Fixes & Changes:
Tweaked Skull Lord exploding when getting stuck in one position for 5 seconds.
Skull Lord's laser no longer get stuck in blocks.
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Fixes & Changes:
Removed Infamy and replaced with the same system as the 1.19.2 version where Illagers will chase players depending on Soul Energy amount.
Scrying Mirror is tweaked to instead allow players to get maps for Woodland Mansions when right clicking on either a Cat or Chicken with an Empty Map offhand.
Changed Apostle AI to be the same as the 1.19.2 version
Remodeled and re-textured Wraiths to be the same as the 1.19.2 version.
Tweaked Blight texture to accommodate the above change.
Rituals that have filled buckets as an ingredient will pop out an empty bucket.
Made commands similar to 1.19.2 version as well, meaning things like adding Soul Energy, spawning Illagers and spawning mobs with no ai goes underneath the goety command.
Mini Boss bars for Hoglords and Skull Lords.
Recall Focus from 1.19.2 version.
Dark Altar ritual sounds from 1.19.2 version.
Spell Type descriptions on Focuses.
Give Black Book Gui texture from 1.19.2 version to this version.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Crone and Spiteful Belt looping bug. They no longer give thorn damage if damaged by magic attacks.
Crone's Max Health is now configurable.
Crones will drink faster if they took more than 7.5 hearts of damage.
Changed a Witch Hat in Summon Apostle recipe to be a Crone Hat
Rotten Sapling can potentially grow into larger Rotten Trees.
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Fixes & Changes:
Crones are now fully implemented with their new structure and summoning condition.
Crones have their Health lowered from 156 to 130 hitpoints.
Crones will only show their Boss bar if they are targeting a player.
Changed how Crones generate their names. If the first word of their name is 'Baba', they will use a separate list of names to generate the second word. This is to prevent their names being out of place, like Baba Oozegoggle.
Crones now have loot table.
Crones will drink Blind Jump Brew if stuck within Blocks.
Crones will only throw Sun Allergy Brews if target is in Sunlight, Nyctophobia Brews if target is in darkness.
Any mobs or players that damages the Crone will take damage themselves as if the Crone is wearing a piece Thorn Enchanted armor.
Pruning Brews now work with Cobwebs.
Changed Plunge Catalyst from Gravel to Anvil.
Brew Gas now gives particles.
Haunted Saplings can now be put into Flower Pots.
Retextured Witch Hat.
Blighted Shacks. Structures that hold the Crone Miniboss, The Crone themselves don't spawn naturally with the structure, but something within calls them from their travels in the woods...
Rotten Wood. Added to give Blighted Shacks a moldy and decrepit look. Comes in slabs, stairs, boats, etc. Rotten Saplings can be found within Blighted Shacks. Purely decorative and does burn unlike Haunted wood.
Crone Hat. The main loot drop from Crones. Wearing it gives a 25% chance of not using up a Non-brew Potions, 10% of not using up Brews and gives an extra chance of bottling an additional brew.
Spiteful Belts. Uses up Soul Energy to simulate Thorn Enchantment. Can be enchanted with said enchantment to increase damage.
Additional sounds for Crones and their own Loot Table.
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Fixes & Changes:
Bee Brews no longer affect Bees.
Apples no longer appear in Goety Creative Tab.
Fixed Wartful Egg not taking negative effects if user has an incurable effect on them.
Fixed Capacity Brew Bug where one can brew despite overcapacity.
Nerfed Flaying Brews to only drop items whenever the animal takes damage instead of dropping items then hurting the animal.
Nyctophobia and Sun Allergy effects are, by default, incurable. Can be made curable through Config.
Fixed Purify brews not working properly.
Fixed Repulsive effect not working properly.
Grow Cactus now works if thrown at a replaceable block, like Snow layer (if there's sand underneath it)
Sweet Thorns also works when thrown at a replaceable block.
Fixed Creative Players not getting brews when right clicking on Witch's Cauldron with a singular empty bottle.
