- NEW! Shader Packs Tab - XSO now has a custom shader packs tab in a vanilla style - you can still access the old shader packs screen if nessecary.
- Fixed issue with lambdynamiclights empty tab. This should solve a few issues with crashes with Controlify as well.
- Updated 1.21.1 to use newer versions of sodium extra, moreculling and iris - it's recommended to check if these mods are up-to-date before installing this version of Xander's Sodium Options.
- Upgraded to YetAnotherConfigLib v3.6.2
This update adds support for 1.21.4 and drops support for 1.20.1 - for more information on why 1.20.1 support has been dropped, click here.
- Added support for 1.21.4.
- Dropped support for 1.20.1
- Fixed dependency issue for 1.21.1 in
- Fixed issue with Shader Pack configuration category not automatically taking you to the Iris shader pack screen if Iris is installed. You now no longer have to click the "PROCEED" button inside this category.
- Updated to support Y.A.C.L 3.6.0+
- Added support for Minecraft 1.21.2 and 1.21.3
The next update will add NeoForge support for 1.21.1 and 1.21.3 versions for "Sodium for NeoForge"
- Added vanilla-like donation prompt, follows the same mechanics as Sodium - doesnt show for 3 days, then shows once and never again.
- Update to 1.19.3
- Add options category to sodium options & new modmenu config.
- New option: Lenient options: (previously default behaviour) replaces broken options with placeholder option
- New option: Hard crash: (previously default on) Crashes the game to generate crash report instead of a nice warning and the ability to just display actual Sodium
- Add warning screen to proceed to default sodium gui upon failure
- Fix moreculling 0.12+ compatibility
- Handle errors a lot nicer in stacktrace
- Add EntityViewDistance compatibility.
- Improve handling of incompatible Sodium option implementations to prevent crashes.