- potential fix for hte necro bow cursed flame effect
- potential fix for necro bow curse flame effect
- Fixed Sentinel Wraith to actually do damage against Raid mobs
- Was so excited to uploaded it i forgot to write loot tables xD
- Bows now spawn in loot <3
- Released for 1.21 !! All bows ported and working!
Changes from 1.20 to 1.21:
Enchantments Removed
Bows that require an arrow to fire ( so not the soul frag or Xp to fire bows etc ) CAN NOW be used with modded, tipped, spectral arrows AS a normal bow!
using vanilla plain arrows fires the unique ability.
All bows fixed, work with Quivers now as well! New bows added all changes from Curseforge have been added here !
- Updated all the bows tooltips to match with the hold shift feature
- Re-modeled to 3D Arc of Heavens bow
- Removed Ancient Sage, Frozenite, Repair crystal items
- Changed recipes for bows that required those items ^
- Updated Advancements to match new changes
- Added Power Crystal new repair item
- Soul Fragment and Rift shard got new textures
- Updated Cursed Flame effect with new custom Texture
Future updates will phase out 2D bows and only have 3D bows.
version 3.0.0 update:
33 Bows in total
7 new bows added to TMB's all with unique features and design these new 7 bows are all craftable.
Advancements updated
Logic updated for messy bows
added 1 crossbow for testing no abilities just pretty
port from cf
port from CF
- improved loot
- 26 bows
- new items added
- improved loot
- 26 total bows
- new items
Loot system overhaul and Flame Bow Fix:
Introduced a tiered system of loot for the bows, harder bows will be in higher tiered loot. less strong in easier loot and less often spawning.
Fixed crash for the Pyre Flame bow when shooting the Naga from twilight forest.