- Updated to Forge 1.18.2
- Fixed a crash that occurred infrequently upon client initialization
- Updated to Fabric 1.18.2
- Added Turkish translations
- Corrected some Chinese translations
- Fixed bug in which the compass could not usually find cave biomes (the compass will now search for biomes near the player's current Y-plane)
- Fixed bug in which teleporting to a biome would place the player at the build height
- Updated to Forge 1.17.1
- Fixed a crash that occurred when loading the game with some other mods that add information to the HUD
- Added a config option to determine whether players are able to view the coordinates and distance to a located biome
- Optimized the syncing of the biome list with clients opening the compass GUI
- Fixed a crash that occurred infrequently on servers while searching for a biome
- Fixed a crash that occurred when loading the game with some other mods that also render information on the HUD
- Fixed a crash that occurred occasionally when moving a searching compass around the inventory
- Fixed a crash that occurred when searching for certain biomes