Modified Hitbox of Witch's Cauldron so that entities don't take damage from fire below the cauldron.
Burn Hex no longer makes entities more vulnerable to fire on Hard difficulty.
Players and Mobs with Explosive Effect can rarely let out an explosion when being pushed.
Buffed explosions caused by mobs with Explosive Effect.
Buffed Saturation brews give back more hunger bars when amplified.
Buffed Explode brews radius.
Buffed Chop Tree vertical radius.
Brews can be dyed to a different color by throwing a dye into the Witch's Cauldron before Augmentation.
De-capitalized 'The' in Apostle's name.
More Brews and effects. Grow Tree, Bat Burst, Photosynthesis, Harvest, Flammable, Plunge, Fire Trail, Thorn Trap and Leaf Shell.
Gas Brews. Similar to Witchery's gas brews, except they're technically entities instead of blocks, meaning they don't displace or break any existing blocks, but otherwise act similar. Gas Brews are made by throwing a Wind Core in the Witch's Cauldron after a Dragon's breath.
Fanged Dagger. Crafted using a Savage Tooth, a couple of Venomous Fangs, a Stick and a Cursed Ingot in a Forge ritual. Thank you pantman687 for the suggestion!
The Crone. A miniboss that is not yet truly implemented and is only available through Creative mode. Will be fully implemented on a later update with their own structure.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Nyctophobia and Tripping Effect divide by Zero bug.
Buffed Drought Brews massively. They now have the same range as regular Sponges with the range increasing with each Level of Drought.
Buffed Explosive Effect by increasing the power of explosion to be the same as Creepers on base level.
Buffed Flood Brew a bit by increasing the amount of water spawned.
Chop Tree Brews now chop wood in a spherical range rather than cubical. The range also increases with Levels instead of just Area of Effect.
Pruning Brews will cause Leaves to drop itself if it's amplified.
Reduce Pruning Soul Cost from 25 to 10.
Buffed Quaff augmentation to allow players to drink brews even more faster.
Witch Cauldrons now accept Buckets from Dispensers, emit Redstone Signals and gain Water from Stalactites.
Changed Catalyst for Strip Armor Brews from Cactus to Mangrove Roots.
Players entering the world for the first time and getting the Witch's Brews book can now be disabled through config.
Added 'description' on Gold Touch and Sapped Catalyst entries in Witch's Brews.
New Brews! Flaying, Shear, Grow Cactus, Grow Cave Vines, Bees, Fiery Aura and Venomous Hands.
Hedge Witch Robes and Dark Warlock Robes. They were already available in previous update but now have a proper Crafting Recipes. Functions the exact same as their normal counterpart. Just cosmetic difference.
Venomous Fangs. Dropped by Cave Spiders. Currently only used for Venomous Hands Brews.
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The Brewing Update
Custom Brewing! HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting Patchouli and obtaining the new book called Witches Brews. Currently given to players when they logged into the world once, but can be crafted with a Book and two Mushrooms. Gives most information on how the Brewing mechanic works! Based of Witchery's brewing mechanic.
Witch Cauldron. Crafted in same formation as Vanilla Cauldrons, but with Cursed Metal Ingots. Requires a heat source below it (Fire, Lit Campfire, Magma Blocks, Lava) and for Brew completion, Soul Candlesticks around it.
A Bunch of new Effects! Effects ranging from knocking back attackers to causing affected entities to randomly be pushed in certain directions!
Some effects can even manipulate the environment! Setting the land on fire, converting blocks into moss, chopping logs in a spherical area and more!
Witch Poles. Used to put small discount on Brewing. Up to three Witch Poles surrounding a Witch Cauldron gives and stacks discounts.
Mystic Core. Currently used to amplify Brews.
Feet of Frog. Can be obtained by killing Frogs. Can be cooked and eaten.
Fixes & Changes:
Necroturge Rituals now require to be done at Night.
Nerfed Illague spread so that mobs have a chance of getting Illague but not at a 100% rate.
Illague now gives player based negative effects (like Blindness and Nausea) to mobs instead of just Weakness, Poison and Wither.
