Updates in 1.2.1
A very important patch is here with a fix to a major crash, along with some minor bug fixes.
We've also updated our Fabric and NeoForge requirements to 0.16.10 and 21.1.119 respectively!
And please note that currently Custom Portal API Reforged is currently required for the NeoForge port!
Changes to existing features:
[FABRIC ONLY] Updated from Fabric 0.16.7 to 0.16.10!
[NEOFORGE ONLY] Updated from NeoForge 21.1.80 to 21.1.119!
Bugs fixed:
Updated the credits!
Fixed 1.21 not being compatable!
Fixed a crash regarding LegacyRandomSource! (Thanks for TelepathicGrunt and Commoble for their help!)
Fixed Ancient Hanging Signs not having a texture!
Fixed Ancient Vines and Fungal Vines not matching Weeping/Twisted/Normal Vine compost chance.
Fixed Ancient Sign not being usable as fuel.
Fixed Ancient Hanging Sign not being usable as fuel.
Fixed Ancient Slab lacking the #minecraft:wooden_slabs tag.
Fixed Ancient Slab can now be used in composter recipe as well
Fixed Whirlweeds and Big Whirlweeds not being compostable
Fixed Whirlweeds and Big Whirlweeds not being usable as fuel
Fixed Belladonna and Coelus missing the #minecraft:flowers, #minecraft:sword_efficient, #minecraft:inside_step_sound_blocks and #minecraft:mineable/hoe tags
Fixed Glow Gravel lacking many tags that regular gravel uses (Including bygone tags)
Updates in 1.2.0a
Its time!! We have officially ported to NeoForge! We have some major things coming up that we look forward to sharing with you all! This update contains some new additions towards the major theme of the next major update (fully arriving in 1.2.1, barring an emergency patch), quite a few texture tweaks, and some bug fixes. We have the first piece of ambience courtesy of the talented @Quizzly_ !
New features in 1.2.0a
- Added the Ancient Sprinkler.
- Added the Belladonna and Coleus flowers.
- Added new ambience in the Shelfhollows.
- Added a new icon for the Bygone! Courtesy of the talented Patchouli!
Ancient Sprinkler
A new functional block that can only be found in Ruins across the Bygone, or the Sewers.
Can hydrate farmland up to 15 blocks away!
Can sometimes bonemeal (most) crops within that range if bonemealed!
Belladonna and Coleus flowers
Can be placed and broken like Pink Petals!
Found exclusively in the Primordial Oceans.
Changes to existing features:
Fungi Vines are now obtainable via shears!
Tweaked Arcane Cores to appear rarely as loot in common Vaults.
Updated the Rugosa Coral blockset textures.
Updated the Tabulata Coral blockset textures.
Updated the Sagaria texture.
Updated the Fungi Vines texture(s).
Updated the credits!
Bugs fixed:
Fixed all Fungi / Shelf vegetation not being compostable.
Fixed Alpha Moss Blocks and Carpets not being compostable.
Fixed Alpha Moss Blocks and Carpets not being able to be used as fuel.
Fixed the Arcane Core not having a display name.
Temporarily removed Primordial Oceans ambience while we work on a new take!
This patch contains a lot of changes to the Shelfhollows thanks to feedback we've received, as well as a few more additions!
New features in 1.1.1a
Added Orange/Pink/Purple Fungi Vines. They are only obtainable with shears!
Added Shelf Mold Moss. It is currently not spreadable!
Added a new falling leaf particle to Ancient Leaves.
Changes to existing features:
Completely overhauled the Fungal Parents model and texture.
Changed the Shelfhollow's fog color from pitch black to beige.
Adjusted the Purple Mushroom Block's bounciness from x2 to x1.2 times.
Adjusted the Shelfhollow's particle textures.
Adjusted the frequency of Shelfhollow particles that appear.
Adjusted how many (Fungal) Parents spawn.
Adjusted the Orange/Pink/Purple blocksets textures.
Technical additions or changes:
- Added "mold_replaceable" tag.
