(Fabric) Updated Starter Kit to Minecraft version 1.19.3.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Updated mod to Minecraft version 1.19.3.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Improved compatibility with other mods by running the starter kit giving logic on the next tick. This will make sure all items given by other mods are caught.
You can use the addExistingItemsAfterKitSet config option to determine what is done with those items.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Changed the default config file to use NBT data by default.
Improved handling of other mods adding items on startup such as books. They can either be removed completely or re-added after the kit has been set. Configurable via 'addExistingItemsAfterKitSet'.
Fixed some custom books not being saved correctly.
Cleaned up code.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Fixes the problems caused by Mojang's launcher update.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at: