LostCities - 1.19-6.0.2
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.19-6.0.2
- Fixed a problem where rubble wouldn't be the correct block in case a building has an overridden palette
LostCities - 1.18-5.3.6
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.3.6
- Fixed a problem where rubble wouldn't be the correct block in case a building has an overridden palette
LostCities - 1.18-5.3.5
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.3.5
- 'exportpart' now expects a filename where it will export the part and optional palette
- New 'listparts' to list all parts in the current chunk. Only works in edit mode
- New 'locatepart' to find a named part
LostCities - 1.19-6.0.1
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.19-6.0.1
- Fixed a concurrency issue with random source from the world
LostCities - 1.19-6.0.0
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.19-6.0.0
- Port to 1.19!
- 'exportpart' now expects a filename where it will export the part and optional palette
- New 'listparts' to list all parts in the current chunk. Only works in edit mode
- New 'locatepart' to find a named part
LostCities - 1.18-5.3.4
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.3.4
- It's now possible to toggle between different worldstyles in the Lost Cities world creation screen
LostCities - 1.18-5.3.3
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.3.3
- Multibuildings can now be any size with a maximum of 3x3. So 1x2, 2x3, 2x2, ...
- New type of 'scattered' buildings. These are 1x1 or multi buildings that will generate randomly outside cities
- Cleaned up the palettes and got rid of all legacy names and blockstates using metadata. These are no longer supported. Use the <modid>:<blockid>[<properties>...] format instead
- Slightly optimized/cleaned up palette code and also fixed a bug where overriding palette entries would not get rid of the original palette data
- Bugfixes on multibuilding scattered features
- Worked on the oilrig
- Small optimization avoid object creation for too many randoms
- Fixed a bug where creating multiple customized profiles from the same MC instance might not work correctly
- New option during world creation to enable edit mode. This allows usage of the new /lostcities editpart command
- Expanded the oilrig
LostCities - 1.18-5.3.2
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.3.2
- More diagnostics to check a problem with pregenerating chunks
LostCities - 1.18-5.3.1
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.3.1
- Now the registry system properly supports namespaces. Default namespace is 'lostcities'
LostCities - 1.18-5.3.0
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.3.0
- Various improvements to the configuration GUI. The preview is now larger too
- Removed several config options that no longer work or are no longer relevant
- Cleaned up a lot of code
- The spawn configuration options are back
- Added forceSpawnInBuilding to force the spawn inside a building (might fail if there is no building near spawn)
- New feature where you can specify rubble blocks for a building. These will be used instead of the filler block but only for when buildings are damaged and spill over in adjacent chunks
- New 'variant' asset type where you can define sets of blocks that can then be used in palettes. This makes defining different palettes easier
- All assets are now converted to datapack objects. This totally changes the way you can reconfigure Lost Cities
- Expanded the worldstyle asset type with a new 'citychancemultipliers' section that allows you to specify biomes where cities should spawn less or more
- The city biome factors have been removed from the profile. This is now better handled in the asset system (worldstyle)
- The standard worldstyle avoids rivers slightly and oceans a bit more
LostCities - 1.18-5.2.6
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.2.6
- New system to control city rarity based on perlin maps. If the cityChance setting is -1 then cityPerlinScale and cityPerlinOffset will be used for a more natural city style
- New 'cityStyleThreshold' and 'cityStyleAlternative' that can be used to select another city style for low city thresholds
- New 'largecities' profile using the new setting. It presents very large cities that are relatively rare. It also uses an alternative city style at the borders of the city
- Removed the non functional chisel worldstyle and palettes
- Having a missing asset file is no longer a crashing error but it will put an error in the log and ignore the asset
- Citystyles can now override the building chance
- Fixed a bug with feature placement for datapack biomes
LostCities - 1.18-5.2.5
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.2.5
- Fixed a problem where spawners might not be correctly set if the Lost City world is exited and loaded again
LostCities - 1.18-5.2.4
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.2.4
- All mob spawners were spawning pigs. This is fixed now
- The Lost Cities events are back (useful for mods who want to do something special to LC worldgen)
- Cellars at level -1 didn't correctly connect to adjacent corridors in Z direction
- Fixed a problem with heightmaps being stored with bytes. But worldheight no longer fits in a byte. This could cause worldgen issues
- Made borders below buildings and streets only go as deep as needed. This means that you will no longer have ugly borders going down into caves from buildings on top of it
- The test if a chunk is an ocean chunk was totally wrong. This caused some generation to be ugly. Cleaned up biome test code
- Small optimizations
- Added a new 'grass' block to the 'parkblocks' in the city style so that you can use the full palette system for grass in parks
- Added a new 'generalblocks' section to city style so you can specify a few more blocks ('ironbars', 'glowstone', ...)
- New configuration option 'oceanCorrectionBorder' that can be used to change how chunks adjacent to ocean/city chunks will be corrected
LostCities - 1.18-5.2.3
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.2.3
- It's now possible to use random block palettes for streets too
- Big speed improvement in the Lost City profile selection screen when rendering the world preview
- Saplings in Lost City parks will generate trees again
- 'cityChance' now has double precision which makes it possible to make cities even more rare
- More expansions to the lost city api
- Fixed a problem with corridor generation. Too often it resulted in floating rails
- Fixed redstone torches not being correctly lit
LostCities - 1.18-5.2.2
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.2.2
- New method in the API to load additional assets
- New API so that other mods can add custom profiles
- Chests could float if the building around it was destroyed by explosions
LostCities - 1.18-5.2.1
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.2.1
- New createbuilding command to create a building
- Fixes in chest generation and lighting updates
- Fixed a potential race conditions with mods using the Lost Cities API
LostCities - 1.18-5.2.0
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.2.0
- Another optimization on worldgen
- Fixed a problem with connecting walls and glass slabs that got broken in the previous release
- Fixed a bug in the explosion correction code
- Much better explosion damage propagation upwards so that there is less floating geometry
- Code cleanups and small fixes
- New feature where a building can override the palette used by the parts
- Added 3 new building types using that feature with more modern building blocks
- Fixed placement of torches
LostCities - 1.18-5.1.2
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.1.2
- Much more stable way to generate the Lost City chunks. No more worldgen warnings and tallbuildings profile works again
- MUCH faster way to detect (and delete) floating building parts after being damaged by explosions. It is however slightly less accurate
LostCities - 1.18-5.1.1
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.1.1
- Fixed a problem with the seed of the custom dimension
LostCities - 1.18-5.1.0
on Jan 26, 2023LostCities 1.18-5.1.0
- Port to 1.18.2