Bugs fixed:
Fixed Fungal Parents not having a display name.
Fixed Shelf Mold dropping Short Grass.
The first update of the new year is here!! We're introducing a brand new, fungal biome -- The Shelfhollows! You will find them generating alongside the Undergrove biome! We also broke SHOVELS last update, but thats been fixed this time, we pinkie promise.
New features in 1.1.0a:
- Added the Shelfhollow biome.
- Added the Orange/Pink/Purple Mushroom Blocks.
- Added the Orange/Pink/Purple Fungal Brickset.
- Added Shelf Mycelium and Shelf Mold blocks.
- Added new vegetation: Shelf Fungus, Mold, Roots, and Sprouts.
- Added the (Fungal) Parent and Child mobs.
- Added Fungal Parent mob spawn egg.
- Added Claystone Bricks blockset.
- Added stonecutter recipes for the Cobbled Bystone/Byslate family of blocks.
Shelfhollow Biome
- A quiet land filled with giant Mushroom Shelves and the occasional Sporeshroom.
- Spore particles fly around the player, but breathing them in isn't that bad for you!
Orange/Pink/Purple blocksets
- Found naturally-occuring on the cliffs of the Shelfhollow Biome!
- Each color has its own bounciness ratio: Orange will slowly stop a players bounces, Pink will almost immediately stop a players bounces, and Purple doubles the players bounces!
- You can craft a Brick blockset from each Mushroom Block as well!
- Both blocksets are preferred tool is Axe.
Shelf Mycelium and Shelf Mold Blocks
- Both make up the groundscape of the Shelfhollow, coating any Bystone it can find.
- Will naturally spread to any Bystone blocks in its vicinity.
- You can place any Nether Fungi blocks on them as well!
Shelfhollow Vegetation
- The landscape of the Shelfhollow is literred with new plants and fungi.
- THe Shelf Fungus/Roots/Sprouts can all be found growing from Shelf Mycelium.
- The Shelf Mold will only be found growing out of Shelf Mold Blocks.
(Fungal) Parent & Child mob
- A new, overly protective mob that will roam the Shelfhollows with their young. Do -not- approach the child if you don't want to be attacked!
- The Parent will poison the player, as well as damaging them normally from its attack.
- The Child will stick close to its Parent, and shy away from the Player.
Prototaxite Stem
- An experimental new block, does not currently have any uses nor is it available in Survival.
- More coming soon!
Changes to existing features:
Big Beaks can now have babies!
Amaranth Crops & associated items have new textures! (Courtesy of the extremely talented Betwixer!)
Renamed internal name of "hook" to "ancient_hook"
Changed Ancient Hook texture.
Tweaked Whirliweed generation.
Removed unused painting variant "Bob".
Bugs fixed:
Fixed Big Beaks not having proper subtitles.
Fixed the console log being spammed by Whirliweed generation.
Fixed all non-wooden Stairs not being in the "Stairs" tag.
Fixed Sand and Shovel tags being broken.
Fixed Ancient Roots not being obtainable in Survival.
Known bugs:
- Sometimes the Parent/Child mobs will generate on a floating island!
Updates in 1.0.1a
The last (last) patch of the year is here! We had a critical bug that affected the prior version that needed to be fixed! This patch comes with a lot of much needed fixes to older content, as long with a new batch of new features. (Excuse the programmer art for the Amaranth, it will be amended in the next update.)
New features:
Claystone Farmland
- Till Claystone with any Hoe to get this new block! It thrives in the dark(Under light level 8).
- A new crop that only grows in the dark (Under light level 8) on Claystone Farmland. It will not drop any seeds when broken!
Amaranth Seed
- A new seed found only within the Bygone Mineshafts and some Blemished Ruins.
Amaranth Grain
- A new item obtained from fully grown Amaranth.
Amaranth Loaf
- A new food item that gives the player two hearts instead of saturation! Crafted with Amaranth Grain.
