- Ported to 1.20.1
- Moon Wolf model (now dyable) as well as many other models (SirDeccy)
- zh_cn tweaks (usamion)
- Rearranged items in the creative menu
- Renamed Frozen tree to Shiverspine
- Changed the Etherealcetus model and renamed it to Kitra
- Trim support
- Gem Fin (new fish)
- Wood and stripped wood types
- Cadillion ram attack
- Paintings
- Fixed block sounds
- Fixed some crops
- Fixed ponds in iceika
- Fixed Ender Scrounge spawns
- Fixed some z-fighting issues
- Fixed altar of corruption crash
- Fixed Densos and Reyvor spawn crystals
- Fixed Arcana portal placement issues
- Fixed passive until attacked mobs despawn issue
- Fixed loot modifiers
- Fixed bow animations
- Fixed smithing recipes
- Fixed dream lamp
- Fixed furnace xp
- Fixed altar of corruption
- Fixed arcana doors
- SirDeccy
frozen_dirt, frozen_grass_side, frozen_grass_top, shiverspine_log_top, stripped_shiverspine_log_top, fractite_cannon, arcanite_blaster, arcana_brush, arcanite_dirt, arcanite_grass_side, arcanite_grass_top, cauldrop_petal, eden_dirt, eden_grass_side, eden_grass_top, potion_leaf, snow_globe, snowflake, eden_leaves, eden_leaves_fast, eden_log_side, eden_log_top, stripped_eden_log_side, stripped_eden_log_top, gem_fim_bucket
divine_layer_1, divine_layer_2, angelic_flight, divine_strength, explosion_protection, melee_protection, poison_protection, prevent_fall_damage, projectile_protection, seng_fur, divine_boots, divine_chestplate, divine_helmet, divine_hoe, divine_leggings, divine_rock, sun_blossom, sunbloom
apalachia_bricks, eden_bricks, mortum_bricks, skythern_bricks, wildwood_bricks, blue_stone, kraken_scale, kraken_skin, mortum_dust, mortum_soul, mortum_fragments, mortum_gem, mortum_chunk, mortum_heart, mortume_axe, mortum_hoe, mortum_pickaxe, mortum_shovel, mortum_shickaxe, boiled_egg, cheese, donut, hot_pumpkin_pie, fruit_cake, peppermints, snow_cones, tomato, white_mushroom, advanced_mushroom_stew, chicken_dinner, chocolate_log, egg_nog, magic_meat, enriched_magic_meat, forbidden_fruit, inferno_bow_0, inferno_bow_1, inferno_bow_2, inferno_bow_3, inferno_arrow, armor_pouch, red_armor_pouch, yellow_armor_pouch, green_armor_pouch, blue_armor_pouch, gray_armor_pouch, mortum_dirt, mortum_grass_side, mortum_grass_top, mortum_leaves, mortum_leaves_fast, mortum_log_side, mortum_log_top, stripped_mortum_log_side, stripped_mortum_log_top, mortum_planks, mortum_door_top, mortum_door_bottom, mortum_door, mortum_trapdoor, demon_brambles_top, demon_brambles_bottom, mortum_brush, eye_plant
**To see all 1.20 changes, check here:**
This version is beta. It is incomplete and runs on a non recommended version of forge.
- Ported to 1.20
- Madivel model (SirDeccy)
- Small village structure changes (in iceika)
- Added groglin/gruzzorlug trade system
- Trading with one type will decrease favour with the other and they will attack you
- Removed JER due to it not being available yet
- Lots of model fixes
- Lots of data related fixes
To see all 1.20 changes, check here:
This version is beta, it was released because it contains some fixes that are important to gameplay.
- JEI/JER support
- Ghost Whale boss (spawn it by killing 100 mobs in a boneyard biome in iceika).
- Cannot take physical damage.
