- Fixed z-fighting of bottom of player head when wearing skulls
- Fixed z-fighting of back of skulls placed on walls
- Updated to 1.21
- Fixed z-fighting on spawners, trial spawners and vaults (Also fixed culling problem on both spawners)
- Fixed sign model not working and added Enhanced Block Entities support
- Improved minecart z-fighting fix, added models for carts with blocks in them
- Fixed frog, parrot and chicken feet z-fighting (from a distance while using shader mods)
- Fixed z-fighting issues with armor models (EMF exclusive)
- Fixed skeleton horse reign z-fighting with face on inside of skull
- Fixed bamboo raft z-fighting when pushed into slabs
- Fixed z-fighting with button and item in item frame
- Fixed banner item z-fighting with item frame
- Removed bat model, new vanilla bat model does not have the issue the old model had
- Fixed skeleton horse reign z-fighting with face on inside of skull
- Fixed bamboo raft z-fighting when pushed into slabs
- Fixed z-fighting with button and item in item frame
- Fixed banner item z-fighting with item frame