Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Ragno Servant not taking damage when not fed with Bag of Horrors and not being ridden.
Fixed Crocofang Servants not being able to change movement stances.
Fixed several models still having party hats.
Allied Factories now spawns servants that are owned by the Factory's owner instead of the Factory itself (if the Factory has an owner).
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Fixes & Changes:
- Fixed Chagrin and Ragno Servant related crashes.
- Updated some models to have party hats from recent Illage and Spillage updates.
Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Funnybone Crash
Ragno Servants are no longer rideable when crazy.
Bound Freakager takes less damage when riding a Ragno Servant.
Updated Freaky Scythe's AoE to match the original's.
Improved Player Hinder's heal rate.
Updated Chinese translation.
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Fixes & Changes:
- Player owned Chagrin, Hinder and Factory can now be destroyed by shift-left-clicking on them with a Wand/Staff or the Engineer's Mallet.
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Fixes & Changes:
Ragno servant going crazy animation has been changed to be similar to old Ragno's animation (Courtesy of @TheDarkPeasant, the modder maintaining I&S:Respillage themselves)
Ragno servants should now be able to perform their leap attack if their rider is below half max health when not crazy.
Fixed G&S!Skull Bombs not using their smaller model.
Fixed Imps from Imp Spell hurting allied entities.
Crocofang Servant. Requires the player to read the Ravaging Scroll to summon. Can be ridden and healed by feeding it meat.
Engineer's Mallet. A rare drop from I&S' Engineer. Right clicking allows the player to spawn either their own Chagrin Sentry, Hinder or Factory. Has a cooldown and durability use. When not in cooldown, can be left-clicked on either of the three mobs to heal them 2.5 hearts.
Bound Engineer. Summoned using a Necroturgy ritual with the Engineer's Mallet as the catalyst. Does the same as regular Engineers, except loyal to the summoner and can fly like other bound illagers.
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Fixes & Changes:
Ragno Servant now take stun damage like regular Ragno
Tweaked Bound Freakager texture.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Imp Crash (Your imps will unfortunately hurt certain servants now)
Fixed Funnybones and Eyesores spawned from Freaky Robes not actually attacking enemies.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Trick or Treat crash when using Bag of Horrors to summon them (Unfortunately, Tots summoned by BoH would still be registered as hostile by servants)
Fixed Ragno Servants being stuck on Web Net animation.
Fixed Freaky Robes not summoning Funnybones/Eyesores.
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Fixes & Changes:
Updated Ragno Servant, Bound Freakager and other associated entities to match the reworked versions.
Fixed Requiem Spell not being cast-able without being enchanted with Potency.
Updated Freaky Hat and Robe model and textures.
Freaky Robes can also summon Funnybones and Eyesores (The latter if the wearer is before half their max health).
Freaky Robes makes wearer immune to Mutation effect.
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Fixes & Changes:
- Fixed Bound Freakager Spawn Egg model and language bug.
Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Ragno Servants unable to be killed by their owners by shift-left/right click on them with wand
Fixed Freaky Hat overlapping with player hat model
Fixed Requiem Focus not properly working
Fixed Focuses not having Patchouli shortcuts
Fixed Bound Freakager Patchouli Page not containing ritual recipe on it.
Fixed mobs targeting Spirit Hands
Focuses have additional texts on them.
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Initial Release
Illage and Portage 1.1.0+
Initial Release
Goety 2.40.2+
Illage and Spillage 1.2.4