Verdigris Scrap
- A rare resource found in loot chests in the Bygone Mineshafts and Sewers!
Verdigris Ingot
- A new ingot that can obtained by smelting Verdigris Scraps!
Blemished Ruins
- Added new iterations of the Ruins, with its own loot tables!
- Removed the old iterations of the structure.
- Added a new room to the Sewers.
Changes to existing features:
Adjusted Bygone Mineshaft loot.
Changed Verdigris tools to be repaired with Verdigris Ingots instead of Verdigris Scraps.
Tilling Coarse Claystone will turn it into Claystone!
Blemish Blocks spread when a Blemish Catalyst is activated.
Changed name of Under Grass from "short_grass" to "under_grass".
Bugs fixed:
Fixed Under Grass floating below ceiling when placed.
Fixed several broken data tags.
Fixed Blemish Blocks not generating when activating a Blemish Catalyst.
Fixed Sculk particles generating with Blemish Catalysts.
Fixed Pointed Amber not being obtainable.
Fixed Pointed Amber not falling as expected.
Fixed Pointed Amber turning into "tips" if broken.
Fixed Mossy Claystone not spreading naturally if light level was below 9.
Fixed Malachite Pillars not being available in the Stonecutter.
Removed "Suspicious" Umber.
Removed "Jaws" entity.
Updates in 1.0.0a
Welcome to the new (SemVer-approved) naming scheme for future Bygone updates! We've been working as much as we can, but Hanukkah's approaching so things will slow down before the New Year! This will be the final update of 2024, barring no critical bugs popping up! See you all in 2025, where even bigger and exciting things await the BYGONE...
New Features:
Sewers are a new structure in the Bygone that allows players to travel through the Byslate ceiling with ease
Sewers are found commonly in the Byslate ceiling of the Bygone (Around Y=200) in all biomes!
Sewers have "rooms" that can generate at the end of a pipe with unique loot!
Known issues
The Sewers entrances can sometimes generate -through- Byslate instead of in the air!
A new neutral mob that can sometimes be found in the Sewers!
Right now they'll try and eat some Copper oxidization and stick together.
More features are coming SOON to the Copperbug!
Copperbug Spawn Egg
A spawn egg for the Copperbug
A Item that can only be found in the Sewers, and Bygone Mineshafts
Only used (right now) to repair the Verdigris Blade and Verdigris Bow!
Verdigris Blade
A item that can only be found in the Sewers
Can block (most) damage by right-clicking! You can swing it faster than every other weapon in the game as well.
Is not enchantable and has a very low durability! Can be repaired with Verdirgris.
Changes to existing Features:
Mossy Claystone can now -spread- to normal Claystone blocks
Changed Underhangs water color to match the biome more!
Tweaked Big Beak Armor loot to be in the Sewers instead of Bygone Mineshafts!
Bugs fixed:
Fixed Mossy Claystone converting to Dirt when a block is above it!
Fixed "Jamies Block" existing and showing up in the Creative Tab
Fixed multiple names not existing for Blocks
Known Bugs (that WILL be fixed in 2025):
Pointed Amber. The entire block.
Blemish Blocks/Ruins.
Whats new in 0.0.7d!!
This has been released as an emergency patch, as there was a critical issue with Villager trades! We recommend using a brand new world with this patch! We're aware there is some bugs with the new content introduced, these will be fixed within the week!
As always, please report all bugs and feedback in the discord server!
New features:
Added Whirliweeds and Large Whirliweeds, new decorative plants that can be found in the Underhang!
Added the Arcane Core, a item that can only be found in Ominous Vaults and Trail Ruins! Use these to open the Bygone Portals! (Mechanics are a WIP!)
Added the Verdigris Bow, a unique Bow that instant shoots arrows! It has low durability, and can not be enchanted.
Added Pointed Amber.
Changes to existing Features:
Bygone Portal Frame Blocks have a new texture!
Glares have a new model and idle animations!
Glow Gourds can now be broken by -any- projectile!