- Spawns passive mobs around it
- Gives the player negative effects
- Breaks botes
- Shoots bone bombs out of its blowhole
- Can break ice
- Groglin/gruzzorlug villages in iceika (Velocityraptor)
- Recipe book support
- Rewrote armour to use Effects instead of just doing the power up (velocityraptor)
- Made termasect follow the player closer and regen in rain
- Made experienced cori and termasect way more accurate
- Sabear can now break stuff
- NPC's can walk
- Changed recipes to use tags more
- Changed/optimized zh_cn
- Unbound rive from mob greifing
- Robin drops feathers
- Fixed winterberries replacing blocks
- Fixed damage source
- Fixed healing sword durability drain in creative
- Fixed some entities crashing for having 0 attack damage
- Fixed burning swords losing double durability
- Fixed winterberries replacing blocks
- Fixed damage source
- Fixed healing sword durability drain in creative
- Fixed some entities crashing for having 0 attack damage
- Fixed burning swords losing double durability
- Fixed hat when crouching
- Fixed sounds of some blocks
- Fixed Karos spawning inside blocks
- Fixed drowning flying mobs
- Fixed some blocks having wrong render type
- Fixed hostile mobs fleeing
- Fixed livestock merchant sometimes being in iceika
- Fixed composter bug for infinite bone meal
- Fixed Jack o Man model
- Fixed tomato texture when thrown
- Fixed datticon trade
- Fixed missing arcana loot tables
- Fixed passive until hit mobs
- Fixed the watcher boss bar
- Fixed many entity models (PegasDoggeAM)
- Fixed lazy bats resting when they shouldnt
- Fixed arcana doors being opening with redstone
- Fixed chests lid animations (PegasDoggeAM)
- Scaled up pearls and dungeon tokens
- Fixed interactions with pumpkins
- Fixed statues not playing sounds
To see all 1.19.4 changes, check here:
- Iceika sky
- Fixed custom skies crashing servers
- Fixed damage reduction armour abilities
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
- Added loot to some vanilla chests
- Tweaks to iceika sky
- Tomato does less damage
- Changed some textures (Ringu)
- Added 1 tick delay to projectiles to minimize self inflicted damage
- Increased realmite spawn rate
- Fixed mob shadows and scales
- Fixed aequorea server crash
- Re-added soul fiend particles
- Re-added hide arcana
- Fixed hell pig crash
- Fixed and simplified back end of Divine Arrow (Locomen_)
- Fixed crash involving Jade and plants
- Fixed aquastrive armour not removing swim effect
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
- Fixed ranged projectile damage
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
- JEI support
- Armor bundle (quickly swap armor)
- Removed alpha warning (since we are finally stable enough to release)
- Back end uses ForgeRegistries instead of going to our registry
- You can now harm pets if you crouch (you monster)
- Kobblin, Cyclops and pumpkin spider spawn condition tweaks
- Log top textures
- tweaked nether spawns
- Made termasect nest more noticable
- Fixed arrows
- Fixed realmite block not showing in creative/jei
- Fixed rain precipitation appearing in iceika
- Fixed chest animations
- Fixed enthralled dramcryx and ancient entity reach
- Fixed particle colour system
- Fixed seed recipes
- Fixed hell pig
- Fixed wreck crash
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
- Fixed tamable crash
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
- Added Traveler's titles support - Pricerocks
- Entity models:
- Cave Crawler
- Razorback
- Skyre
- Desert Crawler
- Shark
- Bunny/Glinthop
- Angry Bunny/Angry Glinthop
- Glacon
- Renamed bunny to glinthop and angry bunny to angry glinthop
- Fixed torridite bricks and arcanium torch recipe
- Fixed missing arcana traders spawn cages
- Fixed realmite ore spawnrate
- Fixed leorna crash
- Fixed mod chest crash when external storage was connected (hoppers and stuff)
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
- Added raw ore blocks
