- vinery compat (grapes)
- fix glow berries & cocoa bean handling
- quality eggs are more likely to spawn chickens
- adjust cooking pot quality bonus application
- make command quality specification more lenient
- handle quark harvet&replant, bypassing userconfig (disable through config)
- implement config to add bonus (or reduction) based on farmland block
- fix quality override command
fix player placed crops with no quality rolling for quality when being broken (without being fully grown)
- safety check for empty stack in to prevent overlays from being wrongly rendered
- compatible with latest harvest with ease version
- safety check for empty stack in to prevent overlays from being wrongly rendered
- fix potential fishing crash / error
- fix luck application for rolls
added apply and remove quality commands
- fix quality not being kept / applied for stem blocks (melon & pumpkin)
- made crop seed quality application more rare by default (configurable)
- added quality command
- adjusted smelt bonus
- added some items to the tags
- fixed incompatibility with majruszs telekinesis enchantment
- improved (de)compacting logic
- better (de)compacting support
- sophisticated storage compacting upgrade support
fix startup crash with create
- player placed blocks no longer roll quality (if they had none when placed)
- fix farmers delight cutting board quality application
- jade plugin
- reworked chance
- made things more compatible
- fixed quality being removed from farmersdelight rice and tomatos
- added blacklist / conversion item tags
- (some) sophisticated storage compat
- (some) toms storage compat
- (some) harvest with ease compat
- (some) create compat