Coarse Claystone is now craftable with Claystone and Gravel!
Cobbled Byslate/Bystone can be smelted to normal Byslate/Bystone!
Ancient Leaves, Roots, and Vines are now compostable!
The Ancient woodset can now be used as fuel!
Mossy Claystone now needs Silk Touch in order to be dropped!
Bugs fixed:
Fixed Big Beaks having 1HP - They now have a range of 2-5 Health!
Fixed Bygone ambience not having a subtitle!
Fixed Glow Gourd Vine/Gourds hitboxes being small!
Fixed Malachite Walls and Malachite Tile Walls not being usable!
Fixed Mooboos not having a Display name!
Fixed a critcial bug involving Villager Trades being gone!
Whats new in 0.0.7b!!
New Features:
Added Iron, Gold, and Diamond Big Beak Armor!
Added Glow Gourd Dangos! A edible light source that can be placed like a torch!
Added Glow Gourd Soup!
Added a new painting, "Hallucigeania", by ZLB1!
Added the Mooboo, a mob only found by dragging a Cow into the Bygone!
Added the Bygone Portal, a unique frame that only generates underground. Can be found naturally or via the cartographers new map!
NOTE: These are (currently) still activated with the Hook, but that will be replaced in the next update!
Experimental Features:
Added the Caster: A block that has a unique effect (and cooldown) when right clicked with a Breeze Rod! Its very much a work in progress, so please provide feedback!
Changes to existing Features:
Bygone Portals are no longer made out of Calcite Frames.
Added the Bygone Portal Map to cartographers!
Bygone Mineshafts now have unique loot, including the new Big Beak Armor + new food sources!
Bygone Mineshafts now generate with Glow Gourd Dangos instead of Torches!
Ancient Vines now naturally generate in the Underhang!
Gourds now break when their vines break, and can be broken by arrows!
Glow Gourd Slices give less saturation and hunger.
Changed Cobbled Byslate & Cobbled Bystone Textures!
Changed Creosote Sprouts to have a light level of 5 (This is a temporary fix while we see how dim the biome can be)
Montsechia/Sagaria can now be crafted into dyes!
Exotic Plumage can now be used in other recipes with Feathers!
Overall Big Beaks have gotten an overhaul, including:
New Animations!
New sounds!
Tweaked Health/Speed/Jump stats!
Bugs fixed:
Fixed multiple blocks/items being improperly tagged!
Fixed "Gourd Vines" not having a name!
Fixed Creosote Sprouts having a big hitbox
Fixed Campfires not being craftable with Stripped Ancient Logs/Wood!
Fixed Glow Gourds not dropping anything when broken with a non-axe.
Fixed Umber Bricks not being craftable.
Fixed all Bystone/Byslate Ores not being smeltable/blastable.
Fixed Sagaria not being compostable/smeltable (as fuel).
Fixed Coelacanths hitboxes being behind them
Fixed Beige Glow Gourds not having their Item model!
Fixed "Test" item being left in the Creative Inventory!
Fixed Big Beak armor not being equipable in the GUI!
Fixed Ancient Hook -launching- players when they spam the item against the wall
Fixed Glow Gourd Soup being stackable!
KNOWN BUGS: Bygone Portals still generate in Lava, sometimes? (Please report this with the seed + coords when you find it!)
Coming in the next major release:
A unique item to light the Bygone Portal Frame
A custom sky texture! (This was delayed due to issues with rendering!)
MORE Caster functionality!
One new subbiome!
The Bygones first "unique" Structure!
A new and unique Tool!
Whats new in 0.0.6d!
New features:
Added Glow Gourds! There are three variants, and each have their own food item! It is found naturally on the roof of the Underhang!
Added Umber Bricks, Amberstone, and Cobbled Amberstone!
Added Cobbled Bystone and Byslate slabs, stairs, walls! (Texture still a WIP!)
Added spawn eggs for multiple new mobs!
Experimental features:
Added Mineshaft's to the Underhang biome!
More Amber Ruin variants!
