1.21.4 Support
Patch 1.5.3/ 18.11.24
1.21.2 and .3 support
- Loading text shows version number now
- Advancement tab now has playhead instead of a nether star. Fixed:
- Uninstall function did not deactivate datapack.
- pack.mcmate hat the wrong pack_format number
Patch 1.5.2/ 02.08.24
- using the uninstall function all locked blocks will get opened.
- only works for blocks in loaded chunks.
- Crafter can now also be locked.
- Locking system got more accurate and is not offset if looking at the edge of a container.
Patch 1.5.1 / 20.07.24
- [1.21] datapack is not useable.
Patch 1.5 / 19.07.24
- Uninstall info after using the uninstall function.
- Lockpicking
- Lockpick item (1 gold ingot, 1 copper ingot, 1 stick)
- Player needs to hold 30 sec. to unlock container
- High changes of breaking the lockpick
- Can be turned of via command
- /scoreboard players set lockpicking k_knl_options 0
- Player needs to have set spawnpoint at a bed once
- Protection
- player looking at locked containers witch aren't theirs will get mining fatigue.
- Primed TNT near locked container will despawn.
- Not all scoreboard are removed after using the uninstall function.
- All player on a server could hear the sounds of locking und unlocking
End of 1.20.2 support
Patch 1.4 / 30.06.24
- [1.20.5+]Fixed: debug raycast is shown if key is in hand.
- Added: Chest can be unlock in creative via /trigger knl_ad_un ("admin" unlock)
Patch 1.3 / 16.06.24
- 1.21 support
- Changed: Uninstalling the pack now disables the pack.
- Fixed: Uninstalling does not removed all scoreboards.
Patch 1.2.1 / 25.04.24
- 1.20.5 Port
Patch 1.2.0 / 10.03.24 / Keys&Locks
24w09a and up / 1.20.5 / 1.21 port with the new component-system
Patch 1.1.2 / 25.02.24 / Keys&Locks
- Fixed: If combined with Kaths Skillsystem the information inside the Advancements where listed incorrect.