Renamed Witches Hat and Witches Robe to Witch Hat and Witch Robe respectively.
Lowered Witch Hat position on player's head just a bit.
Tweaked Warlock Robe Model on players.
Tweaked Robes item textures to be less fat.
Changed color of Black Book cover GUI to be black.
Tweaked Climbing Status Icon and Concentrated Emerald Textures.
Added Teleport Game Events to teleporting mobs.
Removed Automation Mode from Witch Robes. Makes the Robe set slightly less OP.
Improved Wraith floating animation :3.
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Fixes & Changes:
Dark Tools will now give new Wane effect instead of Slowness. Wane slows and weakens mobs the same way as Slowness and Weakness.
Recolored Dark Armor to be black and cape being darker.
Added Automating Mechanics to Witches Robe. Shift-Right clicking the Robe will cause it to be in Automation mode. In this mode, Witches robes will automatically take in Water Bottles or convert Empty Glass Bottles into Water Bottles if player has Water Bucket in Inventory, Blaze Powder as fuel if current fuel is running out, and Nether Warts if the Potion slots are comprised only of Water Bottles.
Changed how Haunted Skulls work. Instead of charging at enemies like a Vex would, it would convert itself as a projectile, shooting at the enemy's original location. Due to this, Haunted Skulls have a longer duration when following the caster or being idle.
Fixed Brazier Block wonky hurting hitbox.
Glorious Apostles have Resistance I instead of Resistance II.
Wraiths with Weakness' Ice Bouquet will deal at least 0.5 Hearts of damage.
Tweaked Wraith movement animation :3.
Charge Focus. The spell requires the player to right click a mob or player with the wand or staff that has this focus. The focus gives the target Charged Effect, for 30 seconds, and increases the level if they have it. Charged I gives the target 10% increase of movement speed and attack damage. Charged II gives the target 25% increase of movement, but 15% decrease on attack damage. Increasing the level further simply damages the target by 2 Hearts by default. Thanks to pvzfan for the idea!
New Keybinds relating Witches Robes. By default and wearing Witches Robes, Pressing J while holding Blaze Powder will transfer one to the Robe's fuel section. Pressing H while holding a Glass/Water/Potion Bottle will transfer into the Output section, or while holding a Potion Ingredient will transfer it into the Ingredient section. Pressing G will cause all bottles in the Output section to appear on the player's inventory, or dropped on the ground if inventory is full.
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Fixes & Changes:
Changed the way Necrotic Braziers functions. Instead of needing to be placed ontop of Cursed Cage, it needs to be surrounding by the new Soul Candlesticks that are ontop of Cursed Cages to siphon Soul Energy. The more candlesticks, the more faster it process. It still needs to be within a Deep Dark biome to light up.
Fixed Particle Dedicated Server Crash.
Fixed Convert Ritual Server Bug.
Remodeled and slightly retextured the Wraith again :3.
The Wraith and Ice Bouquet are more glowier.
Wraiths have a 5 second cooldown when teleporting towards the player when their no longer in line of sight(but not away from them).
Slightly retextured Cursed Cages.
Dark Anvils should drop 4 Dark Metal Ingots when breaking from overuse.
Lowered Dark Anvil default Enchantment cost limit to from 30 to 40. (Meaning the most level it'll asked for is 30).
Fixed Pedestal hitbox
Slightly retextured Rampage Effect icon to remove some translucent pixels.
Add sound when throwing items on Necrotic Brazier.
Tweaked Soul and Glow Light core particle generation.
Updraft Blasts now dissipates Fire Tornadoes.
Dark Tools' stats are now fully configurable.
Special Tools' Damage, Break Speed and Mining Level are now configurable.
Soul Candlesticks. Currently used in Necrotic Braziers crafting process. Only lights up when on top of Cursed Cage with Totem or Transfer Gem.
Brick, Deepslate, Nether Brick and Blackstone Braziers. Decorative blocks.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed new Blocks not dropping.
Fixed Dark Anvils not pickable.
