- An empty string in messages.yml won't be sent anymore.
- Added AllowVillagerTrading flag.
- Players entering a NoElytra claim while flying won't take fall damage anymore.
- Performance improvements when modifying a ChangeBiome claim.
- Some permission fixes with NoEnter.
- Trying to enter a NoEnter claim while on elytra or boat is now handled better.
- Fixed issues with the fly flags
- Fixed issues with the ReadLecterns flag
- Fixed issues with default flags
- Fixed an issue where gpflags.bypass.noenter wouldn't always work
- Fixed an issue where players couldn't go beyond world height limits
- Added NoCropTrampling flag.
- Added the server implementation in the /gpflags debug output and fixed the untranslated color code.
- Added more metrics.
- /setdefaultflag now shows a fail message with flags that can't be set as default flags.
- AllowPvP no longer allows players to attack passive dogs.
- ChangeBiome now always applies to the entire claim its set to.
- The entity list that NoMobDamage is now more accurate.
- NoFlight now also prevents players from using /fly to trigger flight
- Unsetting ChangeBiome now accurately resets the biome to the original biome
- Claims with ChangeBiome and KeepLoaded flags now adjust themselves when the claim is resized.
- The spawner config setting now also applies to trial spawners
- When NoVehicle breaks a boat, it now breaks it into the same boat type.
- AllowWitherDamage now also applies to wither skulls
- AllFlags now only shows the flags the player has permission for.
- NoCoralDeath no longer prevents non-coral blocks from fading.
- HealthRegen default reduced to 1.
- Fixed several edge cases with movement flags
- Added the /gpflags debug command to spit out version numbers.
- Fixed an issue where the default ender pearl message had its player names reversed.
- Fixed an issue in 5.13.3 where HealthRegen flag could delete all flags.
- Fixed an issue in 5.13.3 where HealthRegen would always set the limit to 1, and adds the ability to restrict the strength of HealthRegen based on permissions. See details.
- Fixes several long-standing compatibilty issues with Spigot.
- Fixes an issue introduced in 5.13.2 with AllowPvp on non-Purpur servers.
- Reduced the need for the gpflags.bypass.fly permission
- Fixed some issues with the AllowPvP flag
- Added some handling for messages with legacy formatting codes
- Fixed an issue regarding fly flags sometimes doing the wrong action after respawn
- Added significant optimizations by rewriting the way GPFlags checks existing flags
- Fixed issues with several enter and exit flags regarding placeholders, failures firing, and actionbars.
- Fixed issues with the fly-related flags not checking inheritances
GPF 5.13 had two important changes that server owners might want to take action about:
With the addition of PermissionFly, I reworked a lot of how flying and when players are checked for their ability to fly. GPF has always expected that players who can use the /fly command through another plugin would also have gpflags.bypass.fly to prevent GPF from trying to turn off the player's flight when they left a claim where flight was enabled. With 5.13, this permission needed to be checked more often, and without giving it to the appropriate players, can result in them not being able to fly in places where they could previously.
GPF now uses minimessage. Config should have already been updated but flags.yml did not. If you had flags that use legacy formatting colors, you can use copy your flags.yml here to convert them to minimessage.
Full changelog below:
- Added compatibility for 1.20.6 and 1.21.
- Added the PermissionFly flag which can allow flight depending on the player's server permissions rather than the player's claim permissions.
- Added the ability to use PAPI Placeholders in GPFlags messages
- Added the ability to use AllowPvP flag as a world or server level flag
- Added bypass perms for PlayerGamemode flag
- Fixed actionbar flags not working on servers without Paper’s api (eg. Spigot)
- Fixed an issue where flags that deny mob spawning would also deny slime splitting
- Fixed an issue where NoCoralDeath wouldn't work on some types of coral
- Fixed SpleefArena not working below y=0
- Fixed an issue where ChangeBiome wouldn't apply below y=0 and above y=256
- Fixed a rare issue where the plugin could make the server stall on startup.
- Fixed AllowPvp flag allowing pvp on non-dog pets
- Changed the list of available flags to be sorted alphabetically
- Changed GPFlags to use MiniMessage chat formatting
- Fixed important issues with BuySubclaim, BuyBuildtrust, BuyContainertrust, and BuyAccesstrust where they would sometimes revert purchased permissions and claim settings after a server restart.
- Made minor improvements to the update checker to work better when using snapshot versions and on nodes without apache dependencies.
- Added The ability to allow /listclaimflags in only some claims via gpflags.command.listclaimflags.ownclaim and other similar permissions.
- Added /bulksetflag and /bulkunsetflag commands to manage flags in all of a specific player's claims. Experimental.
- Added The ability for ReadLecterns to work with Book and Quill instead of just signed books.
- Added a new AllowInfest flag.
- Fixed an issue where RaidMembersOnly would sometimes allow untrusted players to trigger raids.
- Fixed an issue where AllowBlockExplosions could be set as a world or server flag (which wouldn't work anyway)
- Fixed an issue where OwnerMemberFly would sometimes send a message about disabling flight without actually disabling it.
