Adrenaline 1.14.1 Changelog
- Change the leaves and weather quality back to default
Missing mc1.20 mods
- More Culling
- Smooth Boot
Adrenaline 1.14.0 Changelog
- 1.20 alpha version
- Dynamic FPS
- Config: unfocused FPS set to 2, audio set to not change volume, GC on unfocus on
- Reduces the FPS when window is unfocused or stops rendering when hidden, which can heavily improve performance of your machine while Minecraft is running in the background
- Makes the game not render while reloading resources, making that much faster
- Fixes a bug that makes Minecraft take way more performance than it should when running in the background
- Very Many Players, C2ME, Fabric API, ImmediatelyFast, Quilt Standard Libraries
- Fabric 0.14.19 -> 0.14.21
- No longer actively supporting 1.17.1 and 1.19.3 as they aren't very popular and it gives me more time to work on other versions
- Exordium as it doesn't generally improve performance when ImmediatelyFast is there and can cause issues with mods that have UI elements such as minimap mods
- MemoryLeakFix as it can cause various issues and mod incompatibilities
- Indium, where EBE isn't available