Fixed Necrotic Braziers not requiring at least Iron Pickaxe to drop.
Fixed Dark Tool self-mending visual bugs.
Dark Tools self-mend more slowly rather than instantly.
Buffed Dark Tools and Equipment. Dark Tools now inflict Slowness on hit.
Dark Armor now provides Netherite level knockback resistance.
Dark Armor pieces each give 5% discount of Soul Energy usage in repairing Items, casting spells and healing summons (but not in crafting, rituals or anything related to Cursed Cage usage unfortunately).
Wearing full Dark Armor gives the player passive regeneration every 2 seconds if below full hunger, and allows summons to give the player Soul Energy when killing a mob without the player needing to wear Dark Robe or Necro Cape.
Dark Helmets makes the player immune to Darkness and Blindness effects.
Soul Cost of self-repairing Items are increased if the item has enchantments, much like how Soul Menderers works.
Fixed potential bugs with Soul Menderers.
Increased default Soul Cost of healing Undead Servants in spell config.
Buffed Philosopher's Mace by allowing it to mine Amethyst and Sculk Blocks.
Philosopher's Mace mining speed increases the more hard the block is, but only if the block is something it can mine.
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Fixes & Changes:
Apostles no longer move when casting a Spell.
Apostles casts spells more quickly when below a quarter of their max health in second phase.
Apostles no longer passively summon Zombie Villagers/Zombified Piglins. They spawn another 'mob' that does it for them :)
Fixed Malghasts spawning at ground level.
Apostles will not spawn a new Fire Tornado for at least 45 seconds after the last one disappears.
Apostles drop several Ancient Debris, a chance of dropping Netherite Ingots and Enchanted Golden Apples and generally more loot when slain in the Nether.
Apostles play their fancy death animation when slain in Nether.
Apostles will automatically aggro on Mobs targeting them, if they were not aggressive.
Apostles will not teleport willy nilly when at very low health if not targeting any mob or Player.
Fire Tornadoes:
Fire Tornadoes now function differently. Instead of knocking back mobs, they will toss mobs within itself, dealing damage, for about 80 ticks before disappearing. They will stop moving when doing this.
Fire Tornadoes now deal 4 damage instead of 6.
Fire Tornadoes lose their lifespan quickly when in Powdered Snow.
Fire Tornadoes can be dispelled by casting a Wind Blast at it.
Magic Fangs:
Magic Fangs can now give Soul Energy to its owner when damaging a mob, similar to Dark/Death Scythes.
Biting and Feasting Focus now accepts Soul Eater enchantment.
Warlock, Wartling and Warlock Set:
Wearing a Warlock Sash or Robe while having a negative effect and at least a Wartful Egg in inventory, will automatically use up the Wartful Egg to remove effect by spawning a Wartling.
Wartlings no longer take negative effects if effect has no Cure (Effects not removed by Milk for example). This change applies to Warlocks as well.
Renamed Dark Scythe to Ominous Scythe.
Pendant of Hunger now shows a durability bar that indicates how much Rotten Flesh is stored within it.
Tweaked Philosopher's Mace Recipe to use new items.
Changed textures for Soul Bullet, Soul Light, Glow Light and Necro Particles to look better.
Fixed Words conflicting positions in summoning/sacrificing Rituals in JEI.
Reverted Advancement changes from before. Now more Advancements appear in chat.
Dark Metal Ingots. Crafted using the new Necrotic Brazier, with a Cursed Ingot, a Sculk Block and a Ghast Tear. Equipment made of this metal have Diamond level damage, defense and are almost as enchantable as Gold. They also repairs itself using Soul Energy like Death Scythe, Philosopher's Stone and Philosopher's Mace.
Sea Amulet. Crafted using some Gold Ingots, a Prismarine and Heart of the Sea. It constantly gives the wearer Conduit Power effect whenever the wearer is underwater. It can only do this if it has enough charges. Charges are obtained by being 8 blocks near an active Conduit. It will apply Conduit Power effect if the wearer does not have the effect, or the effect is 5 seconds away from expiring.
