on Jun 17, 2023Industrial Foregoing
1.11.0 (2018-08-11 21:04:34 +0200)
- Fixed some random casting code that did nothing in the sludge refiner, closes #405 (Buuz135)
- Fixed labels sometimes crashing, closes #404 (Buuz135)
- Added a few uses for the pink slime ingot, more incoming soon (Buuz135)
- Added a recipe for the pink slime ingot using the Fluid Sieve (Buuz135)
- Added better localizations for some stuff (Buuz135)
- Added pink slime ingot (Buuz135)
- Updated translation (Ore Meat and etc...) (DenisMasterHerobrine)
- Added a better description for the Fermentation Station (Buuz135)
- Added Washing Factory, Fermentation Station and Fluid Sieving Machine, a new ore processing system based on meat. (Buuz135)
- [ru-RU] Updated translation to v1.10.7-204 (DenisMasterHerobrine)
1.10.7 (2018-07-24 18:48:30 +0200)
- Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
- Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
- Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
- Updated forge (Buuz135)
- Added changelog generation, curseforge distribution and license formatting (Buuz135)
on Jun 17, 2023Industrial Foregoing
- Extractor JEI Handler is more descriptive (Buuz135)
- Added a parameter to the extractor to define progress increase chance (between 0 and 1). The block that is being consumed can be broken 7 times so a recipe with a progress increase chance of 1 it will run only 7 times. (Buuz135)
- Added Froster outputs to JEI (Buuz135)
on Jun 17, 2023- Improved a bunch of code
- Removed dead entities when checking for entity limit in the Mob Duplicator
- Added Froster
on Jun 17, 2023- Fixed an edge case where insertion/dropping conveyor upgrades weren't decreasing itemstacks
- Added a safety check for the MIT to not capture dead things
on Jun 17, 2023- Added black hole labels
- Tree Fluid Extractor should work with all the logs rotations
- Fall distance resets when bouncing the conveyors
on Jun 17, 2023- Water Condensator now produces water if it has 2 water sources or more
- Artificial dye is disabled if the dye mixer disabled
- Fixed light blue conveyors not having a recipe
- Mob Slaughter Factory only generates meat/pink slime if it damages entites
- Fixed Item Splitter checking the opposite side of the output configuration
- Different logs produce different amounts of Latex in the Tree Fluid Extractor and can be modified using Crafttweaker (Any fluid can be added)
on Jun 17, 2023- Fluid interaction has potion effects now
- You can no longer crush stone to cobblestone in the StoneWork Factory
- Fixed Dye Mixer not accepting white lenses
- Lenses can now be recolored
- The meat feeder can now be used as a bauble
on Jun 17, 2023- If the black hole controller is lock the black hole units won't loose the filter
- Insertion and extraction conveyor upgrades can now extract from entites
- Right clicking conveyors with plastic will prevent items from being picked up
- Changed how the book entries are displayed when hovered
- Fixed cells only being processed 1 by 1
- Fixed BHU accepting items where they dont supposed to
on Jun 17, 2023- Added 6 conveyor upgrades that can be added to the conveyor (Extraction, Insertion, Splitting, Bouncing, Dropping and Blinking) (Coded/Buuz135)
- Mob duplicator and Animal Sewer shouldnt waste power anymore (jansamohyl)
- Improved hasAddon checks
- Fixed Enchantment Extractor not splitting enchanted books
- Allowed to use mekanism steel casing in machine recipes (Can be disabled in configs)
- Tree fluid extractor no longer resets progress when the wood is broken
on Jun 17, 2023- Improved fluid handling
- Improved tank color handling
on Jun 17, 2023- Black Hole Tank Block now changes color depending of the fluid it contains
- Fixed Missing Recipe error from the conveyor recipes #326
- Fixed server crash with forge versions #330
- Black hole unit extract button now respects stack sizes
- Mob Crusher and Mob Slaughter Factory do same amount of damage (Configurable, def: 300) #331
on Jun 17, 2023- Added Artificial Dye and made the Dye Mixer output them #306 (Coded)
- Changed how working areas work now all the machines start with a 1x1 area but they accept Range Addons with some of them having a limitation of Addon Tier.
- Made the Mob Imprisonment Tool color to the entity contained #322 (Coded)
- Allow IPlantable (Netherwart) blocks to work with the plant interactor #319 (Coded)
- Added conveyor belts
- Dead mobs shouldnt be killed again
- Added better display for the StoneWork Factory in JEI
- Fixed server side crash
on Jun 17, 2023- Fixed the API removing all the entries that instead of just one thing
- If the BHC slots are locked it will not try to fill empty BHU, and fixed some stack size derps
- Fixed plant interactor giving Mystical agriculture seeds when its not supposed to
on Jun 17, 2023- Added support for the Adult Filter in the Mob Slaughter Factory
- The Enchantment Extractor will keep items in the input slot until they are fully disenchanted
- The Enchantment Extractor will now accept enchanted books with multiple enchantments and split them up
- Fluids without buckets are now properly displayed in the Black Hole Unit
- Added Right Click Harvestability to cocoa beans as no other mod adds it so the Plant Interactor can harvest them (can be disabled in the config)
- Animal rancher will stop shearing animals if the inventory is full
- Fixed a crash with the enchantment extractor or a couple
on Jun 17, 2023- Added support for the Adult Filter in the Mob Slaughter Factory
- The Enchantment Extractor will keep items in the input slot until they are fully disenchanted
- The Enchantment Extractor will now accept enchanted books with multiple enchantments and split them up
- Fluids without buckets are now properly displayed in the Black Hole Unit
- Added Right Click Harvestability to cocoa beans as no other mod adds it so the Plant Interactor can harvest them (can be disabled in the config)
- Animal rancher will stop shearing animals if the inventory is full
- Fixed a crash with the enchantment extractor
on Jun 17, 2023- Added support for the Adult Filter in the Mob Slaughter Factory
- The Enchantment Extractor will keep items in the input slot until they are fully disenchanted
- The Enchantment Extractor will now accept enchanted books with multiple enchantments and split them up
- Fluids without buckets are now properly displayed in the Black Hole Unit
- Added Right Click Harvestability to cocoa beans as no other mod adds it so the Plant Interactor can harvest them (can be disabled in the config)
- Animal rancher will stop shearing animals if the inventory is full
on Jun 17, 2023- Fixed Server Side Crash with the Mob Crusher
- Fixed Fluid Dictionary Converted working when no fluid was selected
on Jun 17, 2023- Fixed Potion Brewer mot respecting locked slots
- Added custom death message from the mob crusher (Katzen48)
- Added localizations from the fluids placed in the world (superfluke)
- Fixed shulker boxed dropping twice
- Horses and llamas can be tamed again but they need to be tamed first as MC rules
- Fixed Villager Trade Exchanger doing stuff when it doesn't need to do stuff and fixed missing button translations
- Added recipe integrations for EnderIO (if present) all the recipes integrations can be disabled in the config
- Added Fluid Dictionary Converter that will transform fluids into another similar fluids with Crafttweaker integration
import mods.industrialforegoing.FluidDictionary;
on Jun 17, 2023- Fixed enchantment extractor leaving empty enchantments tags
- Fixed signs crashing when placed by a block placer
- Fixed Mob Crusher sending null text components
- Allowed to use any item oredicted with "fertilizer" to be used in the Plant fertilizer
- Reduced Fluid Crafting Processing time by caching missing recipes
on Jun 17, 2023- Maybe fixed Mob Crusher sending chat msg on kill
- Added a config option to make withers only be spawned with the wither builder, players won't be able to place skulls. The recipe will change as the default needs a nether star. (HCWither)
- Tree Fluid Extractor now stops breaking the log if the tank is full
- When the tier 0 addon is installed the plant sower will get items from any slot
- Fixed #274