loottable and raid crash fixed
port to 1.21.3
port 1.21.2
remove enchanter armor(because need to force mob enchant not armor)
Remove UnMobEnchant book instead... Enchanters Bottle add!
Enchanters Bottle make remove your mob enchant and convert to xp and contain it!
you can also store your experience point in the Enchanters Bottle!
fix compability problem
fixed enchanter animation is weird when config changed
add old style animation config
translate config(almost)
support config screen
fixed sometime log spam
fixed new neoforge compatibility and loot table balance change
make it more compatible(thanks! ootwclyhe)
fixed mob enchant book drop even config make disabled
fixed crash when mob enchant command send it
visual bugfix and support newer neoforge
enchanted mob's aura now updated!
fixed mob's enchant layer
fixed attribute behavior
fix cannot start it.