Shockwave Focus. The spell uses up 40 Soul Energy, by default, to summon a Shockwave that deals knockback and damage to nearby mobs. The shockwave also dispels any nearby Fire Tornadoes.
Necrotic Braziers. Currently used to craft Dark Metal Ingots. Items can either be placed by hand or dropped on the top of it. Unlike Cursed Infusers or Dark Altars, Necrotic Braziers can accept multiple items. Can only function when placed in the Deep Dark Biome. Needs to be placed on a Cursed Cage with a Totem or Transfer Gem in it. Will slowly absorbs Soul Energy when crafting, and will finish once it has absorbed the required amount of Soul Energy to craft an item. Non-Undead mobs take damage when standing directly on top of an active Necrotic Brazier.
Dark Anvil. Crafted using Dark Metal Blocks and Dark Metal Ingots. When placed on top of a Cursed Cage, Dark Anvils would occasionally take a large amount of Soul Energy from it to mend itself when damaged. Dark Anvils does not multiply the repair cost of the item by 2, but will add by 1. Instead of preventing players from repairing/enchanting items if the level cost is too high, the cost will stay at the level limit, allowing the item to be used on the anvil regardless.
Braziers. Currently, only Shade and Stone variants are available. Braziers are decorative blocks that provide light even when placed underwater. Right-clicking on a Brazier can turn it on or off. Shade Brazier is a crafting material for Necrotic Brazier.
- Obsidian Monoliths. Though appearing Blocks, they are actually mobs. Summoned by Apostles. Monoliths summoned by Apostles periodically summon Zombified Piglins to aid the Apostle. Takes more damage from Pickaxes that can break Obsidian, and even more damage if Pickaxe is enchanted with Efficiency. When destroyed, Monoliths deals damage and knockback to Apostle's servants within 16 blocks of it, and also giving them Sapping V. Obsidian Monoliths will teleport near the Apostle if the Apostle is over 32 blocks away from it. Obsidian Monoliths will drop Obsidian and Crying Obsidian when killed through Obsidian level Pickaxes. Apostles will not summon Obsidian Monoliths for 45 seconds for each one destroyed, they will also not summon them if within the Nether.
Conversion Rituals. Instead of Sacrificing or Summoning, or both, a mob, the ritual will convert a nearby specified mob into another. Currently, only one ritual of this type is available and is yet documented in the Black Book.
New Sounds for Dark Altar.
Added Recommendations for battle in Vizier and Apostle Black Book Entries.
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Fixes & Changes:
Retextured Chiseled Cursed Stone, Pedestals and Dark Altar to be the same as Goety 1.19.2 version.
Haunted, Gloom and Murk Bookshelves no longer catch fire.
- Hook Bell from Goety 1.19.2 version.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Cultist Piglin Bug.
Casting a Spell that summons a Servant while looking at a mob, that is less than 16 block away, causes the Summon to target the mob.
Warlocks no longer naturally spawn if there is a Raid nearby.
The Risen Apostles recovers from Smite Attacks faster.
Apostles take less damage from Vanilla Fireballs.
Apostle pre-spawn cloud (That appears when summoning Apostle through Ritual) have changed visually.
Finishing Sabbath Ritual causes all nearby Soul Fire to extinguished and have players within 32 blocks near the Dark Altar gain Darkness effect for 13 seconds.
Items on Pedestals are positioned a bit higher.
Positioned Conquillager's collar frills a bit higher.
Inquillagers now throw Potions of Healing at Liches.
Hook Bell. Can only be rung by a hand or projectile thrown by players. When rung, causes all Raider tagged mobs (Like Illagers and Witches) within 128 blocks from the bell's location to teleport approximately towards it. The bell will not teleport the Raider mobs if they are 16 blocks in range from it.
Haunted Bookshelves, Chests and Trapped Chests. Functions the same as Vanilla counterparts. Added to bring compatibility with Quark mod. Can be converted to vanilla counterpart.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Cultist Piglin Bug
Brought Apostle Changes from 1.19.2.
