- Added Crafter Overrides
- Configure how Hoppers input items into a Crafter separately from the other Hopper Settings
- Added option to disable Crafting delay for the Crafter
- Updated Configuration Screen
- Remove the Auto-sorter fix (This was a test function and wasn't meant to be released because it's broken)
- Update to 1.21.2+
- Removed Performance changes
- No longer required due to matching vanilla now.
- Cleaned up some code
- Update to 1.20.5
Release is unstable, will most likely be a couple issues
Major Update
- Rewrote Hopper Logic
- Increased Hopper Performance
- Lithium changes are now disabled automatically
- You can now configure the Input & Output of Hoppers separately
- This means it may be incompatible with other mods that make changes to hoppers
Bug Fixes
Fixed Duplication issue #8
Config has been rewritten, you will need to reconfigure your settings
- Update to Fabric Loader 0.15.0
- Update to 1.20.3
- Fixes command permissions
This release is in beta as I'm unsure how effective it will be or if any issues are yet to appear
- Fix issue related to composting with higher amounts
This release is in beta as I'm unsure how effective it will be or if any issues are yet to appear
- Update to 1.20.2
- Bump to 1.20
- Switch to oωo (owo-lib)
- Add warning to Transfer Speed (Redstone lag)