Forge 1.19.4 Support added
Forge 1.19.2 Support added
1.20.1 Forge Support added
Changelog - Saro's Essentials v0.3 (1.16.5)
New Features
- Config: Toggle All Commands Function - Added configuration option to enable or disable each command individually.
- /tpall Command added: Teleport all players to you.
- /tphere Command added: Teleport a player to you.
- /tpoffline Command added: Teleport to the ghost of an offline player.
- /unbreakable Command added: Make the item in your hand unbreakable.
- /trash Command added: New command to discard items.
- /vanish Command added: Hide a player from others.
- /kit Command added: Manage and use kits.
- /setwarp Command added: Set a new warp point.
- /warp Command added: Teleport to a warp point.
- /warps Command added: List all warp points.
- /delwarp Command added: Delete an existing warp point.
- /eco Command added: Manage economy-related commands.
- /pay Command added: Transfer money to another player.
- /tpa Command added: Request to teleport to another player.
- /tpahere Command added: Request another player to teleport to you.
- /tpaaccept Command added: Accept a teleport request.
- /tpadeny Command added: Deny a teleport request.
- /tempban Command added: Temporarily ban a player.
- Bank System Added: New system for managing in-game currency and transactions.
Changelog - Saro's Essentials v0.2 (1.16.5)
Important Notice ⚠️
This version is a Work In Progress (WIP) and is not final. Please report any bugs or issues you encounter.
New Features
- /feed: Refill your hunger bar.
- /heal: Heal a player.
- /clear: Clear the entire inventory.
- /clean: Clear the inventory except for armor slots.
- /cleanh: Clear the hotbar.
- /glow: Make the item in your hand glow.
- /setlore: Replace the lore on an item.
- /addlore: Add lore to an item.
- /removelore: Remove lore from items.
- /rename: Rename an item easily.
- /back: Teleport back to the previous location (e.g., where you used /tp).
- /home: Create and teleport to home locations.
- /homeadd: Add a new home location.
- /homeremove: Remove an existing home location.
- /inventory: Save, load, or delete inventory data.
- /spawn: Teleport to the spawn point.
- /setspawn: Set the spawn point (players will spawn here when they join).
- /sudo: Force another player to execute a command.
Changelog - Saro's Essentials v0.1 (1.16.5)
Important Notice ⚠️
This version is a Work In Progress (WIP) and is not final. Please report any bugs or issues you encounter.
New Features
- /broadcast: Send a message to the entire chat.
- /day: Set the time to day.
- /delete: Instantly delete the specified entity.
- /ec: Open an ender chest.
- /fly: Toggle flying mode on/off.
- /gm <mode>: Switch between gamemodes (0, 1, 2, 3).
- /god: Toggle god mode on/off.
- /invsee or /inv: View other players' inventories.
- /night: Set the time to night.
- /rain: Start raining.
- /head or /skull: Give a player's head.
- /sun: Set the weather to sunny.
- /thunder: Start a thunderstorm.
Configuration Added
- Color Config: Configure color settings for various features.
- Broadcast Prefix Command: Set a custom prefix for the broadcast command.
Changelog - Saro's Essentials v0.4
Bug Fixes
Dimension Teleport Fixed
- Fixed issues with teleporting between dimensions. All dimensions should now be correctly recognized and teleported to.
Permissions Fixed
- Resolved permission issues. All permissions should now function as intended and be applied correctly.
Changelog - Saro's Essentials v0.3
New Features
TPA System Added
/tpa <playername>
- Request to teleport to another player./tpahere <playername>
- Request another player to teleport to you./tpaaccept
- Accept a teleport request./tpadeny
- Deny a teleport request.
Economy System Added
/pay <playername> <amount>
- Transfer money to another player./eco add <playername> <amount>
- Add money to a player's account./eco set <playername> <amount>
- Set a player's money balance./eco get <playername>
- Check a player's money balance./eco take <playername> <amount>
- Remove money from a player's account.
Color Code Config Fixed - Resolved issues with color code configuration.
Warp Teleportation Improved - Enhanced warp teleportation functionality.
Config Option to Toggle Commands - Added configuration options to enable or disable each command individually.
Bug Fixes
/broadcast - Command fixed for correct functionality.
Config: Custom Broadcast Command Prefix - Added configuration option to set a custom prefix for the broadcast command.
Changelog - Saro's Essentials v0.2
New Features
Color Codes Config Added - Added configuration for color code settings.
Warp System Added
/warp <warpname>
- Teleport to a warp point./setwarp <warpname>
- Set a new warp point./delwarp <warpname>
- Delete an existing warp point./warps
- List all warp points.
Kit System Added
/kit create <name>
- Create a new kit./kit delete <name>
- Delete an existing kit./kit list
- List all kits./kit give <playername> <name>
- Give a kit to a player.
/trash - Command to Open a Trash GUI.
/vanish (/v) <playername> - Hide a player from others.
Bug Fixes
- /inventory - Inventory save System command fixed.
- Translations Updated - Enhanced and updated translations.
Changelog - Saro's Essentials v0.1
New (First Upload)
- /addlore: Add lore to an item.
- /back: Teleport back to the previous location (e.g., where you used /tp).
- /banip: Ban a user's IP address.
- /broadcast: Send a message to the entire chat.
- /clean: Clear the inventory except for armor slots.
- /cleanh: Clear the hotbar.
- /clear: Clear the entire inventory.
- /day: Set the time to day.
- /deleteentity: Instantly delete the specified entity.
- /ec: Open an ender chest.
- /feed: Refill your hunger bar.
- /fly: Toggle flying mode on/off.
- /glow: Make the item in your hand glow.
- /gm 0:1:2:3: Switch between gamemodes.
- /god: Toggle god mode on/off.
- /head or /skull: Give a player's head.
- /heal: Heal a player.
- /home: Create and teleport to home locations.
- /inventory save:load:delete: Save, load, or delete inventory data.
- /inv or /invsee: View other players' inventories.
- /night: Set the time to night.
- /rain: Start raining.
- /removelore: Remove lore from items.
- /rename: Rename an item easily.
- /setlore: Replace the lore on an item.
- /setspawn: Set the spawn point (players will spawn here when they join).
- /spawn: Teleport to the spawn point.
- /sudo: Force another player to execute a command.
- /sun: Set the weather to sunny.
- /tempban: Temporarily ban a player.
- /thunder: Start a thunderstorm.
- /tpall: Teleport all players to you.
- /tphere: Teleport a player to you.
- /tpoffline: Teleport to the ghost of an offline player.
- /unbanip: Unban an IP address.
- /unbreakable: Make the item in your hand unbreakable.