- add jade support - MelanX
- fix all blocks being placed instead of just crops or saplings - MelanX
- fix experience crystal screen doesn't render background - MelanX
- fix granted XP in crude furnace - MelanX
- fix server crash on startup - MelanX
- add illusioner to raid - MelanX
- add stone wall - MelanX
- add diamond shears - MelanX
- shift rightclick with shovel will not flatten earth anymore - MelanX
- use new capability system - MelanX
- fix crude furnace fuel time doesn't decrease when no valid recipe in furnace - MelanX
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.17.x' into 1.17.x - MelanX
- update to stable libx version - MelanX
- Make mod class final - noeppi_noeppi
- re-add jei descriptions/support - MelanX
- port to 1.17.1 - MelanX