Tools & Utilities
- Added boat and chest boat of al types of wood (oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, cherry and bamboo)
- Added writable book and written book
- Added raw iron, copper and gold, lapis lazuli, quartz, bone meal, string, feather, prismarine shard and crystals, nautilus shell, shulker shell, popped chorus fruit, book and enchanting book and glistering melon slice
- Added all 16 color dyes
- Changed blaze and breeze rod to look more vanilla
Natural Blocks
- Added sugar cane, frogspawn, lily pad and kelp
Functional Blocks
- Added cauldron and armor stand items
Redstone Blocks
- Added minecart and tnt, chest, command block, furnace and hopper minecarts
Food & Drinks
- Added melon slice, sweet and glow berries, chorus fruit, dried kelp
- Added raw and cooked mutton, chicken and rabbit mutton
- Added rotten flesh
- Fixed name from turtle_scute to scute.
- Changed shears texture.
- Added lead, map + (filled + markings), elytra + (broken), firework rocket, saddle and goat horn.
- Added trident.
- Added golden apple and golden carrot.
- Added beef, cooked beef, porkchop and cooked porkchop.
- Added potato, cooked potato and poisonous potato.
- Added cookie, cake, pumpkin pie, spider eye and fermented spider eye.
- Added emerald, netherite scrap, wheat, ink sac and glow ink sac, turtle scute, clay ball, breeze rod, paper, trial key and ominous trial key.
- Added wheat seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds and beetroot seeds.
- Added all sign and hanging sign variants (oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, crimson, warped, mangrove, cherry and bamboo).
- Added hopper
- Changed flint texture.
- Added cod, cooked cod, salmon, cooked salmon, tropical fish and pufferfish texture.
- Added bamboo, breeze rod, clay, egg, diamond, spawn eggs texture.
- Added powder snow, cod, salmon, tropical fish, tadpole, axolotl, pufferfish and milk bucket texture.
- Added shears and flint and steel texture.
- Added standby, pulling 0, 1 and 2, arrow and firework crossbow texture.
- Changed leggins texture.
- Added iron, copper, gold and netherite ingots texture.
- Added amethyst shard, brick and nether brick texture.
- Added stick, blaze rod, bone texture, armadillo scute, leather and rabbit hide texture.
- Added apple, beetroot and carrot texture.
- Added bucket, lava and water bucket texture.
- Added bowl, beetroot soup, suspicious, rabbit and mushroom stew texture.
- Added fishing rod, carrot and warped fungus on a stick texture.
- Added brush, flint, coal and charcoal texture.
- Added bow and pull animation textures.
- Added bell, and flower pot texture.
- Added full set of armor for leather, chainmail, iron, gold, diamond and netherite
- Leather armor has an overlay texture
- Added turtle helmet
- Added full set of tools and swords for wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond and netherite
- Added arrow, spectral arrow and tipped arrow (base and head)