size VASTLY expanded. -12 additional floors of content were added to this dungeon. -The Monolith dungeon is considered a “Mega” dungeon. -Takes multiple hours to complete. -Tons of traps, rooms, and content added to this dungeon. -Added “Fort” rooms to the Monolith dungeon, similar to the Monastery! These massive rooms generate differently every time. -Still very much a WIP, but we are getting there!
Fear Alter/plates - This will be the “trail chamber” area in this dungeon. -similar to the other dungeons, you can now find Fear plates in the dungeon. -There are two separate trial chambers, one lesser, and one elite.
-Currently the trail chambers mechanics don’t do anything, and are merely placeholders. -I plan on adding those in the very near future.
Changelog: Loot Tables
Increased Chance of receiving diamonds across all dungeon loot tables.
Medium Loot Pool - Manor/Monastery
Added Thornfall Armor.
market/Monolith Loot Pool
Totemic Armor Enchantments have been restored. Fixed an issue where the tome re-use was not triggering.
Manor Loot Room
Now has a chance to spawn Plates of Wealth
Flower Boss Fight:
Fixed Potion Attack not damaging players. Phase2 Fixed Lucky Bat Attack Added a particle effect to the teleport attack, making it seem less like you just randomly glitch across the map.
Buffed Willowbee buffs, now 3 minutes of Absorption & Regeneration.
Ethereal Enemies: -Reworked All ethereal Enemies;
Now have “ranks” - Similar to their Monastery Dungeon counterparts (Brutes, Vault Guardians, etc.) Rank Rundown: -Red Trim = Lowest -Gold Trim = Mid Tier -Diamond = Toughest Enemies made it more difficult. -Scallywags are made more “Tanky” depending on tier. -Privateers have a more lethal shot depending on tier (Higher tiers are also quicker). -Buccaneers now carry different potions - higher tier rank buccaneer potions HURT. The higher the rank, the tougher the enemy. -Higher Tiers are quicker. -Higher Tiers do more damage. -Higher Tiers have more health. Ethereal Citizens: Now grant a slight slow effect to nearby players. Now it has a particle effect.
Fixed an issue where the Reaper attack damage was not applied. Changed reaper sound - No more “Eiggghhhhee!~<3” << Very Demure of the Reaper.
VOA 2.0.6 Hotfix ---------
Changelog: -Decreased Nether Demon Spawn.
Brooches/Lockets -Fixed an issue where, when you activated a Locket- you would receive a Brooch instead. -Rebalanced Brooches and Lockets. -Harmony Brooch now offers +3 Hearts, and 30% attack speed -Dangerous Brooch has also been improved. (Wiki Should now also display accurate info on brooches and lockets)
Ender Demon -Now drops Chaos Essence upon death.
Defender Trophies -Now properly place, and can now rotate.
-Resource Pack Updated to version 2.0.2
2.0.5 Changelog:
- Fixed an issue where Custom Mob names weren’t being applied; This was affecting the following mobs:
- *Wraith
- *Specter
- Abomination- Tweaked Abomination Storm Event - it now spawns much closer to the player (Was 55 blocks away >> Now 35).
- Nether Demon- it now spawns closer to the player (Was 40 blocks away >> Now 35).
- Now has a larger conversion radius for turning piglins into Abyssal Horrors - (was 2 >> Now 10)
- Bonesket Reload- Increased reload time - with great power comes great reload times.
- Bonesplitter/double_bone - Increased Spread for shot >> was 1.5 blocks >> now 1.75 blocks).
VOA 2.0.4 Hotfix ---------------------------------------------- 1.21
-Fixed an issue where if you fired the bonesplitter, on the second shot it wouldn't reload. -fixed pack.png file for datapack.
/--- In Celebration of Baked Necessities finally coming to 1.21.2, I'm happy to announce a crossover update for the datapack! ---//
Changelog: If you have the Baked Neccesities+ datapack downloaded and enabled you will now find BN related loot in Loot Pools. This effects: -All Dungeons (Manor, Monastery, and Market). -All Tiers of Dungeon Chests.
Resource Pack: -Fixed Pack.png file.
VOA 2.0.2 Hotfix ----------------------------------------------
Update the showcase_items command so that it now works with 1.21 Added most of the new custom items to the showcase_items command. /function voa:showcase_items /function voa:showcase_items_2
Skeel Blade Drop (Basic - Ultimate) -Fixed an issue where enchantments where not carrying over to the Skeel Blade drops. -Loot Tables should now work properly.