Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Doppelgangers Equipment bug.
Fixed wonky Skull Lord's laser radius of effect.
Wearing Witch's Hat in moonlight, while wearing Witch's Robes, will slowly charge the Robe's brewing fuel.
Hail/Monsoon Clouds will have a 5 second lifespan when spawned through commands
Using a Taglock Kit with your own taglock on a Crystal Ball will cause you to have a birds eye view of your position.
Fixed sound not being played when using Taglock Kit on a Crystal Ball.
Wands/Staffs don't hurt Servants even if "OwnerAttackCancel" config is set to false.
Necromancer Tweaks:
Necromancers will no longer internally be holding a Necro Staff. They still visually hold a Necro Staff.
Necromancer bolts deal less damage as a consequence unfortunately.
Necromancer's number of projectiles and max health can be increased by using a Soul Jar on them.
Necromancers can be right-clicked with Spooky and Vanguard Focuses to be able to summon Wraiths and Vanguards. They have a 5% chance of summoning a Wraith and 15% of summoning a Vanguard instead of a Zombie.
Right-clicking on your owned Necromancer with an empty hand will cause them to summon an Zombie Servant, or potentially other types of undead Servants if you gave them the respective Focus beforehand, that's owned by you directly. They have a cooldown on when they can do this, right-clicking on them during the cooldown will cause them to shake their heads.
Necromancers can no longer summon baby zombies.
Necromancers dropping Soul Jars or their servants having limited lifespans can be configured.
Tunnel Focus. Functions similarly as Thaumcraft's Portable Hole, where right-clicking on a surface will summon a temporary tunnel that entities can pass through before returning the blocks back in place.
Crushers. A new Illager type that replaces Vindicators on Wind Shrines. They will attempt to smash their targets with their hammers, dealing AOE attack similar to Squall Golems. If they get struck by lightning, they will become bigger, and deal chain lightning attacks. Can potentially drop their hammer and drops Iron Ingots and Emeralds.
Storm Caster. Replaces the Preacher and a Pillager on Wind Shrines. Summons Monsoon Clouds, an electric shockwave if their target is near them and shoot electric currents. Drops Copper Ingots, Emeralds and Redstone dusts.
Great Hammers. Can be crafted through Forge Ritual or rarely dropped by Crushers. Have low attack speed and much like Scythes, deal AOE and attack speed goes faster if player does not hold any items offhand. Unlike Scythes, AOE only applies if attack recharge is full. Can mine 3x3 pickaxe-able blocks but have lower mining speed. Right-clicking on a Block of Iron with the hammer will transform it into a Damaged Anvil.
Stormlander. Does the same as Great Hammers, but when performing AOE, it'll perform chain lightning attack as well. Cannot be crafted and can only be obtained by killing an empowered Crusher with a low chance.
Ring of Force. Wearing it will cause Telekinesis spell to make living entities that's affected to slowly lose breath and take damage.
Corrosion Brew Effect. Causes most blocks that's within the brew's radius to disappear, except for Obsidian which will drop into its item form. Mobs/Players' armor will take lots of damage when within brew's radius.
Pulverize Brew Effect. Basically Pulverize spell in brew form.
Crusher texture is based on this skin:
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Fixes & Changes:
Properly tagged Marble Brazier and Block of Jade to be mineable with pickaxe.
Mobs/Players that have Freezing Effect will have a blue overlay on them.
Feast Spell's initial radius has been reduced and focus can be enchanted with Radius.
Squall Golems can be rotated towards their owner by right-clicking on them with an empty hand when it's not active.
Improved Climbing Effect Icon.
Removed custom Brew Apple item, and made it so that vanilla Apples can take and give effects from Witch's Cauldrons.
Doppelgangers now have and display their owner's name. In code, they have the same max health as their owner's but still instantly die when hit (unless they're spawned as invulnerable Nameless Doppelgangers).
Pedestals and Dark Altars will update Observers if an item is added or removed from them.
Using Wind Blast spell on a Resonance Crystal will power it for 15 seconds.
Should fixed Focus Cooldowns and spells being shared on servers.
Bound Evoker Servants. Unlike Zombie Vindicators or Skeleton Pillagers, Bound Evokers can only be made through a Ritual and each player can only have 2 at a time. They can perform the same spells as regular Evokers but they can also fly.