Changes to existing features:
Replaced Glowing Amber strips in Amber Deserts with Amberstone!
Added Flowing Amber to the bottom of Amber Chunks!
Tweaked Ambient sounds in the Amber Desert!
Buffed ore generation in the Bygone!
Bugs fixed:
Fixed more mob spawning bugs!
Fixed Ancient Vines block model not existing!
Fixed Ancient Vines not having a drop!
Removed "Fossilized Amber" and another block used for testing!
Coming up in 0.0.7a:
Expect 0.0.7a in around two-three weekends!!
Whats changed in 0.0.6c!
Before opening up the world in this update, PLEASE remember to delete the bygone dimension folder!
Yes, we skipped over 0.0.6b. There was a bug that would make Primordial Oceans unplayable, so we had to revoke it entirely.
New features:
Added Cobbled Bystone and Cobbled Byslate!
Added the "Amber Ruins"!
Changes to existing features:
Renamed "Flowing Amber" to "Glowing Amber"
Renamed "Bygonestone" to "Bystone"
Renamed "Bygoneslate" to "Byslate"
Tweaked "Malachite Pillar" texture
Added an actual bottom to the Primordial Vent model
Added -additional- Creosote Sprouts generation to the Amber Desert!
Reduced the amount of Primordial Vents that generate
Bugs fixed:
Fixed Amber Desert water being the wrong color.
Fixed Primordial Urchins "flickering"
Fixed Patchouli not being in the credits!
Fixed Ancient Wood/Logs not properly being in the Wood tag! (Which meant stuff like campfires weren't craftable!)
Fixed Coarse Claystone having a space before its display name!
Fixed too many mobs spawning in the Primordial Ocean.
Fixed the jar name being "jamiesmod" instead of "bygone"
Scuttles spawn-- In the air sometimes??
EXPERIMENTAL Suspicious Umber doesn't work right now!!
Whats next?
Cobbled Bystone & Byslate textures, as well as Stairs, Slabs, and Walls!
Glow Gourds!
Big Beak tweaks + additions!
More Amber Desert iterations!
More Blemished Ruins!
Updates in 0.0.6a
Before opening up the world in this update, PLEASE remember to delete the bygone dimension folder!
We have a lot of technical changes, as well as the first iteration of the Amber Desert, and the Blemish, a structure-dependant infestation. Please report any feedback or bugs you may find in the discord!! Its been super helpful having so much feedback, and I'm so excited we're about to hit 500 downloads already! Theres a lot more to come, with the next patch focusing on bug fixes, Amber Desert and Blemish iterations, and Big Beak revamps.
We will more then likely not be porting to 1.21.3, as we'd rather wait for 1.21.4/The Winter Drop to, well, drop!
New features:
Added Exotic Arrows! A short range arrow that'll return to the player if it misses its target! Made with a new drop from the Big Beak!
Added 'Cooked' Coelacanth, a new 'food' source that you should probably stick to giving to your friends.
New "ambience" in the Primordial Oceans!
A new song from LudoCrypt has been added to the Underhang, titled "Changing"!
Added the "Ruins", an experimental new structure that introduces the Blemish.
Added the Blemish "Catalyst" and "Vein".
Added the "Amber Desert" biome! A new environment filled with massive amber chunks and fossils.
Added the Amber blockset!
Added Creosote and Creosote Sprouts, two new decorative plants found in the Amber Desert!
Changes to existing features:
Upgraded the Biome Map, it's highly recommended to delete/reset the dimension folder prior to opening the world.
Updated the Underhangs internal ID being "ancient_forest" to "underhang"!
Updated the internal ID / jar name to the Bygone!!
Updated the Primordial Sand texture! (Hopefully for the last time)
Bugs fixed:
Fixed Clouds being "see through" when placed on solid blocks.
Fixed Glares/Big Beaks spawning too often.
Fixed Ancient Roots not generating correctly.
