- Added the 'allowGrassReplenishment' Config Option; toggles whether or not players can replenish grass by right-clicking it with seeds (the usable seeds can be modified with datapack)
- Added the 'harvestableBlocks' Config Option; allows you to modify which blocks can be harvested using alternate hoe use
- Added the 'nonBonemealableBlocks' Config Option; allows you to modify what blocks can be duplicated using bonemeal. This is limited to plant blocks, coral blocks and sugarcane.
- Replaced the 'bonemealableSugarcane' Config Option with 'enhancedBonemeal' & 'nonBonemealableBlocks'
- Fixed the 'dispensableItems' not working properly
- Fixed the harvest particles not showing up when using the alternate hoe use
Updated to 1.21.1
- Replaced the "cropsDropExperience" Config Option with a "cropExperienceChance"
- Removed a leftover debug message (1.20.1, 1.20.2)