Fixed crash when clicking the cooking table to hard
Fixed Cooking for Blockheads II being uncraftable
Updated to Minecraft 1.20.6
Spread cooking tables, counters, cabinets, sinks, fridges out into separate blocks per color
Increased the size of kitchen blocks so things can be placed on top without having them float
Fixed the scaling of the milk jar texture
Added crafting table functionality to cutting boards
Differently colored fridges now no longer connect into a double fridge
Fixed typo in cookingforblockheads:utensils tag
Fixed sink not providing water to pipes in NeoForge
Use separate model for cow in a jar milk to allow more control in resource packs
Fixed orientation not being applied to milk model, which limited resource packs ability to change the jar model
Fixed dupe bug with some blocks
Reordered the creative tab items for Cooking for Blockheads to better showcase the mod's content and progression
Re-added the cooked item overlay in the oven screen
- Updated to Minecraft 1.20.6
- Spread cooking tables, counters, cabinets, sinks, fridges out into separate blocks per color
- Increased the size of kitchen blocks so things can be placed on top without having them float
- Fixed the scaling of the milk jar texture
- Added crafting table functionality to cutting boards
- Differently colored fridges now no longer connect into a double fridge
- Fixed typo in cookingforblockheads:utensils tag
- Fixed sink not providing water to pipes in NeoForge
- Use separate model for cow in a jar milk to allow more control in resource packs
- Fixed orientation not being applied to milk model, which limited resource packs ability to change the jar model
- Fixed dupe bug with some blocks
- Reordered the creative tab items for Cooking for Blockheads to better showcase the mod's content and progression
- Re-added the cooked item overlay in the oven screen
- Fixed dyed ovens not being craftable
- Fixed utensils being used up in crafting
Fixed item duplication bug
Fixed connectors not behaving correctly when connecting with other kitchen blocks
Fixed cooking table erroring and not opening when right-clicked on NeoForge
Fixed counters and other supported storage not being recognized as kitchen storage on Fabric
Fixed counters and other supported storage not being recognized as kitchen storage on NeoForge
Updated to Minecraft 1.20.4
Added Dyed Ovens
Added Kitchen Connector block that behaves like stairs, i.e. can be used as inside and outside corners as well as straight connectors
Added an item for the Cutting Board block, allowing it to be used even without having Pam's installed
Added excludedRecipes config option to hide certain recipes from showing up in the recipe book
Added cookingforblockheads:excluded tag to hide certain recipes from showing up in the recipe book
Added cookingforblockheads:kitchen_item_providers, cookingforblockheads:kitchen_connectors, cookingforblockheads:water, cookingforblockheads:milk, cookingforblockheads:ingredients, cookingforblockheads:foods, cookingforblockheads:utensils tags, replacing the old datapack jsons for compatibility
Added support for custom item providers on Fabric
Improved performance of ingredient lookup, especially in large kitchens
Modernized the API - this is a breaking change and mods that depended on the old API will need to be updated
Removed old compatibility datapack loading, as everything can be done through tags now
Removed Corner and Hanging Corner blocks in favor of new Kitchen Connector block
- Fixed crash on startup on Forge
- Fixed craft matrix not being populated right for shaped recipes, resulting in failed crafting
- Fixed craft matrix not being populated right for shaped recipes, resulting in failed crafting