- Added support for 1.21
- Fixed some command and translation issues
- Added support for 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- The plugin now requires java 21
- Reworked the command and translation system (see https://github.com/FancyMcPlugins/FancyNpcs/pull/105) (thanks grabsky)
- Added scale command:
/npc scale (npc) (factor)
- FancyNpcs is now a paper-plugin
- Added a ton of new attributes (thanks UsainSrht)
- Several fixes and QOL changes
No changelog was specified.
- Fix npcs not showing in 1.20.1
- Add attribute to show arms for armorstands
- Fix duplicate names when PLAYER_NPCS_FEATURE_FLAG is enabled
- Added invisible attribute for 1.19.4
- Fixed player npcs not spawning in 1.19.4
- Fixed duplicate npc names
- Add join delay
- Fixed armor stand interaction
API changes
- Added NpcManager#getNpcById
- Improve and extend api for npc interactions
- Include sources and javadocs in api
- Add swingArm flag to Npc#move
This version fixes various of issues that accrued in v2.0.8
- Removed debug message console spam
- Fixed not being able to modify playerCommands on new created npcs
- Equipment is not shown when npc is invisible
- Added a fix command (/npc fix (npc name)): run this command, if the npc is bugged and it will completely recreate the npc and might fix the issue
I'm sorry for these issues on the last version, I'll make sure that this won't happen again.
Removed console spam with debug messages
- You can now set multiple npc messages:
- /Npc message (npc name) add (message) - adds a new message
- /Npc message (npc name) set (index) (message) - sets a message at an index
- /Npc message (npc name) remove (index) - removes a message at an index
- /Npc message (npc name) clear - removes all messages
- Added support for legacy colors in the display name
- Added player sitting pose (/npc attribute <npc> pose sitting)
- Added the "/npc info (npc)" command
- You can disable the "on interaction cooldown" message in the config (disable_interaction_cooldown_message=true)
- Added config option to not register commands (helpful if you use FancyNpcs as library)
- Fixed setting showInTab to false not applying right away
- Fixed npcs sometimes disappearing when teleporting from another world
Added new documentation website: https://fancymcplugins.github.io/docs/
The docs will be included into the main website soon (https://fancyplugins.de/docs)
and soon the main website will be completely remade too.
- Fixed "/npc glowingColor (npc) (color)" not working as intended