Patch 1.1.1 / 14.11.23 / Kath Keys&Locks
- Added: Sounds play when a container is lock or unlocked.
- Fixed: The pack wasn't working if not combined with Kath-Skillsystem. (big mistake on my end.)
Patch 1.1.0 / 10.11.23 / Kath Keys&Locks
Fixed / Changed: Container can now be locked/unlocked even if the container is below the player.
- The container needs to be in ~5 block range of the player.
Added: The containers indicates their status if looked at with a key.
- Aqua = Unlocked / is lockable
- Green = Was locked
- Orange = Is locked / is unlockable
- Blue = Was unlocked
Know Issues:
- Looking at the edge of the container, the indication will be next to the container.
- Also the container can't be locked or unlocked then.
1.0.1 / 21.10.23
- Fixed: The trigger wasn't resetet correctly, maybe could have ended into a bug.
- Fixed: Containers can only be locked as long they're right in front of the player. Now they can be as high as 2 block above ground (Directly over the head of the player)
- Release version