Dragon Mounts Remastered 1.2.1
on Oct 10, 2024- Fixed dedicated server support
- Fixed leather dragon armor recipe
- Fixed dragon egg drops
Dragon Mounts Remastered 1.2.0
on Oct 10, 2024First version for 1.21.1! Expect some issues or bugs in this first version.
Dragon Mounts Remastered 1.1.0
on May 3, 2024Added 4 new config options:
- base_health: The base health dragons should have when fully grown
- base_damage: The base damage dragons should have when fully grown
- allow_respawn: Should dragons be able to be re-summoned after they die? If this is turned off a dragon is completely lost on death, even if the owner isnt online when playing on a server
- respawn_time: The time in seconds that you have to wait to resummon a dragon after it dies, this is by default 60 seconds
Added dragon whistles
- Summoning a dragon now requires that you have a dragon whistle in your inventory that has been linked to a dragon.
- To use the dragon whistle, craft one of a specific dye color and shift right click on a dragon that hasnt already been linked.
- When using the summon keybind the top most valid whistle in the inventory will be used to determine what dragon is summoned
- With the introduction of whistles you can now have more then one dragon that you are able to summon
- The whistles functions similarly to modded ender chests and similar items, where crafting 2 of the same color of whistle will function the same, so losing a whistle doesnt lose the dragon.
New system for dragon armor
- Dragon armor has been made into its own item rather then using horse armor
- The icon and armor textures are still a work in progress but the armor itself is functional
- The armor can be found in some of the same locations as their horse counterparts
- Change the player model to use the position of the "rider" bone when found, PR from NordAct
Dragon Mounts Remastered 1.0.1
on Feb 22, 2024-
Adds bite attack
- Hold down attack keybind (Defaults to Left Alt) and hit / Left Click while riding to bite
- The need for the attack keybind can be disabled in the config
Improved the chest system on the dragons
- Can no longer remove a chest when it is not empty
- A ender chest can now be used instead of a regular chest
Changed the tilt of the dragon while flying to no longer be based on look direction Horse armor can now be equipped to give a defence bonus to the dragon, visual textures for the armor are still pending.