- readd forge
- fix fishing line in hand
- fix fireball deflecting (broken on forge until they allow mixin into interfaces)
- fix server setting reset on dimension change
- fix roomscale interact
fix packet handling on fabric servers
- fix lwjgl error showing wrong version
- fix menu background in nonvr
- fix vive mod settings background
- fix vr settings button anchor
update to 1.20.5
- updates to 1.1.9
- fixes menuworld rendering
- fixes gui after shader vhchaning brightnes based on direction
- add VR server death messages
- all server messages can now include the player name
- the radial menu is now configurable from 4-14 buttons
- add support for tetra items
- add support for iris 1.7 and dh shaders
- DH warning: using the spyglass/camera or any mirror other than fast will cause heavy slowdowns with DH, and may crash
- fix fps pie being broken in vr nad not navigatable
- fix chunk flickering with vanilla rendering
- fix crash with aquaculture
- fix supporters not loaded correctly
- fix vivecraft items being added toi all searchable tabs
- detect when players want to bypass server set worldscale limits
- random wonderfoods now are also limited by the server set worldscalew limit
- add error when using unsupported lwjgl
- fix crash with outdated steamvr and show a specific message when something like that happens again
- make invalid path error more descriptive