Meadow 1.3.5
*** Note: From now on, Meadow no longer requires Terrablender as a dependency. The Forest and Clearing biomes have been removed, and smaller forests/clearings now spawn directly within the Meadow biome, although slightly smaller ***
- Added all needed Tags for Ores
- Added new Sounds (mono!) for Shelfs
- Fixed a Duplication Bug
- Fixed CompostableRegistry - you should now be able to properly compost most Leaves, Saplings and Food Items
- Removed Albino Cows taking damage from sunlight
- Removed Terrablender as dependency
- Cattles will now give back Milk instead of Buffalo Milk
Meadow 1.3.4 - 1.20.1
- Minor texture improvement for: * Pine Wood Set, Alpine Birch, Pine Furniture Set, Tall Eriophorum
- New and unique textures for Pine Sign, Boat, Chest Boat and Hanging Sign
- Changed all custom sound Effects and added a new one for Fur Armor
- Stove with Lid can now be used as a Smoker
- Added all Saplings to the #Saplings Tagkey
- Added Woodcutter support for BloomingNature
- Added Woodcutter support for RegionsUnexplored
- Woodcutter, CheesePress and Watering Can can now be crafted out of all Wood Variants
- Slightly increased Meadows Forest spawn rates
- Slightly increased Meadows Clearing spawn rates
- Slightly increased Meadow Village spawn rate
- Slightly increased Tall Eriophorum spawn rate
- Fixed the Bench Blockstate Property
- Fixed Meadow Village Generation
- Fixed Wooden Flower Pot Model
- Fixed a rendering Issue for Hanging Birch Leaves
- Fixed a Thread Safety Error
- Fixed an Issue where the Cauldron didn’t check all ingredient slots and just decremented slot 1 and 2
- Fixed another start up crash on forge
- Fixed a start up crash on forge
- Fixed an Issue causing the game to freeze when creating a new world
Meadow 1.3.2 - 1.20.1
- Fixed an issue causing the Cooking Cauldron to crash the game while crafting Rennet
- Fixed glitching out Alpine Birch Leaves
- Fixed an Issue with the CheesePress deleting the whole Stack of Milk
- Fixed an issue on Forge causing Meadow Sheeps only to drop white Wool (Cristelknight)
- Fixed an rarely occurred crash regarding the CompostableRegistry
- Improved a lot of Textures
- Implemented the ability for the Watering Can to save its damage as an NBT Value, which won't reset after placing (Cristelknight)
- Implemented a massively increased Alpine Salt spawn rate - it can now also target stone instead of just limestone
- Implemented missing translations
- Implemented Advancements! Completing them will reward you with a Banner that increases your dig speed by 10% in a 8 Block Radius
- Pine Hanging Signs should now have the correct texture
- Orange Pine Leaves are now being displayed correctly when using the bushy leaves texture pack
- Changed Resource Pack Format to 15
- Increased Salt spawn rate
- Fixed Conditional Recipes
- Shearable Cows can now properly be milked
Meadow 1.3.0 - 1.20.1 - Beta
Ported to 1.20.1 Added a stackRemainder to all Crafting Blocks Added Meadow ore to the forge: / c:ores tag Added Pine Signs, Pine Hanging Signs, Pine Boat and Pine Chest Boat Recipe changes for: Baked Potato, Cooked Bear Meat Added Conditional Recipes for the Woodcutter Added JEI support Added Wooden Water Buckets to the water_bottles tag Adjusted saturation for most Flowers Changed Pine Beam texture Lowered Meadow-Entity spawn ratio All entity types have been merged into one entity. This should ensure a far better performance. FireLog can now properly being used as a fuel item
Due to giving all of our Mods a specific Key Theme we overhauled Meadow completely. Worldgen, Blocks, Items, Functions and Entities got completely reworked. There are no changed IDs so you shouldn’t lose any Items beside of the ones listed below.
Maybe the new Stove is a bit over the top - in case you don’t like the new model of it theres a texture pack for the old one included. :)
It might sound like ‚oh just some small changes‘ but hell no that was tooo much work! :D
Removed Items & Blocks:
Oat Bag Oat Crop Oat Block Alpine Grass Tall Alpine Grass Bowl full of Milk Bowl full of Milk with Honey Bowl full of Milk with Sweetberrys Bowl full of Cornflakes Bowl full of Mozzarella Cord Ricola Jug Jug Milk Jug Yarrow Tea Jug Juniper Tea Mountain Lavender Lavender Cheese Oat Cheese Juniper Bear Fur Armor Yarrow All Cheese Mass Buckets All Wooden Cheese Mass Buckets All Milk Buckets Hunting Bow Bear Stew Fir Cone
Added Items & Blocks
Grain Cheese Amethyst Cheese Amethyst Milk Ham & Cheese Fur Armor Bear Ham Alpine Diamond Ore Alpine Copper Ore Alpine Redstone Ore
Recreated following Textures
All Spawn Eggs Alpine Salt Frame Stone Table Stone Bench Chair Pine Slabs Double Pine Planks Chiseled Limestone Table Cheese Bread Cheese Roll Alpine Salt Rennet Cheese Stick Bear Meat Cooked Bear Meat Bear Stew Wooden Bucket All Wooden Milk Buckets Fur Armor Pine Sapling Shelf Cheese Tart Stove (all parts) Cheesecake Small Fir Camera Doormat Oil Lantern Fire Log Wheelbarrow Wooden Cauldron Cooking Cauldron Fondue Can Frame Woodcutter Cheese Press Climbing Rope Wooden Watering Can Climbing Rope