✨ What's New:
- The textures for all blocks have been improved.
- All blocks now have a custom bottom texture.
🌐 Translations:
- Improved translations for Russian, special thanks to Korben.
Send your suggestions or report any issues on GitHub. Support Stacked Blocks by creating your own server or donating on PayPal.
✨ What's New:
- Added support for Minecraft 1.21.2-1.21.3.
Send your suggestions or report any issues on GitHub. Support Stacked Blocks by creating your own server or donating on PayPal.
✨ What's New:
- A whole new collection of stacked blocks for all logs, stripped logs, stone blocks, cobblestone blocks, netherrack blocks, and bricks.
- By staking your blocks, you can save up to 8 times more storage space in your chests, barrels, or anywhere in your world.
Send your suggestions or report any issues on GitHub. Support Stacked Blocks by creating your own server or donating on PayPal.