- Fixed various issues with the NotifyExit flag.
- Fixed issues with flags in subclaims.
- Fixed an issue where ProtectNamedMobs would also protect named armor stands and item frames
- Fixed an issue where ramming into a NoEnter claim while flying fast in an elytra would take a few seconds to unfreeze you.
- Fixed an issue where the plugin wouldn't start on some machines.
- Fixed an issue where trying to set/unset NoCoralDeath would set NoBlockFade instead.
- Fixed an issue on newer Minecraft versions of 1.20.4 starting February 10 where GPFlags would throw NoSuchMethod errors regarding EntityDamageByEntityEvent.
- Added 5 new flags: NoMapMaking, NoCoralDecay, NoBlockFade, EnterActionBar, and ExitActionBar
- Added the ability to use ProtectNamedMobs on the world level.
- Added a message to let people know they were removed from the claim if they were banned from the claim while in it.
- Added the ability for UnsetDefaultClaimFlag to be usable from console.
- Fixed an issue where the plugin wasn't usable on 1.13-1.16 servers.
- Fixed an issue where the plugin wouldn't startup on some machines.
- Fixed AllowPvp on newer GriefPrevention versions.
- Fixed NPEs with the NoEliteMobSpawns flag.
- Fixed NPEs with the ViewContainers flag.
- Fixed issues with the NoEnter flag.
- Fixed NoEnterPlayer bypasses not always working.
- Fixed NoEnterPlayer banning more players than it should.
- Fixed NoEnterPlayer not keeping players banned after a name change.
- Fixed that command autocomplete would suggest "persist" when it's redundant.
- Removed the "flight was enabled" message if it was already enabled.
- Changed NoMobDamage to no longer protect mobs through entity cramming limits.
- Changed EnterMessage and ExitMessage flags to no longer trigger if the claim the player moves to has the same message and owner as the prior claim.
- Fixed /gpflags reload not reloading the language file.
- Fixed an issue where logging in on a NotifyEnter claim would notify the claim owner even if you logged in with vanish or spectator mode.
- Changed GPFlags now attempts to listen to the alternative instead of ClaimModifiedEvent if using GriefPrevention 16.18.1.
- Added bypass permissions for NotifyEnter (gpflags.bypass.notifyenter) and NotifyExit (gpflags.bypass.notifyexit). Previously bypassing these flags was only possible through spectator mode or vanish.
- Added an update checker. You'll now be notified on startup if you're using an outdated version.
Fixed an issue with 5.12.6 on Paper servers and forks where I wasn't using the right method to look at passengers
- Added the NoAnvilDamage flag which prevents anvils from being damaged when used.
- Added the ability to hide tab completion for /buybuildtrust, /buycontainertrust, /buyaccesstrust, and /buysubclaim by dening the permissions gpflags.command.buybuildtrust, gpflags.command.buycontainertrust, gpflags.command.buyaccesstrust, and gpflags.command.buysubclaim respectively.
- Fixed an issue where /setdefaultclaimflag couldn't be used by the console.
- Fixed a null pointer exception when using /setdefaultclaimflag with some flags.
- Fixed hoglins not being treated as monsters for some flags like NoMonsters.
- Fixed NoSuchMethodError on servers using an older GriefPrevention version.
- Fixed bstats.
- Fixed an issue where GPFlags wouldn't recognize someone entering a claim if they were riding on a plugin's pet. This is only fixed on Paper servers and its forks.
- NoStructureGrowth flag to prevent growth of trees, mushrooms, and chorus fruit.
- NoEliteMobSpawns flag (if you have the EliteMobs plugin).
- BuySubclaim flag which works similar to BuyBuildTrust but only works on subclaims and removes the flag after trust is bought to prevent other players from also buying the subclaim.
- Unsetting fly flags now disables flight immediately.
- NoVineGrowth now works on cave vines (glow berries).
- $ is no longer used to translate color codes in the config. Use & from now on.
- Reworked AllowBlockExplosions to better mimic the GP /claimexplosions command.
- An issue where the claim owner and trusted members with higher trust levels could still use the buy trust commands.
- An issue where KeepLoaded would not load the chunks on startup.
- KeepLoaded flag
- AllowWitherDamage flag
- AllowBlockExplosions flag
- NoPotionEffectsFlag
- SpawnReasonWhitelist flag
- Fixed an issue where GPFlags could uncancel PlayerToggleFlightEvent. Adds support for plugins like infinitejump.
- Fixed an issue that would occur when OwnerFly was enabled in an admin claim.
- Fixed a null pointer exception with the NoMcMMOXP flag.
- Fixed an issue where setting the NoEnter & NoEnterPlayer flag would kick out players with bypass permissions.
- Fixed an issue where setting the NoEnterPlayer flag would not kick players out of the claim
- NotifyEnter and NotifyExit are no longer triggered if the player cannot be seen by the claim owner (vanished) or in spectator mode.