Taglock Kits. Taglock Kits can be left-clicked on entities, or on beds slept by players, to "tag" them. Tagged Kits can be used on Crystal Balls to look through the entity's eyes, provided that the Ball is not in direct sunlight, or right-clicked on a Witch's Cauldron that has finished making a brew to directly apply the effects on them. Doing so will instantly use up all the brew, and can only be done if the cauldron is full, the entity is not too far away and is on the same dimension as the player. Trying to tag a player has a chance of failing and alert the target player, the chance decreases if the target's facing away and if the player's invisible.
New Spell, Monsoon. A storm spell that summons a cloud above a location/mob that rains and, if there's a mob underneath it, periodically shoots Thunderbolts at them.
New Brew effect: Fortunate. Increases the player's Fortune per brew level. Catalyst is a Diamond, Takes up 6 Capacity and add 100 Soul energy cost by default.
New Brew effect: Corpse Eater. Restores player's hunger and saturation each time they kill a mob/player. Amount restored depends on target's max health and effect level. Catalyst is a Zombie Head, Takes up 4 Capacity and add 100 Soul energy cost by default.
Added new Slate Marble variants and use them to make Wind Shrines more worn.
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Fixes & Changes:
Squall Golems can now attack mobs when in Stand By mode.
Slime and Magma Cube Servants can now be commanded to Stand By, Wander and Follow.
Slime and Magma Cube Servants max size they can obtain through Slime/Magma Block is now configurable.
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Squall Golems. Requires the player to find and read a Mistral Scroll, found in the new Wind Shrines. Much like in MCD, Squall Golems will spawn inactive and invulnerable. To activate it, the player must bind the golem with a Resonance Crystal, by left-clicking the golem with it and activating the Crystal by placing it in the world and having a Wind Blower blow on it. Can Follow and Stand By, but cannot wander. When inactive or in activating/deactivating animation, the Golem is immune to non-void damage. Damaged golems can be repaired by right-clicking Jade/Jade Blocks on them.
Slime and Magma Cube Servants. Made by right-clicking a Slime/Magma Block with an Animation Core.
Resonance Crystal. Resonance Crystal are activated when a Wind Blower, Shade or Marble variants, are blown on it. Resonance Crystals also gives of Redstone power when er, powered.
Highrock blocks. Polished Highrock blocks are used to make Squall Golem mold. The rest are decorative.
Wind Shrines. Found in Peak biomes. Contains Mistral Scroll and some loot.
Geoturgy Ritual. A new ritual for all those curios (ie, amulets, rings) since magic rituals are required for too many recipes.
Grimoire of Goodwill. Works inversely from Grimoire of Grudges, where left-clicking on a mob/player adds them to the player's goodwill list, where servants will not attack them no matter what. Doing this will remove the mob/player from the the player's grudge list, and vice versa.
Feline Amulet. Wearing it causes Creepers to flee from Players and Phantoms to not target them. Recipe requires a sacrifice of a cat or ocelot (doesn't have to tamed, or yours though).
A marble variant of the Wind Blower.
Fixes & Changes:
Undead mobs in the Crypts will now be hostile towards players wearing Necro Set (Can be disable in config).
Fixed Amulets rendering on player model.
Pulverize Focus now use Recipe Json to pick which blocks is pulverized into what, including turning into items.
Improved Wind Blower mechanics.
Renamed "map" to "summons" for goety commands. Removed summon_noaigen.
Storm spells deal 1.5x more damage to mobs/players in water or rain.
Fixed Storm spells bypassing walls.
Fixed Philosopher's Stone not disappearing after using up all durability.
Storm Rituals should be able to use marble, jade and indented gold to work.
End Walk Focus now uses Magic Ritual to craft.
Shadow Walk now deals 1.25x more damage instead of 2.0x per level.
Fixed Shadow Walk bypassing Apostle's and Vizier's damage cap
Fixed Hyperfocus advancement only being obtaininable by having all focuses in inventory, which is not possible usually.
Fixed Here We Go Again... advancement not properly formatted in 1.20.1
Fixed Storm Ritual not registering Marble Sky ritual setup.
Call Focus and Command Focus now register servants by left-clicking on them instead of right-clicking. This makes it work on Creative mode.