Fixed internal version number being "1.0.0"
Fixed Overworld features such as Azalea Trees generating in the Underhang
Fixed Overworld giant ore veins generating in the Bygone
Entering/Exiting Bygone text is bugged!
Whats fixed in 0.0.5c!
Fixed a LOT of bugs thanks to Ethan_4D!! This may be the last patch until next weekend, so stay tuned!
Changes to existing features:
Updated Chiseled Malachite recipe not being two slabs.
Bugs fixed:
Fixed Malachite Pillars/Doors not being craftable in Survival
Fixed bounding boxes for several blocks.
Fixed multiple blocks not being compostable
Fixed multiple blocks not being fuel
Fixed Ancient Logs not smelting into Charcoal
Fixed Oceanstone not being usable for other stone recipes
Fixed Malachite Doors/Charnias dropping in Creative
Fixed Ancient Grass model rendering incorrectly
Fixed Primordial Urchin not having a name.
Whats new in 0.0.5b!
We're hard at work finishing up the Primordial Ocean! Whats left for it is just tweaks to the generation, and finalizing the AI of the new mobs.
We're also very happy to say we've been featured in a Youtube video for the first time!! Check out EnderVerse's video here!
New features:
Added Coelacanth mob
Added Trilobite mob
Added Carnia block
Added Malachite slabs, stairs, and walls
Added Malachite Tile slabs, stairs, and walls
Added Ancient Signs & Hanging Signs!
Added <REDACTED> block! (Work in progress!)
Made all Malachite variants available in Survival via crafting
Changed gravel that generated on bottom "shelf" of the Primordial Ocean to Basalt!
NOW COMPATIBLE WITH 1.21!! (Please report any issues you may have!)
Updated Rugosa coral textures! (Still temporary until our artist can get to it!)
Primordial Sand no longer has a light level.
Glow Gravel's light level has been updated from 8 to 4.
Bugs fixed:
Fixed numerous errors that popped up in the console.
Fixed the song "Gelida" not playing ingame
Fixed Malachite Door texture being unaligned
Fixed Ancient Grass not having a name
Fixed old Ancient Signs/Hanging Signs crashing the game.
Whats new in 0.0.5a!
As we close out the Primordial Ocean, we're beginning to work on the next two biomes! Whats left for the Primordial Ocean, you might ask? At least three more mobs (Two passive, one hostile) and two more plant blocks!
New features:
Added Glow Gravel, a nice gravel variant that, well- glows!
Added Tabulata and Rugosa coral blocksets!
Gravel now generates on the lowest stack (the generatated shelves of blocks) of the Primordial Ocean.
Tabulata and Rugosa coral now generates on the high to middle stacks of the Primordial Ocean.
Adjusted Primordial Vent generation to only generate on the lower stacks.
Adjusted Blue Algue generation to only generate on the top stacks.
Added underwater fog to the Primordial Ocean
Bugs fixed:
Fixed new corals generating in the overworld. Fixed Ancient Grass not having a item model! Added gladosedition to the Credits!
Started work on the <REDACTED> biome!
Fixed Scuttle rendering
Final 0.0.4 version (hopefully) as we finish up the primordial oceans!
Mobs: The Scuttle, a new hostile mob that loves spewing out spikes of weakness at any nearby players!
We still have three more mobs left for this biome as well!
Blocks: The sea urchin, a new "hostile" block that swells up when touched!
The primordial vent, a new billowing block that only activates underwater.
The crimoids, a new underwater plant.
Malachite Tiles not being droppable.
Please report any bugs and/or feedback to the discord!
Add (a few) blocks + vanilla mobs to the Primordial Oceans
Fixed a few bugs related to the Glare.
Updated the Primordial Oceans
Added Malachite blockset (most of which aren't craftable yet)
Added Primordial Sand (We're still experimenting with colors! Please provide feedback if you can)
Added -vegetation- (Placeholder for our own ancient sealife)
Tweaked Ancient woodset colors
Fixed numerous bugs (Including Blue Algae having the incorrect name, and small clouds not generating.)