The Risen Apostles recovers from Smite Attacks faster.
Apostles summoned with no AI will now wear their hat.
Items on Pedestals are positioned a bit higher.
Conquillagers now have collar frills.
Burning Potions, Witch Bombs and Dead Slime Ball projectiles now have names.
- Haunted, Gloom and Murk Chests, Trapped Chests and Bookshelves. Functions the same as Vanilla counterparts. Added to bring compatibility with Quark mod. Can be converted to vanilla counterpart.
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Fixes & Changes:
Particles are now visible within Cursed Cages and Arcas.
Changed certain custom shaped Blocks' thrown Item and inventory model.
Changed Texture for Chiseled Shade Stone.
Tweaked Textures for Dark Altar and Pedestals.
How long a Soul Menderer repairs 1 Durability on an item can now be configured.
Sculk Converters can now be harvested with Pickaxes alongside Hoes.
Sculk Converters gives off Redstone Particles when powered.
Soul Absorbers are more cheaper to craft.
Biting, Iceology and Lightning Focus no longer take Radius Enchantment.
Replaced Sculk with Sculk Sensor in Vexing Focus Recipe.
Fixed Apostles getting no Regen when hit by items enchanted with Sharpness instead of only just Smite.
Apostles are now affected by gravity and should stop having glitchy positioning when transitioning to second phase.
Apostles no longer show their nose when dying in Second Phase.
Storm Rituals can now accept any Block that has the word 'Copper' on it instead of using non-waxed Copper Block.
Tweaked certain Advancements so that the Advancement Toast does not appear if Advancement doesn't show up in chat.
Sculk Grower. Requires Cursed Cage placed on top of it with Totem or Transfer Gem in it to work. Siphons a certain amount of Soul Energy to get Charges which is used to speed up crop growth 8x4x8 around it. Only siphons Soul Energy and obtain charges when activated with Redstone, though it will continue to grow crops if the Grower contains any Charges (Can be disabled through config).
Sculk Relay. Sculk Converters will search for any nearby Relay where it will spawn Sculk on the Relay's location. Right-clicking on a Sculk Converter with an empty hand will show the Relay it's using if there are any Relays around it.
Polished Shade Stone. Decorative only, replaces Shade Stone in crafting Shade Stone Bricks.
- Recall Focus. A Special Focus that requires the user to right-click a certain block with it to fully function. When right clicking on an Arca owned by the user, a Bed or a Respawn Anchor, it will store the block's coordinates and dimension, causing it to be activated. Using it as a Focus will cause the user to teleport to the saved location from any where or any dimension.
- Wand Cooldown Config. Found in 'goety-spells.toml'. When enabled, will cause spells with Casting Time to be cast instantly, but the Casting Time would be used as an Item Cooldown for Wands and Staffs instead.
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Fixes & Changes:
Add new Particle effect on Rituals.
Improved Updraft Blast's initial particle effect.
Replaced two Leathers in Wayfarer's Belt with Rabbit's Foot and Pufferfish.
Fixed Wayfarer's Belt speed and step height not working when playing with certain mods.
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Fixes & Changes:
Apostle's are now unable to regenerate health for a certain amount time if damaged by an item enchanted with Smite. The time that the Apostle can't regenerate depends on the level of Smite Enchantment.
Players can see the time where the Apostle can't regenerate on the custom Boss Bar.
Abhorrent Titled Apostles no longer get Health Boost. Instead, the shoot Arrows tipped with Harming Effect. If their target is Undead, the arrows will be tipped with Healing Effect.
Pyre Lord Titled Apostles' arrows now inflicts Burn Hex.
Apostles can no longer be effected by harmful Potion Effects.
Apostles make no Ambient Sounds when not attacking. They are also less frequently make Ambient Sounds compared to before when attacking. This change is to make them more ominous.
Apostles will shoot Grand Fireballs in first phase if difficulty is on Hard.
Apostle Spell Damage (ie, Fire Tornadoes, Fire Blasts, Roar, etc) can now be configured in goety.attributes.toml.