Consequently, certain items that rely on left-clicking on mobs should work on owned servants.
Optimizations on player and witch cauldron ticks made by Mephodio on Github.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Server Crash
Added new Chinese Translations.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Skeleton Servants being able to get Poison and Regeneration.
Fixed Sound Packet Crash.
Added Focus Cooldown mechanic from Goety 2.
Reorganized SpellConfig and added cast time and cooldown configs for multiple spells.
Updated Wraith texture and AI.
Updated Conquillager, Envioker and Tormentor AI.
Brought Illague nerf from Goety 2.
Players can move while Focus Wheel is up.
Updated Fire and Ender Acid Breath sounds.
Players now have to hit Servants with Dark Wand/Staff to change movement mode, much like in Goety 2.
Updated Stray Servant texture and overlay to be the same as Goety 2.
More Attribute configs for Servants.
Apostles now walk on Lava.
Added Zombie/Skeleton Variants from Goety 2.
Added Summon Thrall Rituals for all Undead Servants.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Potted Windswept Sapling not having blockstate.
Dark Altars and Pedestals can now be waterlogged.
Made Steep Lamp a bit larger and tweaked its texture.
Added crafting recipes for Crypt Blocks from Crypt Stone.
Werewolf mod compat crash should be fixed.
Changed Windswept Bookshelves texture.
Changed top texture orientation for Compacted Windswept Planks.
Witch Poles are now taller and more accurate to MCD.
Improved Snap, Blast and Berserk Fungus hitbox to match their render more properly.
Tweaked Soul Bolt texture.
Improved fire particles for Braziers, Wraiths and Ring of the Dragon boosted Fire breaths.
Tweaked Wraith's and its flame particle textures to be more accurate to how it's presented in MCD.
Wraiths AI has been tweaked so that, after a while, they will attack instead of teleporting away if their target is near them.
Apostles now walk on Lava.
End Walk Spell. Based on Ghostwalk spell from Skyrim mod, Apocalypse: Magic of Skyrim, the spell gives the player complete invisibility for 10 seconds, initially, that can be broken by placing/breaking blocks, damaging or interacting with mobs. When invisibility is broken, the player is teleported back to the position where they cast the spell. (Warning, does not close Trading menu with Villagers once player breaks invisibility).
Eruption Spell. Based on Volcano spell from the same Skyrim mod above. Summons a small volcano that will spew pyroclastic rocks to the sky which will then fall and hit the ground or non-allied mobs and explode.
Summon Thrall rituals. Necroturgy Rituals that allows the player to summon an Undead Servant that does not have a limited lifespan like servants summoned through Wands/Staffs.
Cracked Marble, Slate Cornered Marble and Gold Covered Marble blocks. New decorative marble blocks.
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Fixes & Changes:
Players can now move while Focus or Brew Wheel are open.
Added animations to Redstone and Grave Golems going in and out of Standing By mode.
Added and move several Item configs to their own file: goety-items.toml.
Witch, Warlock and Frost robes resistances are now configurable.
Fixed Players not being visible to mobs just by wearing Illusive Robes.
Illusive Robes now renders Players less visible to mobs when invisible yet still wearing armor.
Tweaked Recall and Vanguard Spell casting sounds.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Rotten and Windswept Leaves being transparent on Fast Graphics.
Rotten Wooden Blocks are now no longer fireproof.
Retextured Windswept Leaves.
Retextured Steep Lamp On texture.
Properly tagged new Windswept, Steep, Indented Gold, Marble blocks as well as other blocks.
Changed Recipes for Indented Gold, and several Steep Wood Blocks.
Increase Telekinesis Spell Range and allow mobs to take fall damage with it.
Wind Blast Focus can now be enchanted with Potency and Range.
Slate Glazed Marble Block. Decorative Block that works similar to Glazed Terracotta.
Marble and Slate Marble Stairs.
Steep Button and Pressure Plate.
Steep Wood Slabs.
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Fixes & Changes:
Having a tamed black cat (ones that spawn in Swamp Huts) nearby a Witch's Cauldron gives the player a chance of getting an extra brew.
Lowered Black Iron and Dark Helmet visual positions.
Enviokers no longer summon Tormentors or shoot Swords if they cannot see their target, they can still summon fangs however.
Tweaked Illager Assaults to not occur if player is 32 blocks below the surface and not expose to the sky.
Pulverize Spell can be enchanted with Radius, which allows blocks surrounding the picked block to be pulverized as well.
Thunderbolts from Thunderbolt Focus, can now have a chance of giving targets Tripping effect, and summon a Lightning Bolt on their location. Chance increases for both of them if cast within an open Thunderstorm.
Piglins will drop their heads when killed by a Player's fangs while wearing a high-level enchanted Ring of Want.
Updated Hyperfocus advancement to contain new recent focuses.
Improved Servant positions when summoned underground.
Variants of the Zombie and Skeleton Servants have their own configurable attribute blocks in goety-attributes.toml.
Zombie Servants and variants' natural armor points are now configurable.
If "starterTotem" is enabled on goety.toml, Players will receive Totems of Roots instead of Souls.
Reorganized Textures and texture paths for several mobs.
Improved Skeleton Servants and variants overlay texture and model.
Retextured Stray Servants to be more in line with the new Skeleton Servant variant textures.
Apostle servants will instantly die if their Apostle dies or despawns.
Fixed Witch Poles dropping itself if broken on their upper half on Creative Mode.
Frozen and Jungle Zombie Servant Variants. Frozen Zombie Servants are summoned by casting Rotting Spell on an area that snows and Jungle Zombie Servants have 1/2 a chance of being summoned when casting on a Jungle Biome. Frozen Zombies throw Snowballs and gives Slowness like in MCD. Jungle Zombies have poison attack.
Mossy and Sunken Skeleton Servant Variants. Mossy Skeleton Servants have 1/2 a chance of being summoned when casting Osseous Spell on a Jungle Biome. Sunken Skeleton Servants are summoned when casting underwater and the initial spawn position is underwater as well. Mossy Skeletons shoot poison arrows like in MCD. Sunken Skeletons shoots with a Crossbow and shoots Harpoons that are unaffected by water.
Marble Blocks and variants. Obtained by placing Calcite on a Cursed Infuser, or surrounding a Totem of Roots/Souls with 8 Calcite.
Indented Gold Blocks. Obtained by surrounding a piece of Marble with 8 Gold Ingots.
Marble, Indented Gold and Jade blocks can be used to make a Sky Ritual setup, without the need of the Dark Altar to be 128 blocks or above.
Windswept Wooden blocks. Obtained by finding Windswept Trees on Mountain biomes much like Jade Ores. Purely decorative.
Steep Wooden blocks. Obtained by placing a Windswept Wood on a Cursed Infuser, or surrounding a Totem of Roots/Souls with 8 Windswept Wood. Purely decorative.
New Mini-Boss Respawning mechanic. Right-clicking on an unlocked Pithos or used Crystal Ball, that's within their original structure, with a Respawn Anchor will cause them to be able to resummon their bosses and, in the former case, regenerate loot. Each resummoning mechanic can be disabled through goety.toml. Idea came from Discord suggestion.
Telekinesis Focus. Makes an entity, that the caster is pointing at, float in front of them while casting. If caster takes damage, they will stop casting the spell and cannot cast it for the next 5 seconds. Initially, can only hold entities that are smaller or similar size towards the caster. Doesn't work on entities that have equal or more 100 max health (by default), or part of the "telekinesisBlackList" config on goety-spells.toml.
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Fixes & Changes:
Having a tamed black cat (ones that spawn in Swamp Huts) nearby a Witch's Cauldron gives the player a chance of getting an extra brew.
Lowered Black Iron and Dark Helmet visual positions.
Enviokers no longer summon Tormentors or shoot Swords if they cannot see their target, they can still summon fangs however.
Tweaked Illager Assaults to not occur if player is 32 blocks below the surface and not expose to the sky.
Pulverize Spell can be enchanted with Radius, which allows blocks surrounding the picked block to be pulverized as well.
Thunderbolts from Thunderbolt Focus, can now have a chance of giving targets Tripping effect, and summon a Lightning Bolt on their location. Chance increases for both of them if cast within an open Thunderstorm.
Updated Hyperfocus advancement to contain new recent focuses.
Improved Servant positions when summoned underground.
Variants of the Zombie and Skeleton Servants have their own configurable attribute blocks in goety-attributes.toml.
Zombie Servants and variants' natural armor points are now configurable.
If "starterTotem" is enabled on goety.toml, Players will receive Totems of Roots instead of Souls.
Reorganized Textures and texture paths for several mobs.
Improved Skeleton Servants and variants overlay texture and model.
Retextured Stray Servants to be more in line with the new Skeleton Servant variant textures.
Apostle servants will instantly die if their Apostle dies or despawns.
Fixed Witch Poles dropping itself if broken on their upper half on Creative Mode.
Frozen and Jungle Zombie Servant Variants. Frozen Zombie Servants are summoned by casting Rotting Spell on an area that snows and Jungle Zombie Servants have 1/2 a chance of being summoned when casting on a Jungle Biome. Frozen Zombies throw Snowballs and gives Slowness like in MCD. Jungle Zombies have poison attack.
Mossy and Sunken Skeleton Servant Variants. Mossy Skeleton Servants have 1/2 a chance of being summoned when casting Osseous Spell on a Jungle Biome. Sunken Skeleton Servants are summoned when casting underwater and the initial spawn position is underwater as well. Mossy Skeletons shoot poison arrows like in MCD. Sunken Skeletons shoots with a Crossbow and shoots Harpoons that are unaffected by water.
Marble Blocks and variants. Obtained by placing Calcite on a Cursed Infuser, or surrounding a Totem of Roots/Souls with 8 Calcite.
Indented Gold Blocks. Obtained by surrounding a piece of Marble with 8 Gold Ingots.
Marble, Indented Gold and Jade blocks can be used to make a Sky Ritual setup, without the need of the Dark Altar to be 128 blocks or above.
Windswept Wooden blocks. Obtained by finding Windswept Trees on Mountain biomes much like Jade Ores. Purely decorative.
Steep Wooden blocks. Obtained by placing a Windswept Wood on a Cursed Infuser, or surrounding a Totem of Roots/Souls with 8 Windswept Wood. Purely decorative.
New Mini-Boss Respawning mechanic. Right-clicking on an unlocked Pithos or used Crystal Ball, that's within their original structure, with a Respawn Anchor will cause them to be able to resummon their bosses and, in the former case, regenerate loot. Each resummoning mechanic can be disabled through goety.toml. Idea came from Discord suggestion.
Telekinesis Focus. Makes an entity, that the caster is pointing at, float in front of them while casting. If caster takes damage, they will stop casting the spell and cannot cast it for the next 5 seconds. Initially, can only hold entities that are smaller or similar size towards the caster. Doesn't work on entities that have equal or more 100 max health (by default), or part of the "telekinesisBlackList" config on goety-spells.toml.
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Fixes & Changes:
Zombie Ravagers can be transformed into Tamed Ravagers through the same method as curing Zombie Villagers.
Nerfed Illague by making it so it can now be instantly cured through drinking milk or wartling egg. Mobs also gain them at a lower duration from Conquillagers.
Rotting Spells now have a chance of summoning a Baby Zombie Servant. The chance can be changed in goety-mobs.toml.
Dark Armor pieces now provides minor magic, fire and explosive resistance.
Increase Forbidden Fragment loot amount in Crypt Pithos.
Fixed Doppelganger no owner crash.
Pendant of Hunger and Soul Shield Amulet now appears on the player's model.
Properly tagged Cursed Paladin Armor set to forge armor tags.
Removed unused Zombie Villager Servant.
Black Iron Armor. A mid-game armor set that has, by the default, the same armor points as regular Iron Armor but with 2 toughness and minor magic, fire and explosive resistance. Replaces Iron Armor in Dark Armor recipes.
Skeleton Pillagers. A variant of the Skeleton Servant that can be summoned by casting Osseous Spell when within a Pillager Outpost. They have same stats (by default) as Vanilla Pillagers but moves slower.
Zombie Vindicators. A variant of the Zombie Servant that can be summoned by casting Rotting Spell when within a Structure that's under "on_woodland_explorer_maps" tag (ie. Woodland Mansions). They have same stats (by default) as Vanilla Vindicators but moves much slower.
Focuses now have tooltips that summarizes the spell it performs.
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