BloomingNature- Version 1.0.11
Changed / New Features
- Fan Palms have been removed from Beaches - they spawn now rarely near Water in Deserts - this should prevent generation Issues with Beachparty, Ecologics or any other Mod adding Palm Trees to Beaches
BloomingNature- Version 1.0.11
Changed / New Features
- Fan Palms have been removed from Beaches - they spawn now rarely near Water in Deserts - this should prevent generation Issues with Beachparty, Ecologics or any other Mod adding Palm Trees to Beaches
BloomingNature - Version 1.0.10
## Fixed Issues 
- Issue #373
Changed / New Features
- No longer based on the DoAPI
- Sandlayer Blocks can now fall.
Now no longer reliant on DoAPI. Snow on Fir Trees wont melt anymore in cold biomes. Ebony & Baobab Leaves won’t decay anymore. Orange leaves now have all proper tags.
BloomingNature 1.0.8
- Various Texture improvements
- Various Biome improvements - new features, improved features
- Added desert overhaul
- Added Blocks: Cactus Wood, Slate, more stone variants
- Added a config Option for… everything. You can now remove nearly every biome dependent feature you dislike. Fabric only. For now.
- Removed all Animals due to the major feedback of players - you can find them now in WilderNature
BloomingNature 1.0.7
Updated to DoAPI 1.2.10 Reworked Palm Wood Set Completionist Banner added
BloomingNature 1.0.7
- Updated to DoAPI 1.2.10
- Reworked Palm Wood Set
BloomingNature 1.0.6
- Updated DoAPI to 1.2.9
- Fixed an incompatibility issie with vulpines
BloomingNature 1.0.5
- Fixed the CompostableRegistry - you should now be able to compost most Leaves, Saplings and Flowers
BloomingNature 1.0.4 - 1.20.1
- Fixed Trapdoor Orientation
- Fixed Leaves not visible when using XaerosMap
- Added CN translation (UnnamedWei)
- Added UK translation (unRoman)
BloomingNature - 1.0.3
- Changed Turkey Death Sound
- WoodGood support