Apostles no longer damage Witches if they're in Water.
Lightning spawned by Apostle's Lightning Trap now deals spell damage from the new configuration.
Apostles' Arrow Rain damage now uses Apostle Bow Damage config.
Apostles now give 1000 Experience instead of 200.
If Apostle is despawned instead of killed and there's a Storm, the Storm stops.
Malghasts will not move and stay in position when shooting a fireball instead of constantly moving. This is to make them more easier to hit.
Fixed Malghasts moving up in a straight line when not aggressive and after re-logging in.
Malghast summoned through Commands or Spawners are now automatically hostile to players.
Malghast summoned through Commands or Spawners now drop Ghast Loot.
Improved Ice Chunk Animation massively.
Slightly improved Ice Chunk Area of Effect vertically.
Fire Tornadoes don't fling Mobs with high Knockback Resistance too far. Mobs with 100% Knockback Resistance should not get fling at all.
Tweaked Forbidden Grass a bit to improve Mob Spawning.
Add new Particle effect on Rituals.
Improved Looting Explosion Visual/Sound.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Sword Duplication Bug from using Magic Sword Spell in Survival.
Magic Sword Focus can now be enchanted with Potency, which increases the Sword's Velocity, not damage.
Magic Sword Spell now uses more durability from the Sword.
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Fixes & Changes:
Apostle's are now unable to regenerate health for a certain amount time if damaged by an item enchanted with Smite. The time that the Apostle can't regenerate depends on the level of Smite Enchantment.
Players can see the time where the Apostle can't regenerate on the custom Boss Bar.
Abhorrent Titled Apostles no longer get Health Boost. Instead, the shoot Arrows tipped with Harming Effect. If their target is Undead, the arrows will be tipped with Healing Effect.
Pyre Lord Titled Apostles' arrows now inflicts Burn Hex.
Apostles can no longer be effected by harmful Potion Effects.
Apostles make no Ambient Sounds when not attacking. They are also less frequently make Ambient Sounds compared to before when attacking. This change is to make them more ominous.
Apostles will shoot Grand Lavaballs in first phase if difficulty is on Hard.
Apostle Spell Damage (ie, Fire Tornadoes, Fire Blasts, Roar, etc) can now be configured in goety.attributes.toml.
Apostles will immediately attack Wardens that are targeting them.
Apostles no longer damage Witches if they're in Water.
Lightning spawned by Apostle's Lightning Trap now deals spell damage from the new configuration.
Apostles' Arrow Rain damage now uses Apostle Bow Damage config.
Apostles now give 1000 Experience instead of 200.
Fixed Malghast's Grand Lavaballs not doing any terrain damage. They now do, but only if Mob Griefing is enabled.
Malghasts will not move and stay in position when shooting a fireball instead of constantly moving. This is to make them more easier to hit.
Malghast shooting animation is tweaked to be more similar to the old Vanilla Ghast animation before 1.3.1 version.
Fixed Malghast Hitbox being very wonky when its not looking horizontally.
Fixed Malghasts moving up in a straight line when not aggressive and after re-logging in.
Fixed Rampaging Axe bug where Players can activate Axe Explosion prematurely (It's suppose to activate once the Player obtains Rampage V).
Tweaked Forbidden Grass a bit to improve Mob Spawning.
Some spelling corrections in the Black Book.
Wayfarer's Belt. A new Belt Curio that allows you to move a bit faster, jump two blocks high and move up a block when walking. Crafted with some Leather, a Gale Fabric and a Gold Ingot on Magic Ritual.
Targeting Monocle. A Head Curio that allows Players to automatically lock on to a mob they are looking at when using a Wand or Staff. Crafted using a Glass Pane, some Leather, an Ectoplasm and a Gold Ingot on Magic Ritual.
Magic Sword Focus. Focus allows the caster to shoot out a copy of their Sword at a location or mob. Requires the caster to hold a Sword either offhand or on main hand to cast the spell. Uses said Swords durability with each cast.
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