- Added tools (terran axe, apalachia hoe, bedrock hoe, corrupted hoe, divine hoe, eden hoe, mortum hoe, rupee hoe, skythern hoe, terran hoe, wildwood hoe, terran pickaxe, terran shovel, corrupted shovel, terran shickaxe)
- Enchanted warrior model (declan)
- Healing items behaviour (can heal other players and the item by right clicking players or monsters respectivley)
- Merchants will only panic when hit otherwise they will not move now
- Vethea will no longer spawn a portal, you need to trade the hunger for mortum blocks and use a dream flint to ignite it. (portal patterns:
- Made some items fire resistant (torridite block, torridite bricks, bedrock minibricks, torridite minibricks, bedrock chunk, molten shards, molten stone, torridite chunk, torridite ingot, torridite nugget, bedrock axe, inferno arrow, inferno bow, bedrock pickaxe, bedrock shovel, bedrock maul, bedrock sword, bedrock armour, inferno armour and torridite armour)
- Inferno sword is now craftable via redstone ore alternatives
- Buffed apalachia shickaxe
- Nerfed hastreus
- Fixed eucalyptus stairs hitbox
- Fixed plants
- Fixed glacide texture
- Cyclops fix
- Statue sound fix
- Fire fix/Heat Trap Fix
- Fixed traders sometimes selling air
- Fixed some plants breaking when placed next to each other
- Fixed halite, awakened halite, divine corrupted, glistening, demonized, tormented, arlemite and rupee armour effects
- Fixed nightmare bed block drops
- Fixed dreamwrecker pull
- Fixed workshop carpet sound
- Fixed leaves renders
- Fixed shickaxe tilling farmland
- Fixed shickaxe recipes
- Fixed tomato
- Fixed shield repair crash
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
- re-added "beloved" mage shooting sound
- heard ai for lorga flight
- added "regular" spider loot to divinerpg spiders
- Changes:
- ported to 1.19.3
- fury maul now craftable by all diamond ores
- glacide model
- increased boss spawners generousity
- neutral mobs now agro their fellow mob types when hurt
- flying mob AI
- caveclops now have better spawn conditions
- many mob stats
- many armour stats
- buffed axe damage
- madivel only spawn in darkness
- nerfed serenade of health
- slowed zoragon
- legendary ender eye includes watching eyes now
- only 1 creative tab now
- teleporter fix
- demon of darkness model
- alicanto and grue aggression
- kazrotic shot doesnt break blocks
- skythern Fiend sound
- ender scrounge crashing game
- epiphite lightning behvaiour
- fixed iceika dungeons clipping into void
- fixed flaming swords not cooking meat
- fixed eden chest harvest level
- fixed glass drops
- fixed fairy lights drops
- fixed eden chest not working sometimes on first open and not loading contents
To see all 1.19.3 changes, check here:
- re-added "beloved" mage shooting sound
- heard ai for lorga flight
- added "regular" spider loot to divinerpg spiders
- ported to 1.19.3
- fury maul now craftable by all diamond ores
- increased boss spawners generousity
- neutral mobs now agro their fellow mob types when hurt
- flying mob AI
- caveclops now have better spawn conditions
- buffed axe damage
- madivel only spawn in darkness
- nerfed serenade of health
- slowed zoragon
- legendary ender eye includes watching eyes now
- teleporter fix
- demon of darkness model
- alicanto and grue aggression
- kazrotic shot doesnt break blocks
- skythern Fiend sound
- ender scrounge crashing game
- epiphite lightning behvaiour
- fixed iceika dungeons clipping into void
- fixed flaming swords not cooking meat
- fixed eden chest harvest level
- fixed glass drops
- fixed fairy lights drops
- fixed eden chest not working sometimes on first open and not loading contents
- lots of item tags for more mod compatability (Lemon-Juiced)
- zh_cn.json (usamion)
- ja_jp.json (RyoTagami)
- compost list
- changed darven and karos lump texture
- renamed bluefire to soulfire for some vanilla parity
- tag based recipes for furnaces and blasting
- rotated chest items to match vanilla
