Anvil Restoration: v2.3 -> v2.4
Areas: v6.0 -> v6.1
Bareback Horse Riding: v2.2 -> v2.3
Bottle Your Xp: v3.4 -> v3.5
Campfire Spawn and Tweaks: v3.9 -> v4.0
Despawning Eggs Hatch: v4.4 -> v4.5
Double Doors: v6.0 -> v6.1
Dragon Drops Elytra: v3.4 -> v3.5
End Portal Recipe: v5.6 -> v5.7
Eroding Stone Entities: v4.6 -> v4.7
Fish On The Line: v3.4 -> v3.5
Flower Mimics: v2.0 -> v2.1
Grindstone Sharper Tools: v3.7 -> v3.8
Healing Campfire: v6.1 -> v6.2
Ice Prevents Crop Growth: v3.4 -> v3.5
Just Mob Heads: v8.4 -> v8.5
Just Player Heads: v4.1 -> v4.2
Mineral Chance: v3.7 -> v3.8
Naturally Charged Creepers: v3.5 -> v3.6
Nether Portal Spread: v8.3 -> v8.4
No Hostiles Around Campfire: v7.1 -> v7.2
Pet Names: v3.4 -> v3.5
Piglin Names: v1.1 -> v1.2
Pumpkillager's Quest: v4.4 -> v4.5
Rain Be Gone Ritual: v3.4 -> v3.5
Random Village Names: v3.7 -> v3.8
Realistic Bees: v4.0 -> v4.1
Smaller Nether Portals: v3.8 -> v3.9
Snowballs Freeze Mobs: v3.7 -> v3.8
Spiders Produce Webs: v3.5 -> v3.6
Villager Names: v8.1 -> v8.2
Village Spawn Point: v4.4 -> v4.5
Weaker Spiderwebs: v3.7 -> v3.8
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Anvil Restoration: v2.3 -> v2.4
Areas: v6.0 -> v6.1
Bareback Horse Riding: v2.2 -> v2.3
Bottle Your Xp: v3.4 -> v3.5
Campfire Spawn and Tweaks: v3.9 -> v4.0
Despawning Eggs Hatch: v4.4 -> v4.5
Double Doors: v5.9 -> v6.1
Dragon Drops Elytra: v3.4 -> v3.5
End Portal Recipe: v5.5 -> v5.7
Eroding Stone Entities: v4.6 -> v4.7
Fish On The Line: v3.4 -> v3.5
Flower Mimics: v2.0 -> v2.1
Grindstone Sharper Tools: v3.7 -> v3.8
Healing Campfire: v6.1 -> v6.2
Ice Prevents Crop Growth: v3.4 -> v3.5
Just Mob Heads: v8.3 -> v8.5
Just Player Heads: v4.1 -> v4.2
Mineral Chance: v3.7 -> v3.8
Naturally Charged Creepers: v3.5 -> v3.6
Nether Portal Spread: v8.3 -> v8.4
No Hostiles Around Campfire: v7.1 -> v7.2
Pet Names: v3.4 -> v3.5
Piglin Names: v1.1 -> v1.2
Pumpkillager's Quest: v4.4 -> v4.5
Rain Be Gone Ritual: v3.4 -> v3.5
Random Village Names: v3.7 -> v3.8
Realistic Bees: v4.0 -> v4.1
Smaller Nether Portals: v3.8 -> v3.9
Snowballs Freeze Mobs: v3.7 -> v3.8
Spiders Produce Webs: v3.5 -> v3.6
Villager Names: v8.1 -> v8.2
Village Spawn Point: v4.4 -> v4.5
Weaker Spiderwebs: v3.7 -> v3.8
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Updated bundle to Minecraft version 1.21.4.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Updated bundle to Minecraft version 1.21.1.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Bundle version 2.0! Added config options to enable/disable included mods, directly from the bundle!
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Fixed multiple bundles combined not loading correctly on NeoForge.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Initial release of Serilum's RPG Bundle.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at: