mini crossbow now double charge when hold two mini crossbow
hunter now use mini crossbow
update ru_ru.json thanks mpustovoi!
update ru_ru.json thanks mpustovoi!
backport mini crossbow
add mini crossbow recipe
fixed hunter illager armor render
balanced mini crossbow
fixed entity tags
add mini crossbow in hunter's hut's loot!
fixed entity tags
update neoforge version
Update ru_ru.json
fixed raid crash
port to 1.21.3
port to 1.21.2
boomerang will come back without enchantments, as long as you don't hit a wall!
support Enchantment Descriptions mods
fixed crash in newer neoforge
fixed newer neoforge crash
make boomerang panic
boomerang damage increase
add hunter in raid
boomerang size and boomerang render fixed
port to 1.21 and remake boomerang enchant
port to 1.20.6
fixed boomerang recipe
port to 1.20.5