- nerfed liopleurodon spawn rate
- fixed fyracryx and kazrotic crash
- fixed ore sounds
- fixed demon furnace placement
- fixed karos altar
- fixed burning swords losing durability in creative
- fixed aquamarine
- fixed twilight spawn cages
- fixed the armour using LivingHurtEvent
- fixed karot model
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
- Fixed leather tag issue
- Added ancient tomb loot table to JER compat
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
- Fixed more tags
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
- Fixed advancement backgrounds
- Added zh_cn.json (usamion)
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here
- new mobs: groglin, gruzzorlug, sabear, robin, wolpertinger
- new food: raw seng meat, seng steak
- new armour: seng fur armour
- new items: seng fur, raw wolpertinger meat, wolpertinger steak, sabear fur, sabear tooth, sabear sabre
- new blocks: coalstone bricks
- lots of item tags for more mod compatability (Lemon-Juiced)
- zh_cn.json (usamion)
- ja_jp.json (RyoTagami)
- compost list
- added the best advancement ever
- santa gear (your items will be swapped to bedrock gear)
- changed darven and karos lump texture
- renamed bluefire to soulfire for some vanilla parity
- redesigned creative tabs
- tag based recipes for furnaces and blasting
- rotated chest items to match vanilla
- nerfed liopleurodon spawn rate
- many ringu textures
- infusion table doesnt automatically craft items when the ingredients are all present now
- fixed fyracryx and kazrotic crash
- fixed ore sounds
- fixed demon furnace placement
- fixed karos altar
- fixed burning swords losing durability in creative
- fixed aquamarine
- fixed twilight spawn cages
- fixed the armour using LivingHurtEvent
- fixed karot model
- fixed disk
- Groglin, Gruzzorlug and Robin are unable to naturally spawn as they are a part next portion of the iceika update
To see all 1.19.4 changes, check here:
- Gave some dimensions a subtle shader
- Fixed bows not using infinity if in offhand
- Fixed dungeon prisoners not spawning dungeon demons
- Fixed rive enchant description
- Fixed door sounds
- Fixed raglok making you blind after death
- Fixed custom sky renders
- Groglin and Gruzzorlug are unable to naturally spawn as they are a part next portion of the iceika update
To see all 1.19.4 changes, check here:
- Added minable/hoe tag support
- Removed pet protection (if you would like to have it back use this mod
- Winterberry bushes can be planted via winterberries now
- Reworked the iceika dungeon system (Velocityraptor)
- Fixed door renders
- Fixed Eucalyptus door collision
- Fixed painting localizations
- Fixed fortune twilight ores using eden armour
- Fixed moonwolf eye height
- Fixed damage related crash with tamed pets
- Fixed flaming swords
- Fixed flower placement
- Fixed seng fur freeze protection
- Fixed seng audio
- Fixed hat rotation
- Fixed rive description
- Fixed glinthop foot pos
- Fixed glinthop taming without eden sparkles
- Fixed carpet tag
- Fixed flammable blocks
- Fixed amethyst tag support
Notes: - Groglin & Gruzzorlug are unable to naturally spawn as they are a part next portion of the iceika update
To see all 1.19.4 changes, check here:
- Fixed glinthop renders
- Fixed player hat render
- Fixed dungeon prisoner
- Fixed raglok persistant blindness
- Fixed moonwolf
- Fixed healing swords
- Fixed infinity bug
- Fixed burning swords
- Fixed no attack damage mobs crashing
- Fixed rive enchant description
- Fixed twilight armour
- Removed pet protection
To see all 1.19.2 changes, check here:
- Fixed glinthop renders
- Fixed player hat render
- Fixed dungeon prisoner
- Fixed raglok persistant blindness
- Fixed moonwolf
- Fixed healing swords
- Fixed infinity bug
- Fixed burning swords
- Fixed no attack damage mobs crashing
- Fixed rive enchant description
- Fixed twilight armour
- Fixed frozen planks sounds
- Removed pet protection
To see all